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It's Ladies' Night

Thank you ladies for all of your kind responses to my last blog. I'm glad to see that the women who play WoW and the men who love them are kind enough to share their perspective about playing WoW.

While I'm on the topic, I'm interested in a few things that I wanted to ask the ladies. Now guys I suppose you could chime in, but really these questions are for the ladies.

First, as a player that just happens to be female, do you think that there is anything that Activision / Blizzard could or should include to make the game more appealing to a greater audience of woman? I know from your posts that you enjoy WoW and like playing MMORPGs and I just wondered what you thought might increase your enjoyment of the game and a woman's enjoyment of the game.

Second, as a female that happens to play World of Warcraft, do you think that there is anything in the game that is marginally offensive to women or potentially derogatory towards women in any way? I only ask because, while as a hetro male in RL I from time to time enjoy the WoW digital eye candy, I don't have a perspective of being female and am not sure how those 'ideal bodied' barmaids in WoW come across to the RL ladies. Then again, the digital dudes' physique in WoW would be the envy of most pro football players and they would probably topple over iRL being so muscle bound top heavy... lol.

And third, is there anything that you've wanted to say about in-game play or players that really frustrated you but you never had the forum to vent and get it out? Write about it here. Be kind and PG-13 if possible. And if I like the post, maybe I'll do a series on it. It'll be fun.

So as a player that just so happens to be female and as a female that plays WoW, I'd like to invite you to write a few world here. Maybe we can stir up a discussion or two, maybe even get the WoW developers to take notice and drop a patch on us with your suggested improvement.

Who knows? But for now...

It's ladies' nite, and the feelin's right. Oh yes it's ladies' night, come on and write. Don't you want to write?

( you're singing the song right? lol )

Reader Comments (19)

I can totally imagine the next lady oriented blogpost now....

[ Ladies, Do You Have A Myspace?, Facebook? C'mon share em' ]

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJules

I have kind of a hard time answering this, since I like most of the stuff boys do -- endgame raiding, pwning noobs, wearing epix. But here goes!

1. A lot of women I talk to really enjoy the social aspects of the game over other aspects. More social tools, therefore, would be cool -- better guild-management tools, the ability to link in-game calendar events to a guild website, more roleplaying opportunities (maybe a wedding chapel in major cities?), that sort of thing. More fancy clothes that tailors/leatherworkers/blacksmiths could make? It'd be cool to see plate vanity gear!

2. Meh, not really. I think Blizzard does a great job of having a VERY even ratio of male-to-female eye candy, as well as quest givers, guards, etc.

3. Oh, I dunno. I kind of hate PvP, but the nice thing about WoW is that I can totally opt out of it, so it's not really rant-worthy. I guess I wish there were more professions or things to do with my professions, since that's one of my passions. And I hate when people assume that because I'm a girl; I won't top the healing meters. Since I usually do. :-)

--Rae! (one-half of the podcast Epic Dolls!)

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRae

I've been sitting here for a while and thinking about your questions.

But to be honest i love wow just as it is.
I can't think about anything offensive that Blizzard is accounted for. I think they have done a great job to make the game "unisex". With that i mean that it works just as good for females and males. But that's just mine opinion ;)

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermhew

lol @ Jules!
i think blizz did a good job designing the game... sex sells, we cant really blame them for nelf dances and such.
so what if my Chestplate of Stoicism makes my toon have DD chest. you laugh it off with your guildies and move on.
i guess we just learn to play wow just like we learn to live in the male-oriented society. part of the fun is the competition, and when you beat the boys it gives you extra cool points :)

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHaileigh

Lol Jules.

I promise you, and all the other wonderful people who read my blogs, that I will never ask for a MySpace page, Facebook page or email.

That's too funny. lol

Thanks for reading and have a great day.

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaintGermain

To be honest, I'm pretty happy with the game the way it stands right now. Then again, I've always been more of a tomboy, so not sure if that factors in :P But as to the questions:

1. I have to agree with Rae that I've heard much of the same. Most girls who play that I've talked to enjoy the social aspect of the game. So if they put in some more social tools I think that would add to that, as well as make some things easier for the game. (I really like that calendar idea!) Also, I wouldn't mind seeing more of a variety for clothing options and just plain vanity stuff.

2. I don't see too much that would be offensive. To be honest, I think if Blizzard did a graphics upgrade it would make the male and female eye candy even better!

