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Big Brother Is Armorying You

If you haven’t been over to the Armory lately, you should definitely check it out. Blizzard has just done a major update which displays all of our achievements and game statistics along side the typical gear and reputation information.

Reviews have been a bit mixed on this. I, for one, think it's great, but there are those that would argue there is now a bit too much information available to anyone interested enough to look it up.

For me the armory has always been an invaluable tool when deciding if it is worth my time to go along on that PUG heroic. You can check out the groups gear and see if they are up to the task. It can also be very useful when filling out raid slots. I remember a few slow raiding nights where we almost took a few people in quest greens into The Eye because they claimed to be “geared.” A quick Armory can usually let you know really quickly what you are dealing with.

Now the new Armory goes a bit beyond that; not only can you check out a persons gear, you can check to see if they have cleared that heroic before, or any heroic, or if they have ever earned an emblem of heroism. You can even see if what raids they’ve done, how much gold they’ve earned, and how much their biggest heal has been for. It’s all amazing really.

I’ve heard arguments though. Is it really good to have the amount of gold you have earned out there? Doesn’t this make you a target for gold farmers, or beggers in Stormwind? While I personally like it, and don’t feel like I have much to hide. It still begs the questions. How much available information is too much?
What do you think?

Are you digging the new armory, or wanting your privacy back?

Reader Comments (25)

I personally think it's great. The ability to see what someone's completed is a great asset for the true end-game content. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few that's not so well geared so it'll probably stop me from going anywhere, but hey, that's the way it should be, i think.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKnifymcswift

I haven't played wow in a while and thus haven't check the armory either but what they really should have is not necessarily the gear that the character logged off with but with sets of gear that they use. I see someone with a cool weapon so i armory them to see that they are holding a fish. No! I want to see items that they commonly equip. Just sayin'

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJax

Personally i think thats way better then before

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJordeon

personally i dont care because someone looking at my character isnt really that personal it just shows how much i really play the game and why is the armory always written off as beta lol

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnanun

Wow, I did NOT know about this new armory...i'm gonna start feeling like a target for account hackers. I'm now gonna change my password everyday.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

I think they should add an option to control what is displayed for your characters. A character's personal page if you will.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSatelitko

much better. if you tell someone you are uber and all in purples and then cannot perform in a heroic, the group is just going to /kick /ignore.

The only part that is sad about this is (a) that this is necessary - that people won't be honest about their gear and their experience and (b) there are going to be min / maxers that look everyone up on armory for any reason and exclude people from normal instances.... People have to get geared for Heroics somehow...

Example, 70 friend priest with crafted and dropped purples was going to heal normal mode Nexus last night. She is 5kHP and 8.5kMana but can hold her own and is a good healer. Someone from the group (a PvP maxed Rogue) said priest doesn't have enough HP and wanted her replaced. Priest /ignored rogue and left the group.

So, the armory changes will just make the mix/maxers who already have the gear, figure out how to exclude others when, after the instance nerfs, do you REALLY need full sets of anything but decent greens to run a normal mode instance? (the answer is No).

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpenrose

I for one, am not fond of this,don't mind people looking at my gear,spec etc but all my statistics?no ty.Though most of these things are viewable when inspecting,looking them online is not really fun,now I'll have to go put all my money on a bankchar again -.-

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

I love the new armory, however I would like a way to control which tabs appear ( mainly stats )

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGarviel

I'm all for freedom of information. Go Blizzard! :)

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

sounds cool.... gotta check it out :)

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Does it still have the look for an upgrade button cos as much as that was good every time i checked something it would show me one of event rewards that i would be unable to get.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

i find the info it gives is great some of it doesnt have to be out there like the gold thing and any other info that useless i use it to find upgrades for gear and look at my guildys info

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKaenne

I think some of the more personal stuff shouldn't be on there like how much gold you have. Thats just asking for everyone to start begging you for mount monies. I think most of the other stuff is fine because there are players out there whose mouths outrun their abilities. This weekend I was in heroic Strat we had a healer who by all accounts was geared but for some reason we suffered wipe after wipe on trash mobs. Finally the group leader kicked the healer replaced him with someone whose gear had me cringing that I would be bound to an incomplete instance for the rest of the night. Turns out he was a great healer in sub par gear. So I would love it if the armory added statistics that would enable us to see how good a healer or dps really was before rolling with them. The achievements kind of help with that but I think they could do better.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

i'm not sure about this. i like the fact that you can check people for their heroic and raid experiences but most gold ever owned? that's too much in my opinion. people shouldn't see how addicted i am to that game :P and how worthy it is to hack my account or something like that. Oo

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterblubbapaul

Way too much informaion IMO. The ability to see someone's gear was ok I guess, but all this new extra info is an invasion of privacy IMO.
We should be able to choose what we allow others to see!

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteroboc

I'm a bit worried about telling people how much gold I have but other than that I really like to compare achievements with my friends.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrido

I like the achievement system, and the new Armory. I don't think that the new Armory is going to make any more people beg you for money. I was getting begged for money way before the new patch. Plus what people need to realize that it is only how much gold you have earned, not how much you have. I've wasted tons of money on mounts and crafting to the point my main was down to 5 gold at one point at lvl 70!

As far as the privacy, I'm on the fence about that. I can understand why you may want somethings private, but on the other hand it is only a game.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSunalar

So now the whole world can see my achievements? While it may seem cool to show off some of the hard earned achievements that some of us glerds (good looking nerds for those who don't know... just joking by the way) have, I am personally against having to tell everyone how much gold, for example, I've made. I agree with some of you that we should be able to control which tabs are displayed in the armory. While researching a player to see how well his/her gear is before an instance makes a lot of sense (shows if they really mean business), having too much information out there is I would say, too much. But then again, that is my opinion.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSocram

I am with ^Pauldy^ on this one. I was in a guild with a "geared" Shammy who could not hold his own and was out healed by a Druid with less +heals. Sad to say it was a Kara run that I bailed on the next day because I knew that we would not get past Shade without better heals. So yea, Gold has no need to be displayed on Armory however accomplishments do need to be displayed. Go Blizz

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTwest

Why would you check the Armoury to see if they are 'geared' well enough when the Armoury is usually a day or so out of date?

Admittedly though they won't always be somewhere you can inspect them in person. I'm just posting this as a warning - they may be in one set of gear on the Armoury but as of right that second in game they could be in a completely different set of gear.

Other than that new Armoury = teh awesomeness in bounds. I can see what people are saying though about it being a little too much info.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKeikura

I think the information that they give about the chars armor is good. It stops people people lying about what armor they have to get into groups. The only thing I dont like about it is the fact that everyone can see how much gold you have, this is giving the Gold farmers a bigger chance to target people with /w to get them to buy gold.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLansing

I love that they have the achievements listed. That, really, is kind of the point of achievements, to show others what you've done.

On the other hand, I *hate* having the statistics listed, if they indeed are. (I haven't been able to connect to the armoury today, and before that I didn't know about the changes.) Mainly for reasons others have mentioned.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFobok

I don't mind having my achievements on display, but I draw the line having my gold on display. Just as you don't tell strangers in Real Life about your personal finances, you shouldn't do it online either (game or not).

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I'm thinking they should get rid of some of the statistics if they aren't correct. I mean, according to these statistics I've died many times in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 arenas while never having played a single one.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSnowflare

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