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WoW Life Lesson #32: Explore

WotLK has opened up a whole new continent, a whole new world within the World of Warcraft. It's exciting and new and filled with all sorts of possibilities.

But what about the 'old' world? What will become of it? Is it really old? Is it really that outdated? Will it just sit there and gradually fade from our memories?

Maybe...or maybe not.

You see, most people believe that once they have technically been somewhere that they know that place enough to say that they've been there to other people. While factually true, they may have not seen the whole of it, the little ins and outs, the tucked away places that make that area so special. And, for World of Warcraft, Blizzard knows that and has come up with a solution.

World Explorer is just for you. It suggests that you explore all of the World of Warcraft, every little corner, just to see all the sights and all of the little nuances of each area. It actually asks you to get out and explore your World of Warcraft world. How cool is that?

And after all of that exploring, Blizzard is kind enough to reward you with a great title and tabard. Pretty sweet.

Now in real life, exploring is fantastic. I've been to a few parts of this world, a few places people dream about going to or visiting before they die and I gotta say it really has been a great experience. I learned a lot about each place and just scratched the surface of knowing about each places culture, beliefs and people. Absolutely amazing.

And the best thing is that after you go to these places, if your lucky enough, you get stamps in your passport, far more satisfying that a digital tabard but a little more expensive.

So go out and explore your world. Visit all the near and far places. Do it for cheap or go all out. It doesn't matter where you stay as long as you go there.

I have enjoyed traveling this world and I hope that you will too. And when you do, or if you have, write a comment below about your favorite place in WoW and your favorite place in RL. Mine have to be Dalaran and the rolling hills near Dundalk, Ireland. Prague, Czeck - the Old City - is a close second.

Have fun exploring.

Reader Comments (44)

After I hit 80 and get my epic flying mount with cold weather flying, this is the first thing I'm going to do. :)

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy

My favorite place in WoW has got to be the Ironforge Airport. A RL friend and I explored it pre-BC and shot of fireworks. Sometimes just doing that stuff for fun and rejuvenate your thirst for more WoW!

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterColgann

Hm.. I'll work on this as I lvl.. I'm working on the achievement, I once loved a squirrel. Or something like that. :P

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGvJordan

WoW: Ironforge Airport (which is as empty as real airports on Thanksgiving day)
RL: Grand Cayman Island

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

WoW: either it would have to be IF or it would be Nagrand. I haven't seen much of Northrend 'cause I've been busy and lvling has been to much of a hassle atm.

RL: San Antonio, Texas. I want to go to NY or Ireland. I plan to live in Ireland too :D

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNathan Harris

WoW: Feralas. It really looks like ur gonna go Indiana Jones in WoW.

RL: surfing in the beaches of Puerto Rico.

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAkantor

WoW: So far, Dragonblight and Zangar marsh are my favourite areas in WoW, I loved running around in both area's doing quests and exploring it at the same time.

RL: i would have to say the rocky mountains have been the coolest and prettiest, also the most nerve racking and scariest place I have been that I can remember. Had to go through them on my move from Indiana to Washington through heavy snow storms in the middle of the night. lol

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEl

WoW: Guess my favorite place has to be Crystalsong Forrest, not that I've been there - the place just looks trippy from what I've seen.

RL: Iceland was the coolest place I've ever been... Yes, I went there with the terrible pun, but if you've seen the largest waterfall in Europe frozen solid you'll know what I mean.

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWML

I think much will be abandoned. There are zones that no one goes to, yeah some go to them.. but most people don't. Azshara is a great example of a zone that's just fallen to inactivity. How about the raids? Will anyone ever run Molten Core again? Doubt it, blizzard certainly isn't going to make it more attractive.

November 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUrza

WoW:I got a bunch! The top of IF mountain+airport, Elwynn Forest(so peaceful), Nagrand, Grizzly Hills, From westfall to Wetlands (up the coast, gooood times)

RL:Cascade Mountains and Red Woods

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

WoW: Uldaman. More for the sweet memories of running it every night with friends and having a real laugh about it. It makes me smile thinking about it now.

RL: Well i haven;t travel much but when you live in a country as beautiful as mine (Scotland FTW!) it doesn't matter so much. But anyway it would be down Prestwick beach, in a car, in the pouring rain with a bag of chips.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I just completed my World Explorer achievement(thank god for crusader aura!) one of the places that stunned me the most was Grizzly Hills,it looks so much like a national park(yosemite?).Though all of northrend looks breathtaking, I took some screenshots and showed it to some friends that didn't play WoW and at start they didn't notice it was from ingame

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

well my fav place in wow is the Un'Goro Crater its like you have just steped back in time

In RL it was my trip all over the usa but from there its got to be the hoover dam or las vages strip they where superb

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjonathan stockley

WoW: The original winter wonderland of Winterspring.

RL: New Zeland by far.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

Oh and Frankie has just proven himself to be on the top ten stupidest people on the internet.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

WoW: I'd have to say the Wetlands/ Loch Modan border is the coolest place I've seen so far, not including Outland or Northrend (all of which looks amazing (and Northrend's music is awesome)).

RL: South Dakota's Black Hills are spectacular.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersonicsymphonia

WoW: will i was lvling my first charecter to 70 (now 80) i think some of the coolest xp was riding from tanaris to ungoro and my first day in hellfire was awesome.

hmm sholazar basin is from EVERY zone in WoW the best for me realy did love it and also alot of sooooo funny quests :)

RL: iceland realy cool looking place.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhytimo

WoW: Probably Quel'Danas.

RL: Lima, Peru and Madrid, Spain

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

WoW: The coolest place in WoW, are IMO Sholazar Basin, followed by Zul'Drak.

RL: The Faroe Islands!

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRaZZi

WTF! Where is this "IF Airport?" I've never seen it.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBlacktiger

Wow: I absolutely love the Tauren fishing camp because it was the first easter egg I ever found. I love Zul"Drak as far as areas go.

RL: A lil island off the coast of Texas called Galveston. The greatest times of my life were spent there.

November 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

WOW: Has to be Howling Fjord. With the huge cliffs and the huge numbers of the stags which mostly serve no purpose. Bit of a lame entrance though for the horde.

RL: Has to be New Zealand

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBritish Boy

I have gotten the exsplorer acheviment and i must say i like the fact that blizzard gave us "exsplorers" a chance at our true title (hints the 'The exsplorer' title haha). And i must also say the tabard is cooler than i thought it would be with the glob on the front and the little like trails on the back its pretty cool.

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

WoW: I really like Netherstorm, just something about the Sci-Fi feeling of Area 52. I also really enjoyed Dragonblight, the epic cut scene at the end of it, the Maganatuar and Mammoths, its like going to the Ice Age.

Real Life: I loved my trip to Niagara Falls, especially reaching out and touching the cascade of water. My favorite plce will be Japan though. I have not yet been to Tokyo but I am fascinated with the culture, art and people of Japan. Come my junior year in college I am going to stufy abroad.

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

WoW: Elwynn forest its so tranquil and relaxing and reminds me of the good times wen i made my first gold and thought I was rich (untill I found the AH in sw)

RL: has to be lake windermere, Cumbria, England. had the best times of my life there sailing

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbullrog

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