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Soloing: My First Quests in Northrend, Part One

Project Lore's favorite hunter begins his epic quest to reach level 80 by questing in Northrend, Howling Fjord in this premier episode of Project Lore Soloing.

This is the very first episode of Soloing, a new segment from Project Lore that will cover different aspects of WoW, apart from dungeons and raids. We plan on covering quests, achievements, professions, and anything else you all want to see. If you have suggestions for what you'd like to see on soloing, let us know. Leave a comment or drop a line to editor@projectlore.com

The next episode will be up on Thursday at Noon, PST, so check it out then. Meanwhile, we've got more Oculus tomorrow.

Reader Comments (76)

Loved the 10 Days of Knight, can't wait to watch Zand take on some Northrend quests!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRokuro

RSS feed update please! Monday and wednesday missing. :)

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUrza

cool new segment, I play horde so i was wondering what the starting quests looked like alliance side pretty sick

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrusadeling

great idea for new episodes

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkilla123

I would like to see a run down of all the different add-ons and interface options you have turned on/installed.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTony

cool new segment, keep up the great work Project Lore

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTony

When he said he did Utgarde and Oculus, he did mean Utgarde and Nexus, right?

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKanop

While I don't have the TomTom addon, I do use QuestHelper. Which is pretty much a godsend, though sometimes I still find myself wondering over to thottbot.... :D And I can see that you're using RatingsBuster or something very similar (also very, very great to have).

Anyway, cool episode - great to see on my B-Day. ^_^ And Zand....interesting 'stache. Not bad - but definitely interesting. lol

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNida

...wait, so Zand doesn't have a real job, and gets to make internet TV about him playing WoW, AND has guns of steel? Damn, I wanna be like him when I grow up! Stuff this university BS!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWML

Nice mustache zand

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFwibib

Fwibib beat me to the punch on the Porno Stash.

Now i have to say I was not impressed to see Zand running Quest helper for his assumed first time through Northrend.

I also think that quest helper is a really cool mod, it really destroys the point of the game if this is your first time through.

The quests in outland are much better then vanilla wow at telling you where to go, and with quest helper you just read the synopsis and follow the arrow. Though this can be MUCH faster at times you can miss all the lore and such.

anyway, keep up the good work and hopefully you guys will get back to a 5 day rotation soon..

Love the Stash and I want to see some Tom Selleck my the end of the week!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHoss

Oh and I forgot... the new pet defensive Sucks! and with Passive you really need to micro manage your pets target.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHoss

This is good stuff. However, you are leaving out the Horde quest :(

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAntiyoi

Hey in your first segment of soloing was that guy on the horse flying a GM? also do all of you guys get spam from your fans when you guys log in and play?

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJaime

Nice moustache Zand! :P
BTW i would like to see more content involving holy paladins as i played as one thorugh the TBC and WOTLK and it would be nice to see your views on thir moves and how it works.
Name - Seltek (Holy paladin)
Guild - Burning ashes
Server - Sunstrider PVP EU

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeltek

If I got replaced by that ugly lizzard thing I would leave you Zand. Time for a new blog post by Jimmy :P

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndré

Great new Idea guys, Its good to be able to watch the alliance quests in northrend (even though i could do them, I'm having more fun in my horde character)

Have you guys ever considered doing something with the Horde?. Theirs a whole world of lore, quests and other fun stuff that's being unrepresented.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFedrex

I don't really want to see you do every quest. Maybe just focus on the cool ones that people should not miss while leveling.

I use Quest helper but not tom tom. I just like to know the Im generally in the right area on the mini map. Tom tom's big arrow is too much.

Gatherer is great for miners and herbalists.

Zand also used Auctioneer to tell how much the Axe would vendor for.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrido

Awsome episode. I'm not a big fan of quest helper... but whatever sinks your boat and turns it into a submarine I always say.

I gotta admit, the mustache and huge hair had me in stiches! Awsome job Zand!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSantofuego

I highly recommend getting Tekkub's VendorBait ( http://tekkub.net/addons/VendorBait ) and Sellfish ( http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7035-SellFish.html ) addons.

SellFish will list the price of items to vendors and VendorBait will actually highlight the item worth the most money so it's not a guessing game when getting gear to vendor that you don't need.

The Druid staff was worth more in this case. ;)

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterren0

man im hored this helps me none what so ever why dont you do hored and do the quests in hored?

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterminicuda

Nice post Project Lore/Zand. I hope you guys are able to do more than just 2-3 quests per episode though. The length was good, not too long and not too short but I really think that more could be done within the time allotted.

It's good that Zand isn't reading all the quests like in 10 Days of Knight in order to save time but as a viewer want to see more quests than just 2.

In all, this is a great idea; showing another aspect of the game is a super cool addition to the Project Lore website. Keep up the good work!

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharrge

Zand your an idiot, Oculus is a lvl 80 instance, and you should know that because you did it on the beta. But anyway, great work, love the show and keep it up.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew

What is that addon that whenever u look at the stats it will tell you like +13 Staminia and stuff that you have. I've seen it before but never found out about it

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

love the idea of soloing. and as for your pet trouble, i had the same problem with my deathknights ghoul. he aggroed all of ramps and caused a wipe when he was of defensive.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRaten

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