3. Not so much as venting, but an observation. I play Alliance, and I've noticed that on the Horde side, I'm usually left alone, and given respect to by Blood elves, sometimes Orcs. The Undead and the Tauren on the other hand...
I for the most part opt out from PvP unless I've been camped recently, then there's no mercy. ;) Otherwise, I'll let them be and go about my business.

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

1. more pets i have no more bank space but i enjoy them to much
2. nothing wrong with some nice looking bar lady's
3. ....hmmm as of now it's basically me being tiered of getting pwnd in arena by groups in my rating with all s4 gear wtf blizz

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentervic

Well lemme see...

I am in two different "groups" as it were in this game. I'm an "older" player (I'm 43) as well as a female.

As for anything offensive in the actual game? No, not at all. I really enjoy it...probably too much! :-)

I think as far as the players...well, you know, the usual; rudeness, rampant stupidity and ignorance... that is no different than RL really.

The funniest comment I have gotten from another player is "You MUST be a girl, because you are so nice!"
I also find being called "dude", "bro" and "man" pretty funny.

As far as what could be added to enhance the "girly" factor for ME? Here we go:

- Vanity items other than the useless stuff Haris Pilton has for sale

- More cute pets that are easier to acquire

- An ingame Wedding Chapel (am currently searching for a place to hold our ingame wedding)

- A place where players can honor RL fallen players

- Beef up the cooking skill (pun intended) new recipes would be nice

All in all I think WoW is quite well thought out and enjoyable. And it's nice that it IS a place where gender really doesn't make a difference overall. I too enjoy the social aspect more and PvP less, but I DO love raiding! :-)

hope this post isn't too long...

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeabee

Ojeeze you make it seem like wimminz are completely different species when it comes to playing the game.

I think Blizzard has done an excellent job at making the game appear appealing to both sexes and even all ages. I play mainly for the PvP aspect of the game. I do enjoy the fact that there are non combat pets and the different varieties of mounts (I had about five bags full of pets and mounts before deleting and rerolling alliance.). I really enjoy all the different types of mobs that hunters can tame as well, which is the main reason I leveled one. On a side note, I do think wimminz should have a +15 cooking racial.

I've never found the body types of the female characters in game to be degrading or offensive in anyway. Honestly, anyone who is offended by that needs to pull whatever the hell is stuck up their ass. (Ogod bad words.) It's like the people who believe barbies give little girl body image complexes. Like you said, the men in the game are so bulked they don't even have wrists.

The only thing I can think of that really irritates me when a female player acts like an e-whore, and others just eat it up.
"lol gais i just spilt water all over my white tshirt...lol...wat am i going to do??!?! ;) <3" Also, the players who tend think that if you have good gear, arena ratings, etc, you're a loser in real life, BUT if you don't, then you're a nub and they are clearly better than you.

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSacshot

huh well there's really nothing much different from me than from a guy that plays WoW i think. I agree with everyone else that its pretty unisex. My only issue is with the armor types sometimes for the women are a little... "what?" ya know? Haha, like how when you're an delf and you're running around, your boobs flop all over the place even if your in lvl6 armor. That is somewhat annoying.

Again, just the vanity things would be nice. Different clothing and more professions, the usual.

I would love more pets though. Not that I hate mine, I would just... like to see what other options there are for another alt I'm cooking up.

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlicia

I actually just started a quest called Betrayed on the Horde side.. If you read the beginning of the quest it actually gives you a good idea of some sexism in the game (and some BE racism)

"Betraying, thieving woman! That's what I call her--that's all she'll ever be!

I may have made a grave mistake, Conahh. I trusted a blood elf. What's worse, I trusted a woman!"

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterConahh

Hello thar!

Since I'm a woman playing WoW, I guess I can write down a few lines :D

I think that WoW is good as it is, really, I do. I wouldnt want it 'girlier' because that would just ruin it. I play the game mostly because of the awesome lore and story, so maybe the lore could play a bigger part (lol this sounds weird), I mean like somewhere I read about having opening cinematics for each dungeon/raid where they would explain the story behind the dungeon and its purpose, that sounds like a very nice idea to me.

keep on making the show, thanks for spotlighting the ladies :)

/ Lithlik/Twisting Nether

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAm

I think WoW is fine as is. More vanity items would be great fun, but I'm having trouble with making space in my bank and bags as it is... :P I love events, too, but no I'm not asking for more - they're fine the way they are in terms of frequency. And so on.

