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A Rogue's Bloody, Stealthy Journey

Now you see me...

When I first rolled Locomomo, going rogue was an easy choice. I thought the idea of having stealth right from level 1 was absolutely brilliant. I loved it, and reveled in it. From the start, I embraced the cunning practice of disappearing into the shadows and pick pocketing my enemies before ambushing them with poisons. By the time I was seen, my dagger already was bloody with my opponent's innards. Just like most other elusive rogues, I didn't mind using crafty, violent and yes, even straight up vile methods to down those who would stand against me. The power consumed me, and I grew stronger.

Now you don't!

My deception also was my entertainment: I took comfort in harassing those who couldn't see me. I would stealth, and choose a friendly, lower-level target to distract while they puzzled at a puff of smoke exploding, and then laughter echoing in the seemingly empty street in front of them.

But slowly, the novelty wore off. Sap and Cheap Shot became routine, and my daggers rusty. I was eager to level, and I traded in the backstabbers for two shiny new swords. A quick respec for dual-wielding swords, and I was ready to go. No more backstab or ambush, my two key skills requiring daggers. No hopes for mutilate, either. And not as much need for stealth, since I didn't have to get behind my enemy. But level, I did.

Soon, I reached Outland, and then Northrend. It was the Borean Tundra that brought me back to my stealthy roots. First, a series of quests led me to the Fang of the Desolate Soul. Then, east to Dragonblight where I was asked to kill Magister Keldonus and in exchange, take possession of the Backtwister. A free respec for patch 3.1.1 solidified my conviction - it was time to  regain my close quarters combat specialization and rediscover my love for stealthier gameplay. So far, I'm having a bloody good time.

Now I wouldn't say that rogues are the best class for everyone. And I can't leave out the fact that we've gotten nerfed from time to time. But I'm in it for the fun. And, damn. Stealth is fun. I think iTZKooPA knows what I'm talking about, and also has some good tips for the muti spec.

So now you all know one of my favorite aspects of being a rogue. Based on a thread in our forums, I know I'm not the only one. So, what is it that drives you to play your class?

Reader Comments (35)

I used to love my rogue, first char i got to 70, but she is now much neglected, in Northrend, but STILL level 70, all the nerfs made me lose my love for the class to be honest.

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjimbob

I rolled a hunter for one reason, everything is hunter gear!

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAgán

Questing is my favorite part of playing my rogue. Stealthing in, incapacitating guards, assassinating a dude for his head or whatever and vanishing out is intrinsically badass.

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJimi

warlock cuz hes overpowered and can pwn all classes nuff said.

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPopcap

Can't freakin stand the rogues when they gank me in PvP, but i love playing them. I've only played my rogue up to 15 but it's fun being able to stealth and get right up to my opponent and start wailing on 'em before they've had time to hit me.

But for me, at heart, i'll always be a Hunter. My hunter was the very first class i tried and i can't describe the enjoyment i get from the class. There are downtimes, like switching things after a nerf to be sure im still acceptable for raiding, and then there are upsides too. Such as the insane damage Volley did after Lich King was released.

Also, it's always fun to go out and tame random animals and see what kind of DPS they can crank out.

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

my cousin lets me play his 80 rogue they are fun as hell level 37 is not that fun but once you get to the high levels oh baby i love bieng able to walk though a cave to find corpse or something and not having to fight one mob not taht it whould take to long yea my cousin rogue is in full 25 naxx gear but rogues are just natruly good walking the path of teh shodow and its very fun to come out of shadow and shove my deggers up someones ass i dont care who it is if the name plate is red he/she/it will die i even kill criters though it kind of gets boring to one shot teh criters i much rather my pray to put up a little fight

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

i lvld my warrior to 80, got him fairly well geared and then i started lvling my druid one day and thought "hey i like this" bought dual spec at lvl 65 and now im rocking a feral/resto. just dinged 80 3 days ago and can tank as well as my warrior can, solo well in cat form and im working on my healing set. absolutely loving the challenge of it. my pally is next

May 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlbullno

Marlock (mage/lock) I'm sweepin the dps!

May 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Awesome

Originally rogue got to 70 started working on alts then when WotLK came out got my hunter to 80 then started working on my DK. When I read this blog a few days ago it made me reminisce and as you mentioned a free respec thanks to the patch, I'm already 73 and loving it again.

May 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJesie

i originally had a paladin in order to protect a friend of mine's mage, but then i had exams. The next time i logged on, he was nearly 30 levels above me. I then, of course fell in love with a hunter, because i never got hurt (except for bad pulls). After WotLK came to my ears (or rather, eyes) i started playing the beta. What fun ^^. Death Knights were OP back then. I then went ahead with my hunter till 55 (running out of quests, and finding it hard to dispose of mobs) and made the death journey with a dwarf death knight. I will only say it was...different. Great until level 80. Then came along PvP. I got owned left, right, center and up or down. I am now working on a warrior after having plastered with my friends. (Sry if this post is a bit long)

Corruptlight (Thunderhorn EU)

May 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCorruptlight

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