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You Know You're a WoW Addict When...

You know you're a WoW addict when... the lore of Azeroth and its wide cast of characters follows you into slumber. I have had many a night, usually after an action-packed evening of playing until I can't keep my eyes open any more, in which my main character continues her conquests in my mind, while my body is at rest.

Unfortunately, usually when this happens, I can't remember all my awesomeness when I wake up. I just have a feeling that whatever Locomomo was up to, she kicked some serious tail. But there are a couple of dreams, at least, of which I retained hazy bits and pieces.

The first time I remember dreaming about WoW also was when I had a terrible cold. I stayed home from work, and made a couple feeble attempts at playing. Each time, the game made me feel dizzy and even worse. So I gave up on that idea. But apparently even trying to play left an impression on my medicated and sleepy mind. Maybe it was the cold medicine; maybe it was withdrawal from leveling. Either way, my head hit the pillow, and I was seeing my rogue in double vision. Patches of neon colors swirled around her as she stun-locked a random, made-up giant with a combination of ambush, gouge, backstab, gouge, eviscerate. She may have been controlled by an out-of-it mind, but she still knew how to put up a decent fight.

My other, more recent dream memory is even less clear. But I think I fought a really powerful, undead frost dragon. And single-handedly tore him to shreds. Looking back, I hypothesize that the wyrm could have been Sapphiron, who now haunts those unfortunate enough to disturb his lair in Naxxramas. Now just how my level 71 rogue could have taken him out on her own? That is her secret that she will carry to the grave. Or maybe the Spirit Healer.

The biggest downside - when I wake up, all the experience I could have gained from such an epic encounter is wiped. Something that awesome could have taken me way past the level 80 cap. Old school, I'd be all the way to level 99. If only.

Yes, there are many tell-tale signs of a WoW addict. And every now and then, I'll be detailing the symptoms here at Project Lore. So do you know someone who has been sleeping erratically or gurgling "Arthas..." while thrashing in his or her bed? Perhaps yourself, even? You know the cure: more WoW.

Reader Comments (35)

sadly, I have had dreams like that :P

today at work, I was looking at my email inbox and saw all the whiners saying our gov't comp isn't working....my first thought was "QQ more noob"

I definitely play too much

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternoobalicious

lol "cure: more WoW." lmao


April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGorthex

Always love pixtstixy's posts! And yes, i have had my fair share of wow related dreams, but they shall stay in my mind, for now!

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjimbob

damn, can't edit for spelling :S of course i meant to type pixiestixy

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjimbob

The other day, i had a dream that my priest (i have played every class but priest) that i had just bought some heirloom gear for hit lvl 80 and was running Naxx.. the only thing i rememeber from that.. is that as i cast renew and shield on myself.. i die...

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

I've always used WoW/other games to fall asleep.

I'll go to bed, close my eyes, and try to visualize an instance or a level of a game from start to finish, with all the hallways and pulls and everything. I usually fall asleep very quick!

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCloudbearer

Damn! Before this post I thought I'm not WoW addict. But I really had a wow related dream it was about the start of WotLK and I was playing as a DK and I killed Arthas.
P.S. Pixiestixy, a picture of dragon is called Saphirion.jpg, but as I remember the dragon on the account registration screen is Sindragosa, but I can be wrong.

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIvan

It has been 7 days since my last venture into the world of warcraft and i am still alive. Work for me is like this. I work by shifts.

But i have to admit i miss the friends there.

I think that is the strongest part of the game. The fact that on the other side there is a flesh and bone person. I love that feeling.
That's why i only play WOW now.

No point on playing alone.

See ya guys...

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPedro Ginja

so true..

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

You know you're a WoW addict when...

...you can't sleep with a girl because you keep thinking about how you want that damn netherdrake and still has days of grinding to go. Happened to me once back in TBC.

I waited for her to fall asleep, then I sneaked out the bed and went home to play WoW. She didn't call.

Made me realize I had to take a break and it wasn't that bad again after I started again.

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterManovan

Lol this is funny that you post about dreaming of WoW. I play a BM hunter and in the last few weeks, I've been trying like hell to find the rare spirit beast, Loque'Nahak.

Just two nights ago I dreamt that I was in Sholazar Basin and that I had finally saw him. I tamed him, but right after I pressed a macro that I forgot had a PetAbandon() script in it (to get rid of the trash pet quickly).

