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You Know You're a WoW Addict When...

You know you're a WoW addict when... the lore of Azeroth and its wide cast of characters follows you into slumber. I have had many a night, usually after an action-packed evening of playing until I can't keep my eyes open any more, in which my main character continues her conquests in my mind, while my body is at rest.

Unfortunately, usually when this happens, I can't remember all my awesomeness when I wake up. I just have a feeling that whatever Locomomo was up to, she kicked some serious tail. But there are a couple of dreams, at least, of which I retained hazy bits and pieces.

The first time I remember dreaming about WoW also was when I had a terrible cold. I stayed home from work, and made a couple feeble attempts at playing. Each time, the game made me feel dizzy and even worse. So I gave up on that idea. But apparently even trying to play left an impression on my medicated and sleepy mind. Maybe it was the cold medicine; maybe it was withdrawal from leveling. Either way, my head hit the pillow, and I was seeing my rogue in double vision. Patches of neon colors swirled around her as she stun-locked a random, made-up giant with a combination of ambush, gouge, backstab, gouge, eviscerate. She may have been controlled by an out-of-it mind, but she still knew how to put up a decent fight.

My other, more recent dream memory is even less clear. But I think I fought a really powerful, undead frost dragon. And single-handedly tore him to shreds. Looking back, I hypothesize that the wyrm could have been Sapphiron, who now haunts those unfortunate enough to disturb his lair in Naxxramas. Now just how my level 71 rogue could have taken him out on her own? That is her secret that she will carry to the grave. Or maybe the Spirit Healer.

The biggest downside - when I wake up, all the experience I could have gained from such an epic encounter is wiped. Something that awesome could have taken me way past the level 80 cap. Old school, I'd be all the way to level 99. If only.

Yes, there are many tell-tale signs of a WoW addict. And every now and then, I'll be detailing the symptoms here at Project Lore. So do you know someone who has been sleeping erratically or gurgling "Arthas..." while thrashing in his or her bed? Perhaps yourself, even? You know the cure: more WoW.

Reader Comments (35)

oye e vey. I wouldnt say that i am an addict. I would rather say that i am THE Addict.lol. ever since the game launched ive been having dreams about the game. Ive followed the Lore of the series since Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. I have actually written school reports on the lore of Warcraft. not just once but three times!. Yes i am Addicted to WoW. and im proud to say it.


oh btw...


April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

I think the first time I really realized I was addicted was at work one day. A technician for my assembly line went to find a part and didn't come back for about 15 minutes. I turned to my coworker and actually said, "I think Dave went afk" Of course, I have also dreamed of playing and of being my main character. I love the fact that I am a badass at least for a brief amount of time :)

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoghedean

I dream about WoW. My dreams tend to be over the top with rich detail and I can usually remember everything about it. Once I was my main character walking through WoW. I've never actually dreamed I was playing the game, only in the game being the character.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkstroud89

You know you're a WoW addict when...

1. ...you ask a chef, "What's the dps of your knife?"

2. ...you think you can use one of the coals from your fireplace as a hearthstone.

3. ...you go to a graveyard or cemetery and wonder, "Where the **** is the Spirit Healer?"

4. ...you go to a graveyard or cemetery and wonder, "Why the hell doesn't anyone just res?"

5. ...you go to a daycare center and wonder, "What's with all the gnomes?"

6. ...you try to tame a bear or any other wild animal and expect it to obey you as soon as you try.

7. ...you shoot someone or something and not expect it to die or get injured badly in one shot.

8. ...you try to sell your computer saying, "Selling computer, 250g."

9. ...you get injured and think you can heal simply by eating something.

10. ...you think you can make something by using the position you would use if you were trying to unlock something.

11. ...you see a crocodile and say, "0mgz0rz cr0c0l1sk!11one!"

12. ...you go to a jungle and think you're in Stranglethorn Vale

13. ...you see an eagle and try to ride on it.

