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A Rogue's Bloody, Stealthy Journey

Now you see me...

When I first rolled Locomomo, going rogue was an easy choice. I thought the idea of having stealth right from level 1 was absolutely brilliant. I loved it, and reveled in it. From the start, I embraced the cunning practice of disappearing into the shadows and pick pocketing my enemies before ambushing them with poisons. By the time I was seen, my dagger already was bloody with my opponent's innards. Just like most other elusive rogues, I didn't mind using crafty, violent and yes, even straight up vile methods to down those who would stand against me. The power consumed me, and I grew stronger.

Now you don't!

My deception also was my entertainment: I took comfort in harassing those who couldn't see me. I would stealth, and choose a friendly, lower-level target to distract while they puzzled at a puff of smoke exploding, and then laughter echoing in the seemingly empty street in front of them.

But slowly, the novelty wore off. Sap and Cheap Shot became routine, and my daggers rusty. I was eager to level, and I traded in the backstabbers for two shiny new swords. A quick respec for dual-wielding swords, and I was ready to go. No more backstab or ambush, my two key skills requiring daggers. No hopes for mutilate, either. And not as much need for stealth, since I didn't have to get behind my enemy. But level, I did.

Soon, I reached Outland, and then Northrend. It was the Borean Tundra that brought me back to my stealthy roots. First, a series of quests led me to the Fang of the Desolate Soul. Then, east to Dragonblight where I was asked to kill Magister Keldonus and in exchange, take possession of the Backtwister. A free respec for patch 3.1.1 solidified my conviction - it was time to  regain my close quarters combat specialization and rediscover my love for stealthier gameplay. So far, I'm having a bloody good time.

Now I wouldn't say that rogues are the best class for everyone. And I can't leave out the fact that we've gotten nerfed from time to time. But I'm in it for the fun. And, damn. Stealth is fun. I think iTZKooPA knows what I'm talking about, and also has some good tips for the muti spec.

So now you all know one of my favorite aspects of being a rogue. Based on a thread in our forums, I know I'm not the only one. So, what is it that drives you to play your class?

Reader Comments (35)

Hmm...originally it was mail and plate armor. Now, well, it's just the fact that I don't have to level him to do heroics and I know how to play the warrior class better than other classes.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAda

I have always liked helping my group in other way besides my DPS/Tanking/Healing. That's why I rolled a Paladin. Hybrid class with several buffs for your group.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

Mage, what isn't there to like, easy one on one combat MASSIVE DEEPS,portals when ever the hell you like and you never run out of food. cant beat it. xD

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkieran

My first character was a human mage, but I kept getting my butt kicked. I wanted to kick ass and take names, so I switched to my human warrior. I'm a female (IRL and in Wow) so that gets some attention. I've got a few alts: druid, hunter, mage, but it's my warrior that has become my main because I enjoy getting right in there and ruling.

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

hunter because of what I rolled, how I like Lore and animals, and I know my Class. Though I've understood that I'm a Druid and Warrior at heart. Which I'm lvling atm :P

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Dude, i rolled rogue as my main and i effin love it. Stealthing and kicking ass describes one of the many aspects of playing a rogue. Great post. Take pride in the stealth!

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

i used to play on a private server and had a lvl 34 hunter on that, then when i came to play real world of warcraft i thought i didn't want to start over with another hunter so i became a gnome mage but as soon as i went into warsong gulch and saw all those hunters i realy missed it (strangly enough i felt ''naked'' without tracking ability's) so i put my mage on the side and once again started a night elf hunter (night elves are the best class ofcourse^^) i'm now happily lvl 80 and still playing my hunter for far to much time


May 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterergodynx

My first characters past 15 were Warlock and Priest. I love people getting pissed off when I fear then around in BGs/Arenas and I love to save asses with the best of them as a holy priest.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

When I first rolled my priest, it was mostly because I had always rolled deeps classes and I wanted a change, so I initially wanted to hit max level and go holy. But I ended up falling madly in love with Shadow spec and the amazing face-melting pvp abilities and the crazy deeps it puts out.
Shado 4 Lyfe

