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Gaming Over The Holidays Can Be A Fruitless Endeavor

/nomnomnomnomI don't know about you guys, but I have enough turkey left in the fridge to make open-face turkey sammies for a week. Coincidentally, that is the perfect meal to eat while you are slaving away at those XP bubbles or taking down your next heroic. Quick and easy to prepare, with little need to devour it in a timely manner. Damn, I am hungry now.

I knew it was going to be fairly difficult for me to get a lot of play time in during the holiday, so I came up with a different kind of Warcraft-based goal. Rather than do a mad push to level 80 (which, I did my best at anyways) or get trampled at Walmart, I decided to try and sign up that 11,000,001st subscriber to World of Warcraft.

My brother was my first target, seeing as he is a retired hardcore raider. The numerous Priest changes, a demonstration of the differences between vanilla WoW and Wrath with my Holy alt, and general curiosity drew him towards the dark side. After playing for a bit, and seemingly having fun, he put the laptop down and walked away muttering something like “QQ in the channels and guild drama is why I left in the first place.” Damn you new Barrens Chat!

My younger cousin (who can now out bench press me...) was my secondary target. He took up gaming during the GoldenEye days, and has played most big titles since then. The little punk is by no means a hardcore gamer, but he is certainly not casual either. One would think that World of Warcraft would be on his PC gaming rig, and it was! It turns out that he had joined an Azerothian race without consulting me. Sad fact is that his friends set him up, having him roll the opposing faction so they could corpse camp him for hours as he tried to level. He didn't make it past level 20 before his experience was ruined, and has sworn off the genre entirely. I'll have to work on him further.

At this point, my hopes were dashed and the family get togethers had all past. With no more targets I sat down with little old SolidSamm to work his way towards level 80 and noticed that I had caught the attention from one of the last people I would expect, my girlfriend. “Your guy is so little” she said. “Yes,” I replied, “but he can do big things.” I quickly ran off to find the biggest mob in Dragonblight and showed her how rogues like to do it.

Perhaps, just maybe, I can suck her in? Tips, tricks, strategies and secret potions are appreciated. How many of you managed to ding level 80 over the holiday break? Or did you have alternative goals like I did?

Reader Comments (24)

I dinged 80 on my Druid. I was quite pleased with the results.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGene

Playing with your girlfriend would be real nice.

Tell her that it is bonding time. That it is a good way to get out her frustration and occasional anger. Also, tell her that she can get good gear and actually look awesome and not gruesome. She may like professions grinding or even the achievements.

I've been playing with my husband since we first started dating. Its really great. We are in a "family friendly" guild - because some like to bash on the fact that I'm a girl - and did some casual raids pre-wrath.

p.s. we also suck my mom-in-law into it. she is totally hardcore now.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWoWwife

family is fun to play with, just make sure you get along,
1 bit of gear cuold ruin some things

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermcb172

don't forget to make a toon that you can level with her.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWoWwife

well i was leveling my deathknight and one day i went to try out my paladin just for the heck of it. After 10 minutes of playing him i decided to lvl him instead... sigh all that wasted time

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermike

I actually did get Friend Or Fowl on Thanksgiving. So many cooked turkeys in Howling Fjord...

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJames

Show your girlfriend the character creation page and make a girl character with her name in her likeness. The ability to change hair style and color should be Sim-like enough to pull any girl in.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

My girl actually plays with me and over this break we worked out way to 80 together and it was nice, but let me warn you if a quest goes bad it can be disastrous so u gotta make sure she gets to do things and ur not just leading and also that she gets to pick things and feel as if she is a big contributing factor. Learn from my mistakes.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh(the Original one)

i dinged my first 70 today :) pretty exciting but it was ruined by doing Nexus

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWringo

I'm actually extremely fortunate to experience this game with my fiancee. She's great about getting into the nerdy things - I'm very lucky.

I don't know exactly how I did it. I think I pretty much sat her down, let her start her own character, and I sat by her side and helped her figure out how to play. We actually went almost a year before she had her own account. I don't recommend going that long, but I think it really helps if you actively sit by her side and guide her through the ropes, and not be playing the game yourself. Be patient!

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCloudbearer

My girlfriend used to bug me all the time when I first started playing WoW; one day, I told her I was going to get her a trial so she could understand what I was experiencing (some people call it addiction btw)... After the first couple of days playing, she was counting the days for me to buy her a copy. Since then, we've been leveling a couple of toons each whenever we have time. Thank you WoW for making my girl understand... =)

Now that sounded corny or what?? =P

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSocram

Never scold her for anything, let her learn the hard way. You know her better so you can tell if he is going to be a cute nelf/belf druid/priest or a remorseless undead/human warlock, guide her into pick a class that you think she will enjoy playing, usually casters are a good choice. I heard somewhere that girls tend to prefer healer class, some of them start as a healer druid then switch to boomkin, or holy priest then to shadow.

