Project Lore's favorite hunter Dorkins completes more quests in Northrend, but there's a surprise in store for him. Watch this episode of Project Lore Soloing.
Reader Comments (86)
I'm pretty sure Zand was joking when he said that he was gonna hunt them down and kill them.
dude, your entire comment is discredited by the fact that whether or not they had the mobs in that area tapped, a "defending the flag" quest SPAWNS MOBS SPECIFICALLY FOR THE QUEST
what happened there was nothing but a gank, happens all the time
and they definitely have a right to be mad ... you act like you wouldnt be mad if it happened to you, and you know you definitely would be
i'm horde as well, on a pvp server, and i get ganked constantly by alliance ... both sides do it
There's no way in hell the Alliance outnumber Horde. All of the realms i've been on have been heavily outnumbered by Horde, including the one in which Dorks is taping. Get your facts straight before posting your shit. Obviously they knew that something like this was bound to happen or else they WOULD HAVE switched to a PvE. If you're going to tell them how to run their show, then why don't you create your own?
On another note...
Great shows guys. i especially enjoy the soloing episodes. I don't have WotLK yet, so when I land in Northrend I'll be sure to take a second look at all of the episodes. Keep up the great work!
People, let's cut the bitching. Both factions are gankers, no one faction ganks more than the other. It's also fair to say we all get ganked while questing. It happens. What do you do? You get pissed, have a quick shout and continue on your merry way to completing more quests.
Zuul, it all depends on the country in question. Some of the En-EU servers are estimated that the horde are outnumbered 2 to 1. But, hey, that's just estimations. There's no official numbers, that crappy census addon was the only way to tell and even that was a rough estimate. Sometimes you feel you're outnumbered, sometimes you are. So, maybe Moose's post isn't right, maybe it isn't wrong either.
Gotta love you though, Zand, it's always amusing to watch you play!
Gotta say, Love the vids. Here's wishing you had spots on the "team" to help you quest/shoot/create.
Anyway. felt compelled to post as Dorkin's comments about quests, etc are always money, but he missed a great reference and I think I'm just old enough to have gotten it.
Walt's quests... We can rebuilt it We have the technology
are a nod to the old school TV series, "The Six Million Dollar Man. It was a line from the opening credits ('cept it was "him" not it.) If you consider the quest, he's trying to rebuild the Golem behind him and you later control it. Very clever, and appropriate reference.
Man, I love blizzard and the sneaky ways they slip in humorous references.
Anyway, keep up the awesome videos. Fun diversion to when I can't play or am on a long griffon flight.
Zand yore OT trash talk is simply golden. Gottan Ally on PVE and Horde on PVP. My ally would tell you F#"% dose ganking whore hordes, they be scum of the earth, hating freedom and/or are communist sympatiz0rs. My horde character would probably say QQ and mo pew pew beyeyeyoooooch. Allies are the werst gankas, especially huntards. If I hadda pie for every pet class that wastes my time with their beasts, voids and handbags I'd make a international pie company called: Lots of F&%/ken Pies Dot Com.
Oh and off the rec, hush-hush, destroy upon reading dwarft hides sell fast on Ogr AH.
I feel your pain about opposite factions stopping you from doing quests. The really sad thing is, on my Deathknight, I was camped by five Alliance Ret pallies in Hellfire, someone didn't get the Expansion as soon as I did?
Fail !! You got killed by a lvl 70 paladin and "They are too many" ? This is why I hate playing an alliance character on a PvP server....all you do is raid raid raid, but you have to get a summon inside the dungeon from a warlock to get there so you won't get killed. That is not gankin..from what I saw it was 2 of you vs the paladin, than u killed a 68 DK witch has NO GEAR at all except the quest rewards ??? And it took u some time to kill him .... REROLL on PvE server ! This game is hard enough for you just with the mobs to worry abbout.....GEEZZ .... Next time equip a PvP trinket, it's 8k honnor or something and try not to embarace youreselfs anylonger. Congrats hordes!
Horde FTW. na man if i was there and show someone questing, as long as you left me alone i would just leave you alone man. but if that's only if i haven't done wrath gate yet. (if you get what i mean Wink wink)
Reader Comments (86)
I'm pretty sure Zand was joking when he said that he was gonna hunt them down and kill them.
'Cus he even said "but goodjob".
I like the Soloing show, theyr all alliance so its shows what theyr doing, little bit from theyr aspect.
LOL how did you get ganked juggy its look like 3 horde 68 dk and 70 pally and dunno :S lol
Great episode getting killed xdxdXD
Everyone hates gankers, and allies can be just as tardish as hordies when it comes to that..
Even though i like you guys my character is on the Horde so i say congratz to the horde guys but feel bad bad for Dorks and Jugy.
