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What's Your Take On Project Lore?

Spinuzzi has a great take on Project Lore:
I could see myself spending a lot of time watching this show about how to level up in World of Warcraft. Maybe I'll fire up the Wii and watch it on the TV through the browser. I mean, I don't play WOW, but I don't design clothes either and I still catch Project Runway sometimes.

I love it! We've already had a ton of great feedback, so keep on letting us know what you think about the site, the videos, or anything else. Post a comment here or just email editor@projectlore.com.

Also, don't forget to check us out on Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook (Group, Page)!

Reader Comments (26)

Loving the website so far guys, but I find myself wanting two things.

One - more strategy based instance videos. Yea, I know Hellfire Ramparts was to see how well the show would work, but I hope in the future you run down how to do many of the pulls how to handle the mobs. I'd rather have instance strategy videos with occasional humor than humor videos with occasional instance strategy.

Second - user submitted talent builds. I know some other websites do this, but you really have a chance to get the community working together and posting some really great builds. Perhaps a rating system on these builds too?

Otherwise, keep up the awesome work!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

I love the idea of a rating system for user-submitted builds. That would definitely build community, subsequently building viewership.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristopher

So far I love the idea guys! Just a couple of things....

1.) Please fix your iTunes feed. There is an error with the file.

2.) Please make the videos iPod friendly. I like to watch videos and podcasts at work and not having them direct sync to iPod is a huge annoyance.

Keep it up! and runs some heroics!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr T

Interesting concept for a site gentlemen. Id love to see a forums set up to build a community for this site. I'm no web master or anything, so i imagine that is easier said then done, but I think that is the easiest way to establish a community. Also I think each guy should do a kind of background clip for his own character so we know who we are looking at when we watch the gameplay footage.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTommy Christiansen

I agree with Tommy, Project Lore definately needs a forum for this to really be a community.

Love the videos, but I would like to see more detail on combat strategies and group coordination. It seems like 'here's a guy, watch us kill him' will get old fast.

You guys have a great idea here though, keep it coming!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

Here's a third that thinks a forum is a necessity

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterContra

Man, what a good idea for a site! I'm really digging the concept and I love the videos so far. I hope they are at least a little longer in the future, even if it's just to listen in on the ball busting back and forth....maybe also record a roundtable discussion from time to time on various issues in the game..just an idea.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to more stuff!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBill

As said before this site is great. I am fairly new to WoW and am still learning how to play my toon. I have a level 61 dwarf hunter and this site helps alot. If I could request one thing it would be an e-mail notification when content is added to the site. Keep up the great work.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBemiss

This site really speaks for its Self, WoW lovers just wanting to have some fun. I personally love this site. It lets people find out new things and a short blog about it. Although i have a 70, this site still helped me out when i ran though Hellfire Ramps with my Lower level Budy. You guys rock. Keep making more and more Episodes =D

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaedlock

Hey nice to see you guys doing something for WoW, going to add you to my list of WoW vidz next to BigRedKitty and a few other random vids online. In anycase i'm looking forward to see u guys cover some more wow stuff.

btw wheres the forums?

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRoberto


July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

Ok.. this is going to make me reactivate my WoW account. No, seriously. I am. Right now.

Great work guys.. look forward to seeing more.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermonkeystick

Great site guys. Only thing I would suggest is possibly a discussion forum...that would be it!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Concept: 5/5
Implementation: 3/5
Humor: 5/5
Overall: B+

A job well done by all those involved with Project Lore. It was an interesting view and would most-assuredly serve useful to players new to World of Warcraft.

As has been stated, detailed information on mob abilities, boss abilities, positioning, crowd control, etc. would be helpful. Judging based on the first episode, the show could use more of an educational atmosphere as opposed to a "watch us kick ass" atmosphere.

These criticisms are submitted with much respect. Keep up the great work. It's great that you're giving back to the community.


July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLee

Hello from germany!

I really like the project lore idea, although I am not playing wow anymore because I got too addicted and got a lot of trouble with my girlfriend ;-)

Anyway, you should add the videofeed to miro, this will make the videos more accessible. I watch for example diggnation and TRS via miro and it would be great if I could enjoy PL via miro too. :)

Keep up the good work guys!
Alex, I am a big fan of diggnation and TRS!


