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Rogue Does It From Behind; I Die

Hmm....No One To Heal...What a weekend. I told myself that I would have to get to level 67 on my Priest, if I wanted to make sure that she was ready for Wrath. I informed my girlfriend of my goal, and although she doesn't know too much about the game (“Worlds of Warcrafts”), or exactly how it works (read, time consuming), she said it was fine. So there I was, a level 66 Priest with solid healing gear, Holy specced, itching to instance and grind, with nothing to hold me back from garnering tens of thousands of experience. Then it hit me, an Ambush from a decked out level 70 Rogue. Queue Spirit of Redemption (haven't respecced yet).

Let me lay it out for you, I absolutely suck at PvP on my Priest. My inability to defend my squishy self is mostly due to inexperience, but I doubt a Holy spec would be a good defender anyways; Discipline would seem like the better candidate. While questing in Terokkar Forest, the zone PvP objective, Spirits of Auchindoun, popped, and I jumped at the chance for some PvP, while getting another quest done. After struggling to capture towers, I spirit resurrected and attempted to ninja one that had been left alone since the start of the contests. I failed, and the Horde won the towers shortly thereafter.

I figured that I was safe from additional PvP due to my sickness, however I was wrong. As I hung out at the Refugee Camp, kiting Bonelashers into the defenders for the kill, I meet the business end of a dagger, while still under the sickness...Why the hell would he kill me? He didn't gain anything. Was it a friend on a horde account just screwing with me? Perhaps a reader who didn't agree with a blog post?

It didn't end there. The Rogue in question continued to kill me a few more times, once more while I was still sick. Being the stubborn person that I am, I simply kept going about my business, killing the Bonelashers. The Rogue must have realized my objective, because he stopped killing me and focused on the buzzards. Once they were all dead, he went back to his old habit.

Obviously, this “Champion of Naaru,” was screwing with me. I am all for a good prank and good fun, but I was supposed to be leveling! Time is becoming scarce and this backstabbing Undead Rogue halted my progress for a solid hour. I swear, this guy must have had an Alliance account, because no matter where I went in Terokkar Forest to grind, he appeared shortly after to kill me, my target mobs, or both.

Cheers to you Silith, I had a chuckle and congratulate you on your dedication to one-shotting. But please, next time have the common decency to ask if it is okay to tea bag me.

Reader Comments (49)

That is sad and funny at the same time. All i can say is that is wasn't me.

I myself am after a taurn druid.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNylow

yeah hate when that happens:(

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJustin

*tauren*, sorry.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNylow

Wow, sad. I cant wait for Lich King to release so all these bored idiots have something else to fill their time other than messing with others.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAllenok

First, let me welcome you to the world of PvE priests on a PvP server. Sucks, doesn't it? Being specced not only for healing, but for PvE healing means anyone of the opposite faction is going to have a field day with you. While there are ways out of most ganking situations as a priest, you have to have some PvP experience. Without it, you're a sitting duck. Best to just run the gauntlet to the nearest city and wait it out.

But I must say, for someone to go through such great lengths to hunt you down everywhere you go, even under the effects of rez sickness, they had a grudge. My guess is that a reader found some inspiration in the Joy of a Gank post and decided to make someone from Project Lore their target. Sorry it had to be you.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterClaxo

As a rogue, aka the more popular "rouge", I just want to let you know we all aren't like the L70 who had nothing better to do than corpse camp a lower level player because...they had nothing better to do. Obviously, maturity (or the lack thereof) played a part in this player making your leveling activities as difficult as possible.

Hopefully you won't run in to this "player" again.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhoenix599

Maximum count i camp a body is 3.

Once to see if i can do it, twice more to prove it wasnt fluke, and then leave it.

After that the honor starts dropping, and the guy starts to get pissed.

If someone aggravates me first, then they get 5, or whatever they did to me +2. My morale is simple. Revenge is sweet, being a dick is not.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

I wish some servers required that you pass an intelligence test to make a character on it. Killing another player just to slow them down boggles the mind.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

I guess some rogues never been a caster..

