First Post FTW!
So this is blogging... should I say "blogging" or "bloggin?" Should one street up his first post of keep it official? I'm thinking official, then street. So here it goes:
Welcome to the wonderful world of Project Lore! It's times like these, launching a new WoW website, that it's great to be alive. I've been playing this game for years and now finally I can turn my hours of game time into MONEY! Ok well not like gold farmer money but you know like paperboy money. So sit back and enjoy the love that Lore has to offer. Also the boys and I will be twittering, and video blogging so stay tuned.
- DrDark
Welcome to the wonderful world of Project Lore! It's times like these, launching a new WoW website, that it's great to be alive. I've been playing this game for years and now finally I can turn my hours of game time into MONEY! Ok well not like gold farmer money but you know like paperboy money. So sit back and enjoy the love that Lore has to offer. Also the boys and I will be twittering, and video blogging so stay tuned.
- DrDark
Reader Comments (4)
hey what realm u paly on i play on stormreaver what realm u play on... if u weant to paly with me role a orc shammy and meet me in the den.... make his mname googins or close to that ok bye! P.S my keayboard is screwed up.....
just was looking back what the first post in the blog was
Same here.
P.S Alex make another video come on man dont wait for the next expac that'd suck alot