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Episode 5.3: Botanica

Project Lore clears a path to the third boss in Heroic Botanica, Thorngrin the Tender. Will the guys make Throngrin frown or will they tender their resignation? Check out the crowd control chat and more as Project lore faces Thorngrin the Tender.

Reader Comments (22)

First? Good vid

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPsyfadious

lol close call there, you guys are so lucky for those reincarnates, nice benefit to having a shaman healer, had it been a priest you probably would have wiped...

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlysiumX

Great show, I like that its not not just a cake walk which adds a bit of tension and excitement to the show. You are also doing a great job with consistently bringing these shows out 12 noon everyday.

Please do Kara


August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrido

Jerry, you rock.<3
I love your guy's show and I will continue to watch. ^-^

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShamaya/Lenoir

The eps are gettin better n better, the word is out, and you guys are steppin up, nice friggin work!!!
Hunters FTW
never stop gettin better
thank you sooo much

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbilltony

Great episode guys. I am loving the longer episode times and i love that you guys actually have trouble on bosses. Well keep up the great work.

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

awesome episode, keep up the great work

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterspanishboi7

Great video!

Pro Tip: He drops agro at the start of Hellfire, the best way to save your group as a warrior tank is to stance-dance intercept back in(you can make a macro to do the work for you). It's also possible to make a Macro for Intervene Target of Target(Don't know this one off the top of my head).


/cast Berserker stance
/cast Intercept
/cast Defensive stance

For Fear Immunity stance dancing

/cast Berserker stance
/cast Berserker rage
/cast Defensive stance

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

nice video, the stance danceing is really nice but not nessecary, he attacks whoever is closest to him once he is out of hellfire, then he reverts to an agrotable
so the process is

*tank run back out of it*
while hellfire is up SLOW dps
*so tank can pick him up aferwards with ease*
then once u see his hellfire closeing to an end get in there!
it is ok if u run into it while he is on the last 2sec 3 sec giver-take a few sec.
then u wanna go go go rip his @$$ apart

thats how i do it on my tank, but if it fails u can do what i do...button smash like a mutha luva

target him while he is in hellfire
wait for him to end it and go for a target if he isn't going to tank, then hit the "F" key so u can target who he is going for and hit intervate
then i usualy sheild slam so i can keep up agro

:D hope what i said will help ya
-Dwarfish tank Osku of shu'halo server

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

haha awesome video guys, got pretty intense with that bastard demon paladin :P

who ever knew that the darkside would see the light?!

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

On the CC front, you said that you guys "don't have a lot", but what it seems to me is that compared to many groups, you have a lot more CC than normal. It seems that you usually have at MOST one DPS class that can't cc (Juggybox). Albeit, sap is short, but it does CC for long enough to drop at least one target.

However, for many of the DPS classes out there (Arms or Fury Warriors, Boomkin or Cat druids, all warlocks (most of the time), ret paladins, enhance or elemental shamans, shadow priests) there is no CC. However that number (11 DPS classes) is quite large when compared to the number that CAN CC (all mages, all hunters, all rogues = 9 Classes).

If we guess that all classes are played in equal numbers (I know this isn't true but its close enough to true that it works), the AVERAGE group will have only 1 or 2 CC classes (generally leaning towards one, because there are less CC classes than non CC classes).

SO, I think it is good the way you have your group set up with "only" 2 cc classes, and I didn't really like when you took all DPS classes that could CC mobs (The Underbog). I think it creates a more realistic guide for viewers when you take one or two CC classes, so that they can see which mobs should be CC'd with limited options, etc. I greatly prefer the original makeup, with two short CCs, and one non-cc class. The only change i might make is switch out DrDark for either a DPS warrior or a druid of some sort so that we can see more of how those classes should be played through these instances.

Anyways thats my bit.

Thanks for the episodes so far!

