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WoW Life Lesson #32: Explore

WotLK has opened up a whole new continent, a whole new world within the World of Warcraft. It's exciting and new and filled with all sorts of possibilities.

But what about the 'old' world? What will become of it? Is it really old? Is it really that outdated? Will it just sit there and gradually fade from our memories?

Maybe...or maybe not.

You see, most people believe that once they have technically been somewhere that they know that place enough to say that they've been there to other people. While factually true, they may have not seen the whole of it, the little ins and outs, the tucked away places that make that area so special. And, for World of Warcraft, Blizzard knows that and has come up with a solution.

World Explorer is just for you. It suggests that you explore all of the World of Warcraft, every little corner, just to see all the sights and all of the little nuances of each area. It actually asks you to get out and explore your World of Warcraft world. How cool is that?

And after all of that exploring, Blizzard is kind enough to reward you with a great title and tabard. Pretty sweet.

Now in real life, exploring is fantastic. I've been to a few parts of this world, a few places people dream about going to or visiting before they die and I gotta say it really has been a great experience. I learned a lot about each place and just scratched the surface of knowing about each places culture, beliefs and people. Absolutely amazing.

And the best thing is that after you go to these places, if your lucky enough, you get stamps in your passport, far more satisfying that a digital tabard but a little more expensive.

So go out and explore your world. Visit all the near and far places. Do it for cheap or go all out. It doesn't matter where you stay as long as you go there.

I have enjoyed traveling this world and I hope that you will too. And when you do, or if you have, write a comment below about your favorite place in WoW and your favorite place in RL. Mine have to be Dalaran and the rolling hills near Dundalk, Ireland. Prague, Czeck - the Old City - is a close second.

Have fun exploring.

Reader Comments (44)

My favorite place is probably Nagrad SO FAR. I am only lvl 67 atm.

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDevin

My fav place in WOW would have to be Kara, I love the architecture and feel in there.

RL I would have to say Alaska. Camping out by the glaciers there is amazing.

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh Howard

WoW: Whell my favorite place in wow is Tanaris desert, i just love how the sun shines on the burnd sand, and that wind with sand geting in your face is awsome... i just love the desert. Btw my favorite act form diablo2 was act 2... the town jewel Lut Golein :D

IRL: The shore of Black Sea :)

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterz3ratul

Working my way towards the explorers title and taking it all in. I have to say my favorite so far is Howling Fjords, but flying over and around the StormPeaks and the Terrace of the Makers was pretty awesome. I found one area "Uldis" by flying into a giant hole bored into the side of a mountain in StormPeaks. And flying down into the Engine of the Makers was cool too.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGarviel

WoW :
If you go to the camp, north in the Borean.
Lovely place with friendly murlocks.
Try it if you haven't been there yet :P

RL : Norway (fjords on the west coast)

At last - where is IF airport?

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter-O.o-

WoW: it would have to be teldrasil. the first character i ever played was a night elf so it has a real nostalgic fell to me.

RL: i haven't traveled much I've been on the east cost all my life so i would have to say Disney World

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMalstrum

WoW: hands down its the plaguelands, i once was able to raid naxxramas pre-bc, and the lore captured me with the abundance of insane quests you can do there.

RL: Alaska, its wilderness is amazing, it seems so preserved, and by far the coldest place in america.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSefeth

mine are netherstorm and the rolling hills in dundalk,
but then i again, i live right beside them =)

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermcb172

ireland ftw

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermcb172

WoW: Still haven't traveled all of Northrend but as of this point I still really like Nagrand. In the old world, I liked Azshara. I wasn't too fond of the questing there but I enjoyed checking the place out. The lore behind it was what I enjoyed. Especially since my main is a Blood Elf.

RL: I would have to say I love Recife, Brazil. That place is beautiful beyond description. I also really liked Salvador, Brazil. The city is so cool. Still has the cobblestone streets and everything.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Mine happen to be Mulgore plains :D and the hill thats just outside of my hometown =]

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErik

Re The IF Airport:

I would like to know also, i assume its the airport I alway see from the air while flying over the backside of IF? The one with a FP also?

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGarviel

WoW: I have to agree with IF Airport, the area with the cranes between Searing Gorge and Dun Morogh, and the Elwynn Waterfall (the top one, not the one you can see from the human starting area). Those are "inaccessible" places, unless you know how to get there. The IF airport is seen when you fly between IF and Menethil. You can do a search on YouTube to find out how to get to each of those places. I have screenshots on our guild forum of the places I've visited.

RL: Have to agree with New Zealand. Been there twice and it's absolutely breathtaking. Still want to visit the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Mount Rushmore and several other places here in the states, but the NZ history and scenery is stunning. Spent 2 hours in the sheep paddock where Hobbiton (sp?) was filmed. I stood in the spot where Bilbo put on The Ring and disappeared. It was a magical trip.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVexklythor

WoW: Storm Peaks, just a really cool zone, lots of cities built hanging off of the edge of the mountains, VERY tall peaks that you can fly up to.

RL: Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Went there a few years ago and on some of the small lake beaches it is absolutely beautiful.

- Strikir
lvl 80 DK

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStrikie

naxxaramas, by far. when i first stepped into sapphs lair (pre-bc), i was awestruck at the beautiful arcitecture and the chilled feeling it gave off.

irl: i am quite fond of the rocky mountains but seeing as i havent been to many places my horizons are open. i have climbed a few mountains however and the view from the top of any mountain is spectacular. anyone who has the means must do it. im not talking about driving to the top with your car. you need to see how much more beautiful it is whne you climb the mountain after hiking 3 days to get there.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdeathkar

i just hit 70 for the first time !!!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWringo

WoW: I feel right at home in Grizzly Hills, with all of its natural surroundings.

RL: Haven't been outside of Oregon in years, but it has its own diversity, from the mountains in the eastern region to the verdant Willamette Valley.

(Got the World Explorer achievement last week, and I'm loving my epic tabard. :D )

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Wow: Howling Fjord, I am from norway and running around in Howling Fjord felt like running around in norway :D

RL: Stavern, a little town outside Larvik in Norway :)

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrunlajenta

WoW: Moonglade is my favorite because its calm, there is just nature and it has no players =) Plus I have a Druid so I visit there regulary.

RL: So far my favorite place I have been to was Mongolia because it too is calm relaxing and it has very few people.

January 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFwibib

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