So, obvioiusly, I love Dorkins. He’s the best. He feeds me good meat, strokes my fur, and lets me kill horde. We are best friends. But lately he’s been leaving me in the stables in favor of that stupid wind serpent “Steve”. I hate Steve, he thinks he’s so cool with that
lightning breath and his dumb flapping wings. I think Dorkins was persuaded by the rumor that wind serpents are the best dps pet in the entire world...of warcraft. I think that's bull****!!! I rip F***ing faces off!!! I'm getting so mad waiting here in this ridiculously small excuse for a pet boarding house, what the f*** is this thing anyways?!?!?! I'm going to poison Steve's food, then Dorkins will have not choice but to take me out. Oh no, what if Dorkins never comes back? What if he leaves me in here forever?!! Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! F*** Steve!
Reader Comments (15)
Hello Jimmy!
As a member of D.E.H.T.A I support You and agree with You.
Dorkins move your butt to the stable and take poor Jimmy out!
Because it's not fair. Jimmy was helping you so long and you just take Steve out saying - Steve = moar DPS, I'll take Steve!
Take Jimmy out, let him fight by your side.
Druid Rounish.
And now really, I know that some people just take another pet and don't care about pet left in stables, I - on my hunter alt - use just one pet, I don't really care that another pets got moar DPS or something, I like my pet and since I RP a lot I consider him as my close friend.
Dorkins, take care of Jimmy not Steve, first pet is always the best!
Rounish from The Venture Co. EU
ROFL I love how your pet cusses like a mofo. But I think Ravager / Raptor are #1 dps, I personally use a raptor on my huntard and he rips faces off wai moar like rawrawrawr and the guys like OH MY GOD HE RIPPED MY FACE OFF AND IM BLEEDING UNCONTROLLABLY, and im like wow what a bi***! It doesnt even look like it hurt that much.
Are you kidding i love my master he just gave up his dumb cat for me. But he was looking at the dumb King Bangalash.
I always only have one pet. That pet varies however. I use him for a while see one I like better abandon the old one get the new one and get him to best friend : O. My poor pets never know when they will be kicked to the curb *shrug*. My current pet is a 70 Black Cat I named Bait. That should say it all : ). So all I have to say Jimmy is be glad you got the stable instead of the boot....
My master is awsome we met in teldrassel and now we destroy horde!(Note:to tell the truth id rather have a new master hes kinda horney...)
Hey Jimmy check out this Bada** M***** F***er - http://petopia.brashendeavors.net/html/mobs/mob_loquenahak.html ... U will expect to stay in the stable for a long time if Dorkins ever know bout this guy...
This tutched my heart... Jimmy, you got to get back out there! Get Dorkins to love you agen! We can't aford losing JImmy!
Yaaay Jimmy!
Jimmy you kick ass and you always will so if u hate steve so much when dorkins is logged out sneak up and kill steve so dorkins will love you again. GO JIMMY!
I know EXACTLY how you feel...i was my master's best buddy for the longest time we killed horde, bosses and anything else in our way....but ever since he found out how to "persuade" those exotic pets he has left me in the stables....For a while he was using that bee "Poke" but then he went to Shadowmoon Valley and got a Chimaera! leaving me to sit in the stables.....but now me and "Spyro" (his chimaera) have become good friends because when he went to Northrend (WITHOUT ME!!) he went and found a worm...recently though he has been bringing me out to kill those "Blood Elves" and wretches while doing those dailies....but the fact of the matter is i want to kill some HORDE!! i miss how he bragged about how i chased down the person with a flag and tore their legs off...or how i would sneak up on someone healing and start tearing there faces off....
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I am the only pet for my master but he hasnt been on in a while iam getting bored iam axauly wishing he had some other pets in the stable so i had someone to play with someone i used vanture azeroth and outlands ever since the expanchion my master was abandoned and me with him i here that damned DK talking about what he has done today so ANOYNG!!!!!!! i was thinking of taking your adivsie but he is very strong for a ghome i guass ill just have to wait but iam not known for pashions HURRY UP AND GET ON MY MASTER YOU YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!
Jimmy you at least have a chance to be once again with Dorkins even if you are in stables. Me and my master were best friends but he get another pet some kind wolf or something and my master didn't put me in stables HE ABANDONED ME!!! Do you have any idea how hard is to be abandoned with no chance that one day your master will pick you up again and be your best friend once again?
I was thinking that it's the end of the world but another hunter found me and and he felt sorry that my master abandoned me and left me to die and took me as his pet now i am very happy that i got a new master and i know that he wont abandon me but he will never be as my first master that i loved with all my heart
Dear Jimmy:
Like you, I'm a fellow cat. I rip off people's faces and still look good while doing it. But then my master put me into the stables in favor of that stupid wolf named Padfoot. C'mon! All that guy does is howl endlessly! But eventually my master got tired of that lame animal and sprung me out. The sunlight... it was so... beautiful... *sniff*
Don't give up, dude!
Many paws,
[Hunter's note: Sabio had better be grateful that I'm kind enough to translate for him. We're also going to have a "chat" after this is posted.]
Wait....won't you just eat steve? he is just a dumb snake.
That's what I did with my masters snake...
Fellow White king cat,
i help you
i kill that so call STEVE
you killed me 17 times jimmy im glad your locked up i havent been camped in months you little f*** !