Entries in backstab (3)

A Rogue's Bloody, Stealthy Journey

nowyouseeme Now you see me...
When I first rolled Locomomo, going rogue was an easy choice. I thought the idea of having stealth right from level 1 was absolutely brilliant. I loved it, and reveled in it. From the start, I embraced the cunning practice of disappearing into the shadows and pick pocketing my enemies before ambushing them with poisons. By the time I was seen, my dagger already was bloody with my opponent's innards. Just like most other elusive rogues, I didn't mind using crafty, violent and yes, even straight up vile methods to down those who would stand against me. The power consumed me, and I grew stronger.
nowyoudont Now you don't!
My deception also was my entertainment: I took comfort in harassing those who couldn't see me. I would stealth, and choose a friendly, lower-level target to distract while they puzzled at a puff of smoke exploding, and then laughter echoing in the seemingly empty street in front of them. But slowly, the novelty wore off. Sap and Cheap Shot became routine, and my daggers rusty. I was eager to level, and I traded in the backstabbers for two shiny new swords. A quick respec for dual-wielding swords, and I was ready to go. No more backstab or ambush, my two key skills requiring daggers. No hopes for mutilate, either. And not as much need for stealth, since I didn't have to get behind my enemy. But level, I did. Soon, I reached Outland, and then Northrend. It was the Borean Tundra that brought me back to my stealthy roots. First, a series of quests led me to the Fang of the Desolate Soul. Then, east to Dragonblight where I was asked to kill Magister Keldonus and in exchange, take possession of the Backtwister. A free respec for patch 3.1.1 solidified my conviction - it was time to  regain my close quarters combat specialization and rediscover my love for stealthier gameplay. So far, I'm having a bloody good time. Now I wouldn't say that rogues are the best class for everyone. And I can't leave out the fact that we've gotten nerfed from time to time. But I'm in it for the fun. And, damn. Stealth is fun. I think iTZKooPA knows what I'm talking about, and also has some good tips for the muti spec. So now you all know one of my favorite aspects of being a rogue. Based on a thread in our forums, I know I'm not the only one. So, what is it that drives you to play your class?

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You Know You're a WoW Addict When...

You know you're a WoW addict when... the lore of Azeroth and its wide cast of characters follows you into slumber. I have had many a night, usually after an action-packed evening of playing until I can't keep my eyes open any more, in which my main character continues her conquests in my mind, while my body is at rest. Unfortunately, usually when this happens, I can't remember all my awesomeness when I wake up. I just have a feeling that whatever Locomomo was up to, she kicked some serious tail. But there are a couple of dreams, at least, of which I retained hazy bits and pieces. The first time I remember dreaming about WoW also was when I had a terrible cold. I stayed home from work, and made a couple feeble attempts at playing. Each time, the game made me feel dizzy and even worse. So I gave up on that idea. But apparently even trying to play left an impression on my medicated and sleepy mind. Maybe it was the cold medicine; maybe it was withdrawal from leveling. Either way, my head hit the pillow, and I was seeing my rogue in double vision. Patches of neon colors swirled around her as she stun-locked a random, made-up giant with a combination of ambush, gouge, backstab, gouge, eviscerate. She may have been controlled by an out-of-it mind, but she still knew how to put up a decent fight. My other, more recent dream memory is even less clear. But I think I fought a really powerful, undead frost dragon. And single-handedly tore him to shreds. Looking back, I hypothesize that the wyrm could have been Sapphiron, who now haunts those unfortunate enough to disturb his lair in Naxxramas. Now just how my level 71 rogue could have taken him out on her own? That is her secret that she will carry to the grave. Or maybe the Spirit Healer. The biggest downside - when I wake up, all the experience I could have gained from such an epic encounter is wiped. Something that awesome could have taken me way past the level 80 cap. Old school, I'd be all the way to level 99. If only. Yes, there are many tell-tale signs of a WoW addict. And every now and then, I'll be detailing the symptoms here at Project Lore. So do you know someone who has been sleeping erratically or gurgling "Arthas..." while thrashing in his or her bed? Perhaps yourself, even? You know the cure: more WoW.

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Rogue Does It From Behind; I Die

Hmm....No One To Heal...What a weekend. I told myself that I would have to get to level 67 on my Priest, if I wanted to make sure that she was ready for Wrath. I informed my girlfriend of my goal, and although she doesn't know too much about the game (“Worlds of Warcrafts”), or exactly how it works (read, time consuming), she said it was fine. So there I was, a level 66 Priest with solid healing gear, Holy specced, itching to instance and grind, with nothing to hold me back from garnering tens of thousands of experience. Then it hit me, an Ambush from a decked out level 70 Rogue. Queue Spirit of Redemption (haven't respecced yet).

Let me lay it out for you, I absolutely suck at PvP on my Priest. My inability to defend my squishy self is mostly due to inexperience, but I doubt a Holy spec would be a good defender anyways; Discipline would seem like the better candidate. While questing in Terokkar Forest, the zone PvP objective, Spirits of Auchindoun, popped, and I jumped at the chance for some PvP, while getting another quest done. After struggling to capture towers, I spirit resurrected and attempted to ninja one that had been left alone since the start of the contests. I failed, and the Horde won the towers shortly thereafter.

I figured that I was safe from additional PvP due to my sickness, however I was wrong. As I hung out at the Refugee Camp, kiting Bonelashers into the defenders for the kill, I meet the business end of a dagger, while still under the sickness...Why the hell would he kill me? He didn't gain anything. Was it a friend on a horde account just screwing with me? Perhaps a reader who didn't agree with a blog post?

It didn't end there. The Rogue in question continued to kill me a few more times, once more while I was still sick. Being the stubborn person that I am, I simply kept going about my business, killing the Bonelashers. The Rogue must have realized my objective, because he stopped killing me and focused on the buzzards. Once they were all dead, he went back to his old habit.

Obviously, this “Champion of Naaru,” was screwing with me. I am all for a good prank and good fun, but I was supposed to be leveling! Time is becoming scarce and this backstabbing Undead Rogue halted my progress for a solid hour. I swear, this guy must have had an Alliance account, because no matter where I went in Terokkar Forest to grind, he appeared shortly after to kill me, my target mobs, or both.

Cheers to you Silith, I had a chuckle and congratulate you on your dedication to one-shotting. But please, next time have the common decency to ask if it is okay to tea bag me.

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