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterToast

"12 resistance to everything" haha, that's kinda funny. :P

August 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTayo

Yeah, there is an agro wipe. When I tank with a pally I usually stand in the hell fire and have my healers heal through the damage (melee should run out). I then can get him back with taunt or exorcism (whichever is up) fairly easily.

Also if you have your healers stand on the platform with the sacrifice they should be able to heal the tank as well.

August 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

I noticed the tank hard trouble getting threat and he was running to the boss, he should really be using intervene, it is an amazing skill for a tank.

August 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterConsilium

Great info on CC ... I knew a little about misdirection but didn't know the whole story, and I had no idea about trap limitations so this is really helpful info!

Thanks and great job guys!

August 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAuxon

thats y u bring a lock!
soul stone the healer and and give out those heathstones and this is cake!
also Banish is prolly the best cc. it cant b resisted or broken. which sheep has a tendency 2 b broken from accidently aoe and has a tendency 2 b resisted. the only reason people dont recognise banish is that there arent many demons in dungeons. The next dungeon u should do is Magisters Terrace. That place is a great place 2 show how CC is god. make sure 2 bring a lock with u or priestess will eat u up and spit u out!

August 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAzianJoeNad

i havnt read everyones comments, so if i repeat

I am a prot tank on Ysera server, and a hint for lyle, is if you are losing aggro and the mobs gets away from you to a ranged toon, you should be using intervene. it is like charge or intercept and it also allows you to take the next attack from the mob. and then taunt or shield bash or some other skill that deals high threat. i cant remember seeing you use intervene once.

but if the mob is ranged and atacking someone it will take you to the toon that has aggro, so itd be better to stance dance to beserker and use intercept

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAshw

AzianJoeNad, Banish can be resisted and can be broken from the "pulse" check, it doesn't happen often in heroics though. Mostly been a problem in TK.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterConsilium

Nice episode, well done :)

Yeah this guy's Hellfire can be a problem.

He is one of the fights where Druid tanking stands out, being able to simply Feral Charge straight back in helps get things going quicker and smoother, and also helps keep him rooted in one spot.

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWoof!

Nice series so far.

This ep highlighted the main thing about tanking in that if there is an aggro drop, or someone pulls aggro, pls pls pls RUN TO THE TANK.

SP's have cc. Mind control is so underrated. MC the healer = free heals and the mob also usually does good dps too.

Druids can sleep beasts which lasts up to 40(?) secs

Just a few points.

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJacobk

A nice Intervene Macro (without having to switch targets):


/cast [target=targettarget, help] Intervene

You can ignore the #showtooltip (it will show the Intervene info when mouse hovering the macro). Essentially the macro will work only if your current target is no longer targeted to you and rather is targeted to a party member.

September 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike

I want to stress again that the buff on the demons and other mobs should really be avoided. They can really hit even the best tanks VERY badly. So wait until the buff wears off, then pull.

The CC on the demons is not THAT imporant, because these mobs actually hit for pretty weak, so the tank can take 4. Otherwise you can banish them (warlock) or trap them (hunter).

CC is good but the tank should get a feel for the fight and how hard mobs hit, because I feel personally that slows runs a bit.

Nice talk about crowd control on this video! Misdirection is sweet!

A little note, the crowd control needs to be fast, especially on a paladin tank. Once a mob hits a pally, for example, a hunter will have trouble pulling it off because of retri aura (they're changing that in 3.0: distracting shot will be a taunt-like spell). Also you don't want a sheep in AOE (consecration or thunder clap), because it will break all the time.

On the boss, the sacrifice will only be used on people that do not have aggro. So it's important, that nobody over aggros as then the tank could be sacrificed.

Also the DPS should stop or hold back on hellfire, if the tank moves away, otherwise they will grab aggro. Furthermore if the tank has a lot of HP and the tank is great, he can just stand in hellfire and take it. Warriors actually generate a lot of rage that way, and paladins get a lot of heals (which is mana regen for them).

(Last thing: he doesn't drop aggro. Sorry to say, but the tank was just doing a bad job generating threat. ;-)

September 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbucket

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