July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick

Great to see you guys doing a show about WoW. I listened to SWGack all the time and am a fellow SWG refugee. Loved techtv watch diggnation TRS... on to the feed back

What I Liked

Information about trash and bosses ect. especially the lore behind it. The overall concept for the show is great, but you need more of it. Less asskickery more how-to. If i wanted to watch an asskicking video i'd go watch a video of nihilum raiding sunwell plateau.

Minimap progress graphic. Love this, I don't know how many times ive been watching an instance video and said "where the hell are they?"

Player cams. This is done very well with four of you and the player of the character currently on screen is highlighted.

The banter between the party members

What I Did NOT like:

The guy on the speaker... don't if that really works. Get his ass down to wherever you shoot the show

The fact that you guys are 70 and doing a lvl 61 instance. Yea this will change, but i don't know how you guys will react under frustration. Heroic Ramparts is stupidly harder


Boss health window. It would be nice to see your progress on the boss. This can be done with a focus frame. Most unit frame mods mods have the ( /focus ) feature which allows you to have a frame of a mob up at all times as if you had it targeted

Class tips on boss fights, tanking tips, healing tips, dps tips, bassically what should i be doing as a ___ during this boss

Boss loot. What does this boss potentially drop

Discussion forums/discussion for each video

A discussion of the game. Maybe afterthoughts of the instance or a separate segment on upcoming changes

looking forward to more videos
-Doddin - pally tank extraordinaire

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNick

A list of all the addons you lot use would be great, not just those for the hunter. I'm sure alot of people will watch your videos and be curious what all it is that yall are using. So a section of the site devoted to that would get big thumbs up!

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMediamonkey

Loved the first instance guide! I can't wait till you get to the instances I'm running (Lvl 66, But Soon I will be doing heroics for some of that epic badge gear!) and the end game content (raiding, etc) should be a blast to watch and learn from! Our guild always encourages to watch the crummy youtube guides through fights, but I think this will become the best of that medium to broadcast to everyone's study of these fights!

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDylan

yea i love the videos i have a lock (wlomas akama) and i was watching just wishing yall and i have to say seein how a party's dps functions without him im kinda sad lol but at least we have good cc :)

I like seeing that people from TV actually play wow i mean seein jerry heal (even though it wasnt really necessary lol) it was crazy. I never imagined.

And im glad yall are on itunes so i dont have to go to wowhead.com everytime lol

I just thought i would hit on some of the better parts of the show i love it and keep 'em coming guys :)

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwlomas

Not sure what to think of this tbh. Watching the first episode, it felt like what "d" commented on "Addons Dorkins Can’t Live Without".
Get geared (The Sun Eater as OH on a Rogue? Really?), Raid some more, re-launch Project Lore.

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNachoes

I just discovered this on thottbot.com, and went to the site, watched the first few episodes.

So far, I really enjoyed it. The banter back and forth is funny, keep that up. 'I like breasts, what can I say?' is priceless.

The episodes could be longer, but overall the quality was very nice, and the screenshots were easily viewed.

Great job, I look forward to a long run.

July 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

I really enjoyed the show I don't play WOW anymore but there is some humor in the episodes. I look forward to other episodes.

July 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Hi all. Just finished watching your first set of videos and, first of all, just wanted to say thanks! They're really interesting and a great way to get an idea of what to expect. However, I would like to make one suggestion.

Seeing as your name is Project Lore, it would be really excellent if you could maybe do a look back a the classic 5-man runs (Stratholme, BRD, etc.) Particularly, because nobody runs them any longer. Feel free to use lower level gear to make it interesting, but I'd love to see some of the older content again. Thanks for doing such great work!

July 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOld Man

I was really like a non-iTunes RSS of the videos like Revision 3 has. I dont use iTunes, I use Juice to pull video content to my media server; the media server is a linux machine so iTunes isnt even an option.

Love the concept however!

July 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMacFlecknoe

Cool idea, your intro has a wierd parallel with Queer eye for the straight Guy though! :D

I've enjoyed the blog posts I've read so far, keep up the nifty work!

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterastromoose

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