Episode 12.9: Utgarde Keep
After learning from their unfortunate attack, Project Lore face off with Ingvar the Plunderer again in Utgarde Keep. Will they finally down this thug or get bested by his whirling axe... again? Find out in this episode of Project Lore.
Reader Comments (31)
Loved the Han Solo reference lol
Fan girl screams at the end was awesome!
Every time I do UK, we end up killing Ingvar the same way. Everybody dies just before he does, I get my DoTs up (I'm a lock) and he dies.
i was really hoping for another crazy jimmy moment../sigh
oh well..good job guys
Two words:
hope they get off this and onto a new instance soon
hahaha, awesome. I was laughing really hard. Keep up the good work guys, and have a great week! :D
usually you run from smash ;-)
Just to let everyone know the thing that basically 1 shots the tank is called Smash. When he starts to cast it, just move out of the way and he won't hit you.
Nice. LOL...
I just had a similar encounter last night with my first heroic... the screaming starts and I panic!!! Ya start slappin the keyboard like a rabid monkey...
Great episode guys!!!!
"Flashback to Dr Dark, in Karazhan", anyone...?
I'm reminded of the Karazhan run my guild did a few nights ago. We had reached Prince Malchazzar and already wiped a couple of times (the group was spread across gear and levels, okay). On the second-to-last wipe, it ended with me (main healer) and the paladin (main tank) being the last ones standing after having had everybody else die. Surprisingly enough, we lasted for an entire 40 seconds before we bit the dust as well. :lol:
As a sidenote to Hippocket and other like-minded players: DO NOT release your spirit until a fight is over. That is because you'll lose out on reputation kills and possibly even mob loot when you do so. And if that's not reason enough for you guys, then just think of how annoyed your healer gets when she has to hunt down your body in order to resurrect you.
Dis' aint working for me ;o anybody else having problems?
yeah it was doing this white thing but its gone now.
Hey guys when are you gonne put a Death Knight in the fight cuz im really exited to see that.
Spirrit wolves ftw otherwise id had been another wipe :P What level was juggy healing as enhance?
Poor Jeff...
Switching roles from Tank to DPS (or Healer) can be daunting! Don't give up!
It's obvious this wasn't done during this week.
'cus Juggys level 80 and Dorkins 74 and Lyle is like 77 - 80.
I see the problem Jeff had on the final boss in UK. He made the common mistake that non-tanking melee dps makes, didn't get behind the mob. First and foremost this can beat up Lyle, since if the mob parries Hip, he beats up Lyle. Second, the phase 2 smash is a cone effect if he stays behind it won't hit him.
Don't want to sound like I'm picking on Jeff, I believe he respec'd to retribution right? Coming from protection, he was used to being in front soaking up damage. Didn't occur to him to get behind.
Enjoy Retribution Jeff, my pally was always Ret since he got his first talent point. Spec and gear up right and you can make the rogues feel inadequate when the damage meters are shown. :)
I am sure by now you guys have worked it out. This is my take on the boss.
Dark Smash, the tank needs to face him away from the group. In phase 1 when he starts casting it the tank can move to the side of the boss and avoid the conal damage and then move back in front of the boss.
In phase 2 (after he has been resurrected), you can still avoid Dark Smash like in phase 1 however it will knock everyone down.
The pillars don't do anything as far as I know. So healers/ranged just need to stand at max range, it will also help the healer with line of sight issues.
I think for Jeff it definitely looks like there were a few problems, spec/gear/dps rotation etc. I'm sure in the next episode it will be improved with the new axe.
Good job Juggy!
He can even heal as enhancement
haha ahh yes jimmy im sure your not the only pet to have done that. And way to go guys loved it and hotpocket dont worry ive wiped before at the same time as you! (well i didnt have any healz :P)
Turalyon (normal)
Prot warrior : For the horde!
FYI Cones + Cleave + AoE attacks kill melee who are forgetful enough to stand next to the tank. Tank = damage magnet splash damage included.
I wanna see them do Nexus and then laugh my ass off if they dont move during final boss. Though I hope they arent much of a n00b or atleast read my comment. I remember when I ran it on Day 1. I was the only one to realize that a dot applied itself if you dont move. Then I told them to move but only the tank listened.