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAir-zeek

lol sad and funny story,wasnt me.......or was it?

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermcb172

The coming of WoLK will only give idiots like this (and the alliance who gank my 28 shammy) will only be temporary. This temporary relief will be nothing but the calm before the storm. Once these people are geared and 80, there will be nothing anyone (even town guards) can do about someone corpse camping. It's bad enough that at the current stage of things, a geared 70 can control a town by himself. Imagine what a geared 80 will be able to do.

Level your alts up quickly while all those idiots are getting to 80. During the time right after WoTLK drops, I'll be trying to level my alts and get my 4th/5th/6th 70+. I usually don't gank too much. Once in a while, if I'm leaving an area I'll kill some alliance. I usually only corpse camp if it's a revenge thing.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPopeSeanPaul

Being a shaman, I probably had the worst ganking problems throughout my character's life. I know how you feel koopa and believe me, you're not the only one this happens to. We gank victims feel your pain.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersonicsymphonia

Ganking is so brutal right now. I have a 53 pally that I'm trying to level as much as I can before the expansion, and high level horde are hanging out everywhere trying to make the grind as miserable as possible. I've had to come teach some people a lesson on my main, but it's still been quite a challenge to gain some levels.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCloudbearer

caling people idiots wont solve anything might inhance the problem some peopel take being calld an idiot very persinaly and if someone is allrady out for vangence probly not a good idea to pore alcohol on that fire not if you want the ganks to stop or atleast decrease not like you have any privacy on a publick website you never know who is reading specialy for you lowbies on a pvp server especialy with this acievement add in the last 2 days i ben lvling inhance shaman on aleria i seen at least 10 70s in a begineer area azuremyst and if your low lvel and an opposing fraction 70 finds you their is a 99% percnt chance you will die a horde axauly stoped infront of m and stared at me for a while than rode away on his wolf do you think h whould spared me if i was on a pvp server i dont think so i know i whould not not that iam that kind of dush allthough i can be when pissd this game gets me pissd allot on a pve servr i dont find many faged lowbies and i do injoy killing me some horde so i take advatage of the rare oportunity i used assult a waek villae to make my self feel better about the kind of player iam which is why i think most gankers do it owcurse their allways some big shot and i do mean big waiting to ambush me than i started raiding little villages but that didnt work either man these horde gather a group fast soi decid to give it all up and just injoy som raiding horiocs bg so on which i didnt always injoy i still cant pass a lowbi flagd running by me allthough i know thier is allways the chance of a big shot shooting me not so much when iam a hunter iam able to ascape most the time

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffa

that's correct, there are alot of gankers...
but not only HORDE, alliance too lol
ALOOOT of alliance gankers, i allready lost a whole day beign ganked by allis... it sucks to be ganked, alli or horde
people must stop beign asses

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZange

for example i'm trying to lv up now in felwood and some alli 70 noobs are killing all the mobs / killing me...

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZange

AHAHAHAHA! IT WAS ME! HAHAHAHA! no jk, im a warrior :)

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaemonbane

i hate that i still feel ur pain as a mage and i have nothing to stop them from ganking me unless i new they were around wich i usely dont because u cant c them untill they ambush u for 8k

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

by the way mage :) especially if ur a gnome girl mage then ur epic

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

for halls of lightning

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

probibly wont be much ganking cus evey1 is going to be on their main or their DK so no lowbies to gank on

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlecrofear

Sounds like something alliance would do. Course I've never seen the flipside and I'm sure theres horde that go around doing the same thing. I'm sure that alliance have the impression that everyone of the opposite faction is 10 years old as well.

I do have a rogue. Maybe he was frustrated at how bad rogues suck against most classes these days.

I never play my rogue cause my paladin is still insanly op.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnteri

I hate rouges with a passion...

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLudoTheGreat

I'm a Warlock.
So anyone that catches me off guard will most likely kill me, unless it is another squishy like me...

But usually if I see them coming and I know I can't do anything about them killing me, FEAR and RUN!!!!!

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

whiner,, go to a pve server...............

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

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