What really makes the difference for me is the player community and their attitude towards gender. I don't really question bits of sexism that is part of the game because I'm looking at it in the context of the WoW universe, in which some values can possibly be a little old-fashioned or even rather medieval. I think what truly spoils the experience for many of us girls is prejudice or harrassment from other players when we want to think of ourselves as just another WoW player.

I wouldn't mind more quality lore, though, but what truly keeps me playing is the great company I keep in-game.

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMerri

Seriously whats with all the women questions....why do our interests in video games need to be different than guys...i like to kill things and get gear...so that i can kill more things....to get more gear. It makes no difference what your sex is and i find this series of question offensive

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkate

And from a guy... (gasp)

Really SaintGermain, I was a little surprised to see this follow-up of your first blog. Not so much being the focal point on women but the questions.

I cant recall any more than once in my WoW experience where RL females in-game seemed to have any qualms about sex. And that one time some fool was spamming derogatory remarks towards women on the trade channel, so classifying it as such barely makes the grade. Really thats all anyone has to complain about. (aside from the usual groans and gripes about class OP). But Blizz can only control the human element so much.

Personally, I dont treat females online any different than I do IRL. (Muh mama raised me right :3)
Do I care if a girl kicks my ass in PvP? God no. Cant win them all, obviously.
Do I enjoy having a female in a group, of course. Not as pixleated arm-candy, but being a damn good conversationalist myself, I find girls tend to communicate better than guys. Its nice to have a bit more intelligence amidst the crowds of stupid. (nod your heads now because EVERYONE deals with it at one time or another.)

All in all, why would women feel repelled by the WoW?
It takes a simple yet elegant kind of female to take it all in with great stride, which they do.

Keep up the great job ladies.
Bring friends. (^_^)


August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRed

WoW is perfect just as it is. And for the record, it has been proven that women are more perverted than men are( we just don't show it as much) so I say, bring on the sexy characters that we are allowed to become. Any games that you can build your character (i.e.;SWG or even Oblivion) you can bet that 90% of the ladies make their characters as seductive and sultry as possible.

I dig this thread.

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNique Lynne

When I first read the original Ladies Blog, I was wondering if/when these kinds of questions would pop up. ;D

One of the first things I picked up on in WoW that wasn't to my satisfaction was in the character creation. Right now, you're probably thinking, 'Oh, she's going to say something about the body types...'. But no! *GASP* That wasn't what bothered me! I haven't gotten to that question yet! What DID bother me was the inability to zoom in the look at the character faces! I am a person who prides herself on detail, and frankly, it is kinds hard to see some of the facial detail when you're clicking through the choices. It may seem silly or trivial to other people, but being able to see that I choose the right face is important to me. One other thing that I came to discover when playing was the voice emotes that different genders and races have. It is neat that your character has a voice to laugh and tell jokes and things, but some of them are downright mean! Have you ever listened to the female Blood Elf sillies? All those girls sound like total b!tches! XD Maybe being able to choose from a couple different voices/joke sets would make some of us more comfortable playing certain races.

As for the second question, I actually don't mind the body types all too much. The ladies are thin and "sexy" and the men are muscle-bound and "hot" (though it does border on the creepy side with some). What would be welcome though, would be the ability to scale your type a bit. Some people want to be able to make their character a bit taller or shorter, a bit curvier in some aspects, and maybe a bit less muscle-bound, if they could. Though, giving complete control would be a very bad idea. That could/would result in giant Gnomes and double-G sized Forsaken. Just let us be able to twik just a bit, and that would allow a bit more individuality in the game. ^-^

And the only thing I've ever really had a problem with was typical kids mistaking my character for me. I most certainly don't have the body of my Blood Elf, so you shouldn't mix the two of us up! That's just really creepy. Especially when you tell me you want to be my boyfriend. Oo'' Just no.

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDragonPuff

I like that everyone I group with and voice chat with is shocked that I'm a woman playing wow.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaikea

Well, I'm not the one to judge someone by there sex.

But I have noticed that around women players in a instance i'm little more careful about what i say like i make sure its ok to say "SUCK IT BITCH!" after a boss fight.

i level a draenei mage arcane/fire (instant pyroblast FTW)

loraala thunderlord

(BTW im a guy so dont come on thinking im a girl because...im not...not that it matters... or anything...)

December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoraala

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