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When Your Guild Doesn't Want You

Zul\'Aman BossWell how's about that. I started a guild about a year ago and we've been rocking it! We leveled like mad and got tons of 70's pretty quick. Seeing as we were so uber we started farming Kara. Then we moved onto ZA. At about the time we started really owning Kara I started working on this site and took a break from WoW while I did it. My first day back I'm swept up into a Gruul's Lair group and we two shot him for the first time in the guild! Oh the joy!!! So when I got back on and really wanted to start RAIDing with my guild I signed up for ZA on the guild calendar... "Oh there's no way you can go with them." "What? Why?" "Oh that's the group that runs through ZA easy they can't have you with them." Why is ZA so different from Kara? Is it soooo much harder? I know it's the next step up but really? I'm going to cause the group to fail? Me a good DPS rogue who knows how not to be killed. Anyway, rant = over.

Dr Dark

Reader Comments (7)

The only difference with ZA is that there are four loot chests. There is a timer, and you must down the first 4 bosses within a certain amount of time to get the chests. The first three two bosses give you time when you kill them.

There's no reason you couldn't hold your own in ZA - one new person doesn't make much of a difference... unless this groups goal is to get a bear mount.

I've been in a 10 man group that practiced ZA for months before we got a bear mount. One sub was sometimes enough to damper our chances. It really did require the same 10 people doing their absolute best to pull it off. This may be why they may not want to take someone outside of their core group.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCloudbearer

i was the gm of a guild that started doing some ZA after smoking through kara then we had the famous "GUILD DRAMA" and most of the core people left and like the other 4 that stayed left and i said /gdisband after 3yrs and found out they all went to the same guild they started had no specail rules or anything either way was fun times wasted so yes ZA is easy and too much of a ZG rerun for me anyways so went on to go with friends in mag and gruuls way better anyways dont worry nothing missed but a rerun. i myself now am taking my first ever WoW break just seems that resil and the new way of playing has kinda made the game a bit too easy and without the right classes just isnt the same 70 priest hunter rogue druid lock working on a 52 mage and 62 shammy on one of the worst servers in wow world haha detheroc but i found the show yall are doing and its awesome keep up the good work

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterchris

the thing about za is that it is actually a much harder 10 man then kara. za is a ssc/tk level 10 man and has t5 equivalent gear. me and a friend figured out that to get into bt and sunwell u just had to have full za epics and badge gear. as for the fights they are very complicated and require very specific group make ups and rogues are not really "important" untill you get to zul'jin. the guild im in currently has 5/6 down in there so i no from first hand experience. hope this helped at all :)

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTrulsrohk

Unless your going for a 4 chest run your personal dps isn't going to matter a whole lot. The main thing for a good ZA is good tanks and healers and dps that is able to kill nightbane.

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTauranicus

Although smaller, ZA is much harder then Kara.

Perhaps they were going for timed chess events and wanted to keep the same group set up that has been working. Zul'jin (the last boss), although different in style to other bosses in kara and therefore harder to compare, is soo much harder then prince or nightbane. The whole raid needs to know detailed tactics, you need perfectly timed dispells, you need quick melee dps (movement), you need strong melee dps, you need a desent amout of health, you need very good healers and a well geared and skilled tank.
To be fair, i did decribe a lot of needs to fight prince, but Zul'jin is another 2 runs up the ladder.

And don't get me started on Hex Lord....

September 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMinitoken

I can't see why they wouldn't want you, if you have kara equivilent gear, than you can do it pretty easy enough. The only time I can see them maybe not wanting you is when you are a tank or a healer. Those spots are tough to do on your 1st ZA run.

But as DPS, it shouldn't matter. Just as long as you are knowledgable about the fights beforehand, so they aren't having to explain everything to you.

October 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

i have seen that first hand bro i was #1 pally tank im my guild for as long as i can remember i lead them through kara gruuls mags za etc... well when we starting to raid t5 content we got in a few more tanks well i left for a 2 week training period with the army reserves come back and thought yay im back home to my online family well i was wrong they treated me as if i had abanded the guild and left them high and dry the replaced my spot in the raids with some new guy i eventually was demoted from a raid officer in my guild and was put on a probation within the guild saying if i did one thuing wrong i would be booted so i left. i really loved those guys and what they did was like a stab in the back after all we had done together. but it didnt stop there they continually make rude marks to me in trade in /s chat when they were around me and it got so bad i had to leave the server because i couldnt get into a guild because they kept telling gm's bad things about me and i had never done anything to them i had never lied to them i had never threated them badly i just wanted respect in the guild and to be treated like an adult not a kid well im in my new guild finally im quite happy i made new friends i know have a new wow bff (yay) and im loving it love all you guys in Git er Dun kul tiras!! yay <3

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

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