Entries in Gruul's Lair (2)

Tier WTF

So Wade had a great question which a lot of people starting out ask, even myself. "WTF is Tier?!" I will admit that it took a number of times having this explained to me before I fully grasped it so I hope this will clear it up. Basically, the Tier system is a way to explain the quality of loot dropped and where it comes from. So Tier 4 Gloves, Netherblade Gloves, are not as good as Tier 5 Gloves, Deathmantle Handguards. Tier 4 Gloves drop in Karazhan which is an easier raid than SSC, where the Tier 5 Gloves drop. You'll also notice that both are part of a set. Tier 4 raids (Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair) have bosses that drop Tier 4 tokens, which are turned in at a vendor in Shattrath for a part of your class set. So, all you really need to know is Tier 6 is better then Tier 1 and when you get a drop it will fall somewhere on that scale, according to where it came from. I know it's confusing and I hope this helps. If I missed anything please help clarify in the comments. - Dr Dark

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When Your Guild Doesn't Want You

Zul\'Aman BossWell how's about that. I started a guild about a year ago and we've been rocking it! We leveled like mad and got tons of 70's pretty quick. Seeing as we were so uber we started farming Kara. Then we moved onto ZA. At about the time we started really owning Kara I started working on this site and took a break from WoW while I did it. My first day back I'm swept up into a Gruul's Lair group and we two shot him for the first time in the guild! Oh the joy!!! So when I got back on and really wanted to start RAIDing with my guild I signed up for ZA on the guild calendar... "Oh there's no way you can go with them." "What? Why?" "Oh that's the group that runs through ZA easy they can't have you with them." Why is ZA so different from Kara? Is it soooo much harder? I know it's the next step up but really? I'm going to cause the group to fail? Me a good DPS rogue who knows how not to be killed. Anyway, rant = over.

Dr Dark

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