My girlfriend started to play some months ago, i just give her some gold (i didnt tell her what to do with the gold though) and let her experience wow by herself.

My apologies for my broken english, im writting from Chile.

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTarkus

I drew my Girlfriend into it back before TBC, she liked it and would constantly hog my machine to play. I purchased her the game and her subscription, what im still paying for now lol, and she loves it. We have great laughs on it and as she got round to buying a laptop we can chill together in the lounge and kick back in heroics etc.

Shes definatly more hardcore than i am, she is 80 already. Dam my work.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAgrant

I recently rejoined, getting back in just before Wrath came out. I sent what little gold I hadn't given to friends for various reasons to my Death Knight, Diarow. He now bests my level 69 Warlock, Ioren, since he is currently halfway through level 71. Hitting 80 is something I might have hoped to almost do had I stuck with Ioren (that's spelled with an 'i') but it was something I don't play nearly enough to have strived for with Diarow. Even so, I think I play a lot as it is: it sickens me to think about the people who hit level 80 within the first few days, and seeing a level 80 Death Knight hasn't lost its effect of making me gag yet...
I'm currently a smidge irritated though, being that the maintainence Blizzard scheduled means I miss out on the time I get in the morning, which is often half of the time I get in a day. Why they didn't just make it during the regular work/school day, I do not know...

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDessy (Desmond)

79 on my shaman. shooting for 80 by the end of the week

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

i got 80 the day before thanksgiving so now i gota get my other 2 there by the next holiday :)

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDayrius

Well its nice to have healbot running around you all the time.But ALL THE TIME .Hun whatch ja doing .Hm im pvping in WSG .Can i come ..Um sure..Hun what you doing now.Um trying to finesh this qeust .Can i come and on and on and on .And then 1 day you will stop play wow CAUSE she will be there ALL THE TIME..

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAsmoking

Happy Thanksgiving to all, just to start off!

This holiday was great, glad to have been able to travel for it. My family went to our Grandmother's early Thursday morning. We ate a feast only a grandmother can make, and when I was done I turned to my Grandma's guest to see that the one woman she worked with was looking on WoWarmory.com to see what her Guildies specs were.

Instantly the chat became WoW in the room, and those not clued in sat asking question after question when they could get a word in.

I happen to be a newb to the World of Warcraft, so I had my own questions. However the woman I talked to had been playing WoW since it's Beta release, and had 9 lvl 70's and was working on her Death Knight, whom she wanted to be the first to reach 80.

All this and some cake, and I found that my Thanksgiving wasn't as boring as I thought beforehand. With PvP to RP realm questions, her son saying he played and giving me his email, I've already obtained some real life WoW friends and can say Thanks to Blizzard for making this holiday a nice one.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNerrectuz

I sucked my GF into wow about 3 months ago (finally), and i have to say that it has helped our relationship out a lot. She understands a lot more of my frustrations when playing and hardly complains when I am on the computer anymore. Although downside is, it is strange to wake up in the middle of the nite to catch her playing, citing "I couldnt sleep." I told her that excuse didnt work on my dad back in the day when he caught me playing games up late.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDemoriel

Hey, you could always head over to Blade's edge and grab you some of that sweet Ogre Cologn....that is if she's into the whole blood, sweat, and various animal scat smell...if not, I have some pretty tough lagers I could send you. ^-^

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVoldenmist

Im a little backwards then most here. I actually sucked my husband into playing the game. Its awesome to be able to play together. We can laugh at some of the same things and get to experiance things together in the game for the first time (with the new expansion out)

Now to find my next unexpecting victim

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLalita

I can't even access the armory right now, everytime I query something it says file not found :(

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpudnik

My girlfriend likes the game too, but doesn't have time to play...

Other experiences with family is when my brother and I, both pretty hardcore, had to decide who would get the "Baron's Deathcharger"... it was a long debate, offering amounts up to 1000g for it! It worked out in the end, but I feel there's still a grudge being hold against me... >.<

I play with my brother (73 druid) and a friend (68 druid). Myself, I'm a 74 druid.... we have so much fun together playing all-druid, you wouldn't believe it! Different side of the game all together, since you can do things no-one else can!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEhrkashin

My girlfriend thinks its cool i play the game, but she says she doesn't understand the point or how i can have fun with it. I try to explain to her the joy of dinging, raiding, PvP and gearing up, but she says she just doesn't get it. I would love to be able to play WoW with her, but she isn't interested and has dial-up anyway. :(
Any suggestions to explain to her the fun in the game?

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike Fahy

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