So in my dream, I tamed Loque but abandoned him accidentally right after lol. Weird thing is, right after that I saw him again and tamed him once more. I saw him for a 3rd time and I vaguely remember trying to let another hunter he was spawned.

I think trying to find this spirit beast is causing me to slowly descend into madness =P

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShoyarite

I've never dreamed about playing WoW, that I can remember... but I have dreamed that I was my main, and I was was fishing off the bridge in lakeshire. I woke up and knew I'd spent too much time doing some fishing quest. No wonder my fishing is at 7.

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

I've turned down the good RL grinding, instead to go grinding on WoW.

Silly me. =[

I still dinged though!

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I've had my share of dreams concerning WoW, although I've found another sign that I'm addicted is when I start referring real life events to those in Warcraft lore.

"Hey, that's kinda like when Arthas wiped out Quel'thalas," is not the best thing to mention when watching the news.

Now I'm not that big of a lore geek, but one of the facets of WoW I particularly enjoy is being able to go to places in-game that was site of some significant (or insignificant) event. Being able to say, 'Oh, so this is where ... took place' brings a smile to my face.

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZvonimir

If I dream of games its usually not of any specific game, but I'm usually the character for a while until by the end of the dream I'm playing myself...It's kind of weird. But If anyone out there watches G4 or X-play Morgan Webb actually addressed this phenomenon in one of her little Morgan Minutes.

Any G4 watchers out there?

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaskun

I caught myself thinking in wow speak sometimes, not "lol" or "QQ" but things like lag, dc, noob and stats.

I dream of wow regularly.

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermacbethy

This is an interesting article. There's been some research done on psychology of wow, but I don't know enough on it. We can all agree that at some point you've crossed that line where wow bleeds into your subconscious. Happy dreams!

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZachWB

I dream about WoW alot...i am just so set on beating the game (expansion) that sometimes i dream of raiding Naxx and a mess of ruins that i assume is what my mind thinks Ulduar would be...ofc i have been grounded from WoW for a while so i haven't done much raiding so this may have triggered these dreams...maybe i should tell my parents the only cure for these dreams is WoW....

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSolarphoenix

Okay, there was this really epic I wanted from an instance a while back (don't ask me what, I forgot now). I had done the instance (which I hated, so that didn't help) about 10 times but it still didn't drop.

One night, I dreamt that I run it with my 4 favorite guildies (who I happen to know in real life). The run was perfect with no wipes or bad pulls AND the item I wanted dropped at the end!

When I woke up, I thought the dream might have been some kind of sign, so I raced to my phone and told my friends to come over to run the instance (we all play at my house when we raid/do heroics usually). They all came over and we had a perfect run, as usual, but, of course, I didn't get the drop.

Such is life,

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSathas

I had a dream that seemed to mix reality with WoW the other night. I was running along a tropical beach untill i came across several large shiny rocks where i then rubbed my hands together for 5 seconds (this dream was before 3.0.1 lol) to collect boobs. For some reason my mind combined the 2 things a really enjoy and used WoW to help me grind boobies. Im not complaining about the dream but i must say im glad it wasnt a daily XD

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBubbles

perhaps an even better cure for WoW addiction is more cowbell

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchurchill

Yes I play too much, and yes I have WoW dreams.

A recent one that I think sucked the most: I opened my mysterious egg, and out pops my green proto drake.
I wake up, log on WoW, open my egg, and get yokes. :(

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBobCharabini

@Gorthex - What, would you have suggested cowbell? Nevermind, @churchill already suggested that :)

@jimbob - Thanks, I enjoy reading your comments!

@Ivan - hmm, you SAY you're not a WoW addict, yet you point out to me that my picture is of the wrong dragon. And I'd have thought there only room for ONE undead frost dragon, but indeed the World of Warcraft is a vast one. And my picture is of the other one! Such is life. But seriously, can 2 undead frost dragons really look that different? ;)

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

I've had dreams involving WoW before, but I can't remember them. Which is unfortunate, as I *think* some of them were quite comedic. :(

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I realized I was an addict while watching the insta-classic South Park episode, "Make Love, not Warcraft". The plot revealed Stan's dad to be playing a human hunter, and I thought to myself,"Humans can't be hunters, you dumb*sses!". Immediately after I thought that, I thought to myself, "You are a WoW nerd."

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndra

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