@ moose
dude, your entire comment is discredited by the fact that whether or not they had the mobs in that area tapped, a "defending the flag" quest SPAWNS MOBS SPECIFICALLY FOR THE QUEST
what happened there was nothing but a gank, happens all the time
and they definitely have a right to be mad ... you act like you wouldnt be mad if it happened to you, and you know you definitely would be
i'm horde as well, on a pvp server, and i get ganked constantly by alliance ... both sides do it
Hunters For The Fucking win
It would be cool to see a pvp raid episode, like a thunderbluff raid or orgrimmar raid
LMAO Dorkinz you got nailed! Horde ftw!
also directed at MOOSE.....
There's no way in hell the Alliance outnumber Horde. All of the realms i've been on have been heavily outnumbered by Horde, including the one in which Dorks is taping. Get your facts straight before posting your shit. Obviously they knew that something like this was bound to happen or else they WOULD HAVE switched to a PvE. If you're going to tell them how to run their show, then why don't you create your own?
On another note...
Great shows guys. i especially enjoy the soloing episodes. I don't have WotLK yet, so when I land in Northrend I'll be sure to take a second look at all of the episodes. Keep up the great work!
People, let's cut the bitching. Both factions are gankers, no one faction ganks more than the other. It's also fair to say we all get ganked while questing. It happens. What do you do? You get pissed, have a quick shout and continue on your merry way to completing more quests.
Zuul, it all depends on the country in question. Some of the En-EU servers are estimated that the horde are outnumbered 2 to 1. But, hey, that's just estimations. There's no official numbers, that crappy census addon was the only way to tell and even that was a rough estimate. Sometimes you feel you're outnumbered, sometimes you are. So, maybe Moose's post isn't right, maybe it isn't wrong either.
Gotta love you though, Zand, it's always amusing to watch you play!
and the reason they attacked you is because the horde have pritymuch that same quest in that spot with the banner.
all of you horde Apologizing for that kill, YOU are not real horde.
Gotta say, Love the vids. Here's wishing you had spots on the "team" to help you quest/shoot/create.
Anyway. felt compelled to post as Dorkin's comments about quests, etc are always money, but he missed a great reference and I think I'm just old enough to have gotten it.
Walt's quests...
We can rebuilt it
We have the technology
are a nod to the old school TV series, "The Six Million Dollar Man. It was a line from the opening credits ('cept it was "him" not it.) If you consider the quest, he's trying to rebuild the Golem behind him and you later control it. Very clever, and appropriate reference.
Man, I love blizzard and the sneaky ways they slip in humorous references.
Anyway, keep up the awesome videos. Fun diversion to when I can't play or am on a long griffon flight.
Kha...(I have many that start with this.)
You tell them horde Zand! lol
Zand yore OT trash talk is simply golden. Gottan Ally on PVE and Horde on PVP. My ally would tell you F#"% dose ganking whore hordes, they be scum of the earth, hating freedom and/or are communist sympatiz0rs. My horde character would probably say QQ and mo pew pew beyeyeyoooooch. Allies are the werst gankas, especially huntards. If I hadda pie for every pet class that wastes my time with their beasts, voids and handbags I'd make a international pie company called: Lots of F&%/ken Pies Dot Com.
Oh and off the rec, hush-hush, destroy upon reading dwarft hides sell fast on Ogr AH.
Keep up the good work btw.
I feel your pain about opposite factions stopping you from doing quests. The really sad thing is, on my Deathknight, I was camped by five Alliance Ret pallies in Hellfire, someone didn't get the Expansion as soon as I did?
Balance on Project Lore server
Executus US
47.29% Horde
52.71% Alliance
More stats at
Hey every one just waned to know what sever are these guys on
Hey Dorkins stop complaining its part of WoW especially on PvP servers. GO HORDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fail !! You got killed by a lvl 70 paladin and "They are too many" ? This is why I hate playing an alliance character on a PvP server....all you do is raid raid raid, but you have to get a summon inside the dungeon from a warlock to get there so you won't get killed.
That is not gankin..from what I saw it was 2 of you vs the paladin, than u killed a 68 DK witch has NO GEAR at all except the quest rewards ??? And it took u some time to kill him .... REROLL on PvE server ! This game is hard enough for you just with the mobs to worry abbout.....GEEZZ .... Next time equip a PvP trinket, it's 8k honnor or something and try not to embarace youreselfs anylonger.
Congrats hordes!
lol that was a good episode
haha ohhh my the horde and alliance what stupied shit we do to eachother for a gank. Haha and nice reaction dorkins very funny.
Turalyon (normal)
PROT warrior : for the horde! -that is the threat ;)
For the foresaken!
BTW if you take Dorkins sirous I laugh at you. He jokes all the time m8s. its an act thats what it is..
And btw, horde that got him when taping is pretty awesome :D
And one other thing, PvE is more fun then PvP. Except if you are playing with horde :P then PvP can be really fun
go go Dorkins!
Horde FTW. na man if i was there and show someone questing, as long as you left me alone i would just leave you alone man. but if that's only if i haven't done wrath gate yet. (if you get what i mean Wink wink)
One word... Finally!