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Weekend With The Horde

Be Careful Who Summons You To The NexusWorld of Warcraft may have over 11 million players, but that doesn't mean it is easy to get together. One of the most annoying things about World of Warcraft is the amount of realms the game has, causing the 11 million plus players to be fragmented all over the place. Unless you specifically rolled on the same server as a friend, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to play together, without making another character.  I understand why they do this, but I guess I want a little Eve Online in my WoW.

I have been talking about the game while walking down the street only to be interrupted by “are you talking about WoW?!” Being the brazen nerd that I am, I opening admit my affection for the game to the complete stranger and ask them what server they are one. The response always ends up being anything but Magtheridon. However, this weekend, I got to spend some time with a Mag player, and two other players from my Battlegroup. The horde player, I knew by reputation before meeting him in person. The other two are friends from back home, who are both Alliance, rolled in my Battlegroup by sheer chance. This is something that I have never come across before.

Needless to say, shenanigans ensued. We quickly plotted a coup against a 5-man instancing group of the horde. The idea was to get a bunch of rogues, druids, shadowmelders and anyone willing to blow an invisibility potion to group up outside a level 80 instance. Our double agent hordie would then summon his group and BAM, we'd all pop into action, laying waste to players several levels higher than us, while having a good laugh.

With the other members of the LAN on a different server, they weren't too interested, and the plot never materialized. My hordie friend did manage to train some guards on me after I applied a Deadly Poison to him by accident though.  Thanks for that.  However, we did play hours upon hours of Left 4 Dead. That is a Co-op LAN game to die for (excuse the horrible pun).

While I am sad the weekend is now over, I finally managed to catch up on my sleep from the hardcore gaming sessions, hence the coherent article. Anyone else have some good LAN stories or carebear soliloquies?

This weekend made me realize something, I guess not all horde are bad...

Reader Comments (17)

Oh geeze.. first?

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

haha, I have a few friends on my realm that have alliance toons, but I find they still like to try to lay waste to me. On my server it is their instinct to kill us horde. I think it is because I used to kill them over and over when they were lower level until I stopped playing for a little and they outgeared me at 70..... still out level me now that wrath is out, don't seem to play it as much. Probably cause of the snow.. SNOWBOARDING FTW. Sorry wow, but that comes first....

Notice how off topic I got? lmao

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh


November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterManchikoo

When i started playing wow, i rolled a server that my RL friends played on. They were both 70's and would come and boost me now and again and we would chat and they would tell me about the end game stuff that they were doing. Anyway by the time i hit the mid 60's, both of them decided to stop playing, leaving me adrift in outland. Anyway i decided to switch server and change to horde to see what it was like and decided i liked it better.

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I have been playing WaW and L4D constantly lol L4D was hilarious as we were about to finish the level when the witch was right where we needed to get across and being the idiot i was i shined the light on the witch causing her to go completely crazy and kill me lol good times

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnanun

l4d is brilliant!!!!!!, i play it more now than i do wow

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermcb172

I've got a friend that plays alliance on another server. We always talk about how he should roll horde and join my guild, or I should roll alliance and join his.

We've tried a couple of times only to find that we just can't stomach starting from scratch and leveling another raiding toon without the support of our high level alts (with their significant amounts of gold)

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTy

All hordes are great!
But..more on topic, me and my friends were scattered across different servers but in the end we transfered/rerolled to the best server of the 4 and have had alot of fun together since then.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

My friend was on his Cow Druid and I on my Pally we were talking to each other on Vent and he said he wanted the westfall chicken so i did the quest so the chicken would lay the egg and as he went to pick it up the farmer attacked him and he attacked back and flagged himself so with out missing a beat I yep you guessed it I attacked and killed his toon and as i was laughing he was calling me some nice names but he got his chicken.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSoleedge

That other Josh is putting a dent in my good name i would never say first and I think you should change your name sir because I have been here since the first day.

O and also my experience with the horde is always the same we just have a love hate relation ship, we just love to hate each other but you know there is the occasional cool one that helps me with a quest when im almost dead and i repay the favor if i ever see him again, but yeah for the most part its an all out brawl.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh(the Original one)

well on my realm (Karazhan EU) we ally are outnumbered 5-1 so horde think its really funny to sit in our home cities and gank us all day long they also find it funny gettin a kill grp together and ganking us while lvling in NR. alryt fair enuf some are alryt and do help or just dnt pay any attention to us but most just piss us ryt off and the fact that all ally get ganked meens more and more are transfering chars so the imbalance is becoming more unfair. infact its so bad that all pvp objectives in OL are always under the control of horde and i have honestly never seen ally control a single objective

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbullrog

I remember when I started out.. my first toon was a troll mage... all my buddies told me to reroll as an undead mage instead so that we could all play together... anyway... they spent days and days getting to 40... and when that happened.. they made other toons... which started to piss me off after several toons each... i finally hit 70 while they hadnt even felt what the 50's were like. when we switched servers, they lvl'd up pretty fast... then out of nowhere... all their toons were deleted and they had moved to another server to play alliance... they wanted me to switch but i just couldnt.. I had just gotten my full merciless with a nice little bringer of death. Now that most of them hit 70... they play even less.. and they keep finding reasons to hate eachother... for instance.. one of my buddies rolled a DK... got it to 72... meanwhile.. my other buddy rolled a DK as well.. which is around 65 i think.. so my buddy with the 72 DK was complaining about how he wanted to be the only DK in their group... and it occured to me... sticking with my undead mage was the best WoW decision i had ever made... im currently 72 playing only around 5 hours a week... and a bit more on the week-end.. but i still find in entertaining.. and yeah.. L4D is awesome!

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzedos

? any one can be what they want the level 72 DK is Dumb

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterminicuda

Been horde since I first started playing wow, and the only ally toon I have is a level 31 night elf priest, only rolled that so me and my mate could level some noobs together (and for easy instance groups since he rolled a warrior tank, and my priest is holy :d).
Anyway, I'm the kind of hordey who occasionally helps alliance guys gank a few quest mobs (so Josh, you'd have to help me if I were on your server, probably not seeing as how i'm on an EU server though)

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMagealitious

Oh ive had so many experiences with the alliance, most of them nice since im the rogue that cant really be camped (atleast pre-ret pally patch, sometimes they get me... if they're human) but one time i camped this 37 dranei in hilsbrad for about 30 minutes just off a whim, and when i was done and logged off and onto my 29 pally alt (who shares the same name as my rogue) i met up with the same shammy, but what he did was unthinkable, he instead stuck with my alt for a whole hour and HELPED me do quests, i couldnt even begin to understand what happened, but i knew i felt guilt, so i hijacked my friend's account and made a ally character on my server and whispered that very nice dranei and i inturn helped him with whatever he asked and gave him 300g through the ally/horde AH in the goblin towns.

Maybe this was a psychological attack he planned, either way he got the best of me, that was probly one of the greatest world pvp moments in my WoW career and i wish i could just remember his name so i could see what he is up to.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSefeth

i have been playing WoW less and less due to left for dead. my group of friends from school and I all bought L4D and we've played endless versus and normal lan matches which has been awesome. I have never had as much fun playing a game than i have with L4D. this week itl level out and ill be playing much more WoW though. as far as playing with friends on WoW, i transfered to my art teachers realm and play with him most of the time since he is a dedicated WoWer. :D

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Sorry it took so long "original" Josh.. But as with you, I was also here since the beginning of Ramparts. I'm sure a lot were. I believe we should keep the same name as long as we classify ourselves. Me being the better of the 2

Sorry how this has nothing to do with the blog post

December 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh(The better one)

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