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDalag

I play a druid because I can never stick to one role in a group. I play balance because moonkin is awesome and it's so easy to use and with good gear, I sweep the deeps as good as any hunter.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAllen Ibrahim

Warlock cause I turn into a mini Illidan, rain fire on peoples faces, I curse you!, and I can also sweep the deeps.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrowtz

I chose a paladin. Reason behind it is I wanted to do some good damage (Retribution) but didn't wanna be a squishy player. I was gunna pick a warrior, but they could heal. And I figured if I desperatly needed to heal myself and do some damage at the same time. Pick a pally. Good armor and healz.
That's all I need.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

Mage, because i enjoy the plastyle of a mage (stand back and spam a few buttons) and being able to portal myself and others anywhere, having as much food and drink as i like, and slow falling off cliffs :D

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott

well my main is a 80 DK but i have been on him in weeks i been playing my alt mage level 79 and a half i started my mage oround three years ago when i was quickly bored with my warlock i made a mage after getting him to level 2 my cousin wanted me to go back to my warlock and then my druid but all were left in the dust when my 10 day free trial ended when i got the box and dowloaded teh game i went mage once again first tried a human mage but then went to my gnome mage and unlike before i exauly stock with him but in the mid 20 i gave up on him again i tried many diffrent other classes druid warlock even a rogue and a hunter my hunter was my main untill WOTLK over teh last three years i have been on and of my mage now he is a 79 and a half my druid is 56 my rogeu 37 my warlock 39 and my hunter is 73 my point is mages take patience all the classes do and for e my mage was th easist to deal with

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

hate rogues. and belfs. gay backstabbers.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjames

Good blog! hmm What drives me as a hunter.. well i like to send my raptor at others and then send a hell of bullets towards my opponents head. from the start i loved annihilating my enemies without they even had a chance to do any damage to me. Even though so many get bored with their lvl 80 hunter i really still love to rip any one in my path to shreds and surprising them by all of a sudden going crazy with my gun. i have tried other classes but they dont really give me that feeling of superiority or that kickass dps. Keep sweepin the dps every 1!

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrian

Rogue FTW.., For the horde....

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

I originally rolled Hunter, mainly because I loved having a pet at my side, especially when that pet is damn near as strong as the hunter himself. After gaining about 30-40 lvls with him I rolled a rogue for a while, got him to lvl 33 and realized it wasnt for me, so I deleted him, by this time my hunter was around 50-55. At this time I picked up BC, a little later then everyone else, right around the time BT came out. So I made a BE warlock, mainly because its another pet class. and eventually I made my BE paladin. Now I have my hunter and paladin to 80, and my lock to 71. I love my hunter cuz he can do major dps, and u never quest alone, in a manner of speaking. My lock for the same reason as my hunter, but he adds a bit of an evil twist in the mix. I love my pally because I can tank and heal with GREAT efficiency, and soloing is just as easy as it is with my hunter. But I definatly enjoy raiding the most. I love being flexible, thats why my dual spec is main holy, off prot.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCeleria

Notice his characters talents and weapons. That talent build for daggers just su*ks big time. No wonder he doesnt like rogue any more, hes having hard time whith that build.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNotice

I Believe that the quality of this author is always questionable, she hasn't written anything about anything that's worth reading about since May 5th,
"Easing into WoW Lingo". This article is informative, however, it give any more insight into the game on a large scale, if the author had written about how rouges tactics in patch 3.1.1 against other classes a little, I believe that this article would be more informative.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMicah Fields

i hit 80 on my mage 2 hours ago heriocs here i come

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


Private server = pirate server. 'Nuff said.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

i can still see you.must be cause im a human har har

May 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternick

Warlock.. Why you may ask? because Ozzy is a warlock ofcourse!

But in all seriousness, i like setting people on fire :)

May 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

Over the past 4 years, I've played almost every class in the game, on both sides. My favorite classes, though, are the shaman, death knight, and the rogue. On the subject of the rogue, nothing beats the ability to sneak into a camp of mobs, pick all of their pockets, and sneak out unnoticed. I think the biggest problem most people have with playing rogues is the patience that's neccessary to stealth in, pick the right time and place, backstab your opponent, take him down, and then leave unnoticed. It takes the right mindset to play correctly.

May 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDinaus

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