Project Lore's favorite hunter Dorkins does some payback PvP and a few more quests in Northrend. Watch him and Juggy in this episode of Project Lore Soloing.
As a Horde level 80 Ive reached the level cap and get bored quite often so I make giving the Alliance a hard time my past time... Having spent most my world of warcraft play time in Battlegrounds and Arena they just can't take me out the last time I started something was infront of the Alliance camp in Grizzle Hills I got 63 HK and had a blast doing it.
The bad thing took 2 of you to kill a horde...2 alliance on 1 horde..hmmm sounds like the math is sound 1 horde player = 2 alliance ;3 ok faction stuff aside, wish you guys had horde side quests, i would've enjoyed that so i could've leveled efficiently in my first few levels up to 75.
I think its funny that after someone gets ganked they dont like it,but when their doing the ganking its cool.Not taking sides,i just think its funny.Like most people say,if you dnt like it,move to a pve server.And you cant say "Typical alliance talk" or "Typical horde talk" because i play both.
mmm i have a question what talent specialization does dorkins was using there it has like beast within that i think it is in beast mastery i saw explosive shot and readiness the 3 are from different talents can someone explain me or something?
Reader Comments (22)
Hairy chest? too much information! xD
did he just say nipplevar?
Haha it blew my mind when you gave a shoutout to Ven because he has since left Radshire in a bit of a tiff. Cool dude though.
Cool episode, Zand. It's great to see this stuff and know I can actually take Larna out there and do it myself. :D
Congrats on the revenge there, Zand. Your more like a Hordie than you want to admit!
Great episode like always!
one Jarold Puller, In Dalaran sells them Dorkins
btw keep up the good work
VEN <33333
As a Horde level 80 Ive reached the level cap and get bored quite often so I make giving the Alliance a hard time my past time... Having spent most my world of warcraft play time in Battlegrounds and Arena they just can't take me out the last time I started something was infront of the Alliance camp in Grizzle Hills I got 63 HK and had a blast doing it.
Blood elf, Ret Pally FTW :D
The bad thing took 2 of you to kill a horde...2 alliance on 1 horde..hmmm sounds like the math is sound 1 horde player = 2 alliance ;3 ok faction stuff aside, wish you guys had horde side quests, i would've enjoyed that so i could've leveled efficiently in my first few levels up to 75.
Its good n all but im horde and this is useless for that faction. Tho, seeing the ganking made it a lil better. xD
Horde FTW!
Thanks to project lore I started playing the game.I started in Executus as a human pally going ret spec.Keep up the good work
Also, a level 68 ganked you! You are level 70 at least and geared well. /fail
Hark to the Forsaken!
No the 68 didn't gank him an 80 retadin did.
Guys a little heads up DK's are Op till 80.....specially Unholy ones......i know this i play one :P
What's that quest addon he's using called?
just like to say grats on reveng i been there on a pvp server trying to quest when all a sudden u get killed by Horde
I think its funny that after someone gets ganked they dont like it,but when their doing the ganking its cool.Not taking sides,i just think its funny.Like most people say,if you dnt like it,move to a pve server.And you cant say "Typical alliance talk" or "Typical horde talk" because i play both.
lol...can't believe I haven't watched this episode yet >_>
He even gave me a shoutout :O !!!
What addons do they use with the action bars?
mmm i have a question what talent specialization does dorkins was using there it has like beast within that i think it is in beast mastery i saw explosive shot and readiness the 3 are from different talents can someone explain me or something?