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Soloing: My First Quests in Northrend, Part Seven

Project Lore's favorite hunter Dorkins completes more quests in Northrend, but there's a surprise in store for him. Watch this episode of Project Lore Soloing.

Reader Comments (86)

LMFAO Horde Rule!!!!! :-)

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLansing

I hate ganking...they do suck. I'm for the horde and hate the alliance. But as for what happened, just remember what always happens in Stranglethorn Vale or Tarren Mill. 70 and 80's allys ganking 30's and 40's horde trying to complete there quests. So it sucks they picked to do it during the taping so they deserve all the deaths they will receive.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaxxon

hehe xD only ally guys i like is you. Project lore people, especially Schnoobins and Dorkins :D but i LMAO when you got owned by the mighty hordes.


December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSlegg

That was funny as shit. I have one thing to say, doing this on a PVP server probably not the brightest move. It doesn't take more than 2 days to get a death knight leveled up for northrend questing. And for all the QQers talking about how bad the horde is, this is life on a PVP server and it rolls both ways its a dog eat dog world and you will get ganked on PVP. This is why I play on PVE if I want to fight other players I have all sorts of PVP options.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

"Dorkins was born lactose intolerant and raised on soy milk"
I am still laughing about that one!

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergnarforama

good point Pauldy :D

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSlegg

omg xD laughing my ass off by the last part xD Nice long episode!

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRasmus

good point as well Pauldy....if I'm lucky I will see TRG ganking since I am on the same server as them


December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaxxon

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry Dorkins but that shit was HILARIOUS! Even though I don't believe in the whole ganking while questing ordeal, your reaction was 'effin priceless. Keep up the good work guys and gal. Keep having fun with it.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCypherblok

Hahaha, best episode of this series yet. Its stuff like that during questing is why I rerolled on a PVE server from a PVP one when I returned to WoW. I prefer my questing to be a bit more relaxing then have some bleep with nothing better to do bother me repeatedly.

Maybe there should be a video later with you guys getting revenge on Horde.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaraken

Zand you are so badasss.
i got ur back bro
i made a hordie and cussed them out for hours
i took a screenshot
ill email to you guys

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterconman

I need to make some vinyl stickers of this:
"I’m going to find you in whole fucking World of Warcraft and kill You!!!"

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoc Dog

Get yo boyz together and release yo shizz all over those idiots. XP Tape that too so you can spread it all over the net.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

Well all I can say is those two horde guys got their 1 minute of fame and now they will end up paying the price by being placed on the KOS list not to mention getting bitched at by Ally sympathizers while also getting kudos from hardcore pvpers.

That is why I play on a pve server and have both ally and horde. Somebody pisses me off i go to the other side and either chew em out or ask why they did that....which turns out to be bitching them out since they get an attitude that I have both horde and alliance.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDayotha

get one of ur boys to make a horde char and the lil f.... to there friends list and hunt him down and ganking him till he crys home to his mum :P great epp

zand u kick ass

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

and add the lil f.... i ment to say :P

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

+1 to Zand. Sons of bitches.

Hordies, want some PVP? I know two letters: BG.

Stop fucking around.

Great show btw.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJuanin

By Juanin on Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008 at 7:13 pm

"+1 to Zand. Sons of bitches.

Hordies, want some PVP? I know two letters: BG.

Stop fucking around.

Great show btw."

You so silly!! I think the message they were trying to get out wasn't "We're asswipes" but instead "Don't mess" Like allies don't pull this crap all the time, its on both sides, its a PvP server, its what you should expect from a PvP server, get over it.

-From, Common Sense.

p.s. Great episode Zand, and bold attempt Juggy.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

I don't understand why people feel the need to bash the horde because of this. I have a shadow priest on a pvp server and I get attacked by alliance all the time while doing quests. It's the nature of PvP servers.

Most of the time I actually help alliance nearby (if they don't attack me) mainly by mind controling them and giving them a fort buff. Otherwise I do my best to stay away from them.

I feel bad for those 2 horde guys though. Can you imagine having the whole Project Lore crew after you? yikes!

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

I know ganking is normal in PvP server, but ganking while doing Project Lore, is unacceptable!!! I hope you'll get your revenge, Dorkins! Burn the f***ing Orgrimmar! For the Alliance! By the way I liked the moment starting at 0.55 when you sounded D.E.H.T.A member, hehe.

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNoblehero

That. Was. Awesome.

Get those ganking gankers!

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterInvisigoth

MUAHAHAHA, thats what you get! you son of a bitch, for being a goddamn dwarf! How could anyone resist the urge to pummel a pussy fucking member of the Alliance? especially a physically retarded one? Those guys who kicked your ass are great and if they were not, then you would have beat them... FOR THE HORDE!

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJordy

For crying out loud you guys, get over it.

That isn't ganking, looking at the video it looks like those two guys were newly minted 70's, taking on a level 71 in Tier 5 armor, and a level 80 in who knows what kind of gear (or at least 77 seeing as Juggy was flying). Two lower level, undergeared guys taking on higher level guys before anyone was in combat is not ganking. If you think that's ganking then you have your heads up your fourth point of contact.

It looks like those guys were there killing mobs before you got there Dorks, you rode up into an area where there were flagged folks and dropped a big banner that seemed to say "Im in ur Killlzonez not payn attenzhun" and they smoked you down. I imagine that this kind of thing happens all the time on that PVP relm.

You guys rolled up on a PVP server before this show started, and leveled up to 70 that way. You know what happens on a PVP server and you continued to film your shows on that server. If you guys didn't think something like this was going to happen sooner or later then you made a bad call. It isn't a problem when you're taping an instance or raid show (worst case is that you get attacked outside of the entrance and you edit that out), but you had to expect that you would get this once in a while on a solo leveling show. Don't get your panties in a bunch when PVP happens on a PVP server, you asked for it and you got it.

You may not like PVP all that much (and seeing how fast you went down I can see why you don't), but if PVP gets you that torqued out about something then you guys may want to take the show over to a PVE relm (the new relm transfer policy goes both ways right?).

Yeah, I'm Horde. Deal with it. We're outnumbered on most every relm, and glad we don't have to deal with all the mouth breathers like 90% of the Alliance posters above.

My main is on a PVE server because I didn't want to have to deal with stupid crap like this. I have a toon on a PVP server to play when I've been feeling too full of myself and need to be knocked around a little.

My main is a Lock, so the comment about Dorkins being burned down fast is pretty weak considering how fast a squishy like me gets killed in PVP.

**Wall 'o Text crits you for 20K HP**

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMoose

go horde!

December 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

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