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EotS... And Why You Fail.

Okay... maybe not you... but there a re a huge number of people who have no freakin' idea how to play Eye of the Storm battleground. And why is this important? Because if you want to get your classes PvP boots, neck or weapon, you'll have to get a lot of these Marks. And with season 4 upon us, you'll also have to do arena, but that's a different blog.

Here's the two strats that I have seen work best in EotS:

  1. Hold two towers and control the middle. Period. Don't go for other towers or get pulled away by enticing PvP kills. Just defend the towers and keep taking the flag.

  2. Hold three towers and defend. Period. Don't go for other towers or get pulled away by enticing PvP kills. Just defend the three towers.

That's it. Do one of those - NOT BOTH - and you'll get your marks.

EotS is not a gankfest like AV or Warsong can deteriorate into from time to time. You must defend your position and hold it to secure a win. And EotS IS NOT capture the flag. That is a silly diversion to keep you away from your real objective of taking and defending the towers.

Now go do suggestion 1 or 2 - NOT BOTH - and go get yourself some pretty little PvP boots.

Reader Comments (2)

agreed :)

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZedicori

well we always use this tac: hold all four towers, capture the flag, and try to kill as many of the other teams as possible.
works always, and you get more Honor from it :D

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJondare

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