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So... Is That It??

NecropolisI know feelings were very mixed, but I personally thought that the scourge invasion has been awesome. I loved the whole zombie thing, it was unique enough to really get attention, and it completely changed the world (…of Warcraft) for a few days. Furthermore, it was short enough that it didn’t get a chance to get really annoying.

The necropolis attacks have been great fun as well. I loved flying from zone to zone looking to the skies for piles of undead to blow through. For me, the opportunity to pick up some one time only rewards has been very satisfying.

It may be my Paladin bias, but I think it was all well executed and most importantly fun.

All that being said, I’m worried. This event that started so fast and furious had all the potential in the world. But now it’s all but stopped. Sure, zones are still being attacked, but nothing new has happened in quite a while. Most people got their runes and have moved on. The world event felt so alive when every new day brought a new stage in the invasion, and a new phase of the plague, but now most people don’t even noticed it is still here.

This has all been a bit disappointing to me. I am assuming that something else will happen, but when it does it had better be epic. I feel that so much momentum has been lost during this lull that it risks turning the event from a huge success to an utter failure. Right now things are just plain quiet. In my mind great world changing events shouldn’t start suddenly build up insane momentum, stop overnight, then pick back up a week and a half later.

In the end I guess we will all have to wait and see. Perhaps this is all part of Blizzard’s master plan, or perhaps there was a bit too much QQ so they decided to take a break. Either way I would appreciate an explanation, or at the very least a new development. Come on Blizz, get us excited again! Northrend calls!

Reader Comments (33)

I hate all you people who where complaing about zombies!!!! This type of thing only happens when theres a new expansion so get over it and you can do your pointless grind that you do every day again after the event.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJack

I hated the plague because it unfairly took away my choice of not participating (and don't give me that crap about "don't play" or "go into a hidey-hole").

However, I really love the Necropolis bit. Although my main is already decked out in far superior epics, my hunter alt badly needed some upgrades. Using the runes to buy epics was a great way to do it without having to keep asking for a group to do kara.

My brother, Kierok, also loves collecting runes to buy epics since he can disenchant the stuff. He got approx. 65 void crystals from that after our group did a run on 3 circles, plus the epics that dropped. :D

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I LOVED the plague because my guild made the world event incorperated into one of our events. We ended up not really doing much but it was fun.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjhez

the scourge invsion was the best i felt that atacks were kind of boring i bought all teh gear avrything it had to offer and i haveo say i was not at all satisfied i to hope blizz has somthing big coming and it wss no spoiler the project lores 10 days knight spoiled it my favorite part was the plague and iwas sad that it only lasted days it was so much fun to get infect gather your army unlash your wrath on a small village

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffa

haha brian!

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore


I am sorry if i sounded offensive, but it's just I am always attacking typo ppl ^^

So if you're reading this, I hope you didn't mind my selfishness too much.

And as for the spoiler, it was just a quick info, because you asked if they were a third faction, so i just blurred something out in 15 sec.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

I love the scourge attacks however I personally didnt like the Zombies. On the Madoran server there was always like 100 people in org raiding as zombies or 100 in Shatt killing all the NPC's as soon as you portal in you get infected or my personal favorite (note sarcasm ) was when you just as you about to mount a bat you get infected so while flying to SMV you turn into a zombie on the bat and sometimes actually die depending on how long your flight is. That was the only part that sucks.

November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandie

I think its the quiet before the storm... another few days and blizz will jump out and say remember those zombies? remember the Necropolis'?
Now that you have all but stopped fighting them, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!! *BAM EPIC EVENT*

November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

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