14. ...you see a bat and you try to ride on it.

15. ...you see a lion and try to ride on it.

16. ...you see a deer or raven and try to ride on it.

17. ...you win an object such as a painting at an auction and hope to find it in your mailbox.

18. ...you see a fat or muscular midget and think he/she is a Dwarf.

19. ...you look at a hedgehog and thing it looks like a mini Razorfen.

20. ...you try to sell some rocks or other useless items to a store.

21. ...you go to a farm and you're like, "Wait a second, am I in Westfall?"

22. ...you're in the middle of the desert and say, "Am I in the Badlands?" and afterwards say, "Why isn't this place littered with coyotes?"

23. ...you go to a random person and hug them, thinking you just did an emote.

24. ...you're in the mountains, a mountain lion attacks you, and you try fighting it like you would in World of Warcraft.

25. ...you think you never have to use the bathroom.

26. ...you think of "Defias" when you hear the word "gang"

27. ...you tell your mom/dad/friends you got ganked when you get beat up by bullies/gangsters.

28. ...you think you can make weapons/armor just by carrying a backpack full of metal bars and just hammering an anvil pointlessly.

29. ...you think all you do is just go through the pages of a book and actually learn difficult skills/lessons.

30. ...you think someone healed you when light shines on you.

31. ...you always kneel or sit ciss-crossed when you eat or drink.

32. ...you think by drinking fruit punch in the middle of a fight with someone/something will heal you.

33. ...you see someone walk by you and wonder what level they are.

34. ...you think you can't kill kids.

35. ...you walk into a mall/shopping center and hope the security guards don't attack you.

36. ...you think you might still be able to fight a burglar armed with a gun even though he shot you.

37. ...you go to a shooting range and wonder, "Why isn't my skill in guns increasing?"

38. ...you go on a cruise and think you'll get to your destination in thirty seconds.

39. ...you think all males/females around you are hot.

40. ...you think you can get a sex change to play as a character the opposite gender.

41. ... you pass a cop car and hop you didn't agro it.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

I haven't been playing my warlock in about 3 months now, but suddenly one time, I had an awesome dream about me playing. It's a Gnome Warlock, but when I dreamt, it was an Undead! AWESOME!

Then when I woke up, I logged it and played non stop for 3 hours. Really nice :)

I don't really see myself as a WoW addict. I mean, I can go a week without WoW without flipping out. A WoW addict wouldn't :)

I play a lot, but I know when to do other things as well.
WoW isn't a World, it's a game!
Sorry, folks, but it is really a game :)

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArexor


I feel sorry for you, man :]
Hope you don't told your friends: "Guys, I dreamt that we did this instance awesome with no bad pulls, no wipes, and my item dropped! Let's do it. I'm feeling the power!"

Btw, one time I dreamt that my Voidwalker started running after me. I just Curse of Exhaustion'd him and got out of combat, and mounted.
Then he came and dazed me down from the mount. Then I woke up, lying on the floor... Stupid VW. Don't think I've ever used him since.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArexor

lol i dont know why i never have this dreams i play all day every day but still nothing though thier is the ocasional though of what i gave to do the next or what i plan to do but i fall asleep shorty after maybe i ust renember about dreaming it maybe its becasue all i do is quest but either way i wish wow entered my dreams

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

BTW some of your syptoms are just nuts

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@Andra:- There's lots of things wrong with the south park WoW, Randy is a human and claims to be a hunter, yet it's obvious form his gear that he's a warrior.
Cartman is wielding a two hander and uses warrior skills yet he has energy, meaning he's a rogue.

"The evil one" is a mage yet wears a plate helmet, he can also summon scorpids, though there isn't any spell to summon scorpids.

Basically, Blizzard created a realm specifically for South Park. :)

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPernicious

I didn't have dreams about WoW until I made my resto shammy. It is so repetitive healing, that I would have dreams about health bars going down. I switched to enhancement after that.

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHalcath

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