Hunters, Do You Need More DPS? Shot Rotation Macro
Posted by
Dorkins on
Friday, August 1, 2008 -
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So you're a hunter.
As a hunter you have one job, (unless you are spec'd survival, in which case you still really only have one job) you shoot shit. Since all you do is shoot shit, it becomes of paramount importance that you shoot shit correctly.
Okay so how do you do that?
Well I don't f***ing know, that's why I look to other people to tell me, specifically Bigredkitty has spent lots of time creating and compiling info for the betterment of huntards everywhere. And if you dig into his forums a bit you will find a (not-so-secret anymore) secret. A brave, Tauren hunter by the name of Manito has perfected the Beast Master's 3:2 shot rotation macro. And he has graciously shared it for all the world...of warcraft, to see. You will find all the info you need if you follow this link. Follow the instructions carefully and in no time you will be shooting shit about as good as you can shoot shit.
By the way this is the macro I was speaking of in Episode 2.4
Reader Comments (29)
huh, wow, i hadn't known about this. maybe now my dehunter will be able to you know... not miss. ^^ thanks a lot.
Great add for us hunters :D
Sweet Great additon to my hunter thx Dorkins!
I've never really got into using the macro myself, but I've seen it improve a great many people's dps. I prefer to use Quartz, which was really meant as a mage casting bar addon, but it also contains an auto shot meter. I use it on my hunter and it helps me time my shots so I don't clip autoshot.
Lucky for us, this won't a concern in WotLK- they're making it so autoshots go off all the time, at the same time. This means no more clipped autoshots no matter what you're doing.
That macro is older than the hills. And when you say that hunters only job is "Shooting shit" you seem to forget they kite the striders on vashj, used to kite drakkisath's add(s), and other various mobs/boss-adds, they misdirect to tanks on certain pulls, or on bosses, particularly the kind that does threat-knockbacks. They chain-trap mobs as a form of CC in 5-mans, and they do tranquilizing shot on frenzied mobs. They also have a NR aura that was very welcome in Temple of AQ on Huhuran, and they occasionally have to FD in order to reset their agro if it becomes too high.
Thanks for the add on! It's pretty useful, but more than that...I'll be glad when it won't be need in WotLK, like Cloudbearer said haha.
I'm going to have to try this later tonight... thanks for the recommendation!
Tried it out last night, but it seemed mostly the same as my current macro(combined Macro1 and Macro 2) on DPS, but hey gear changes so I will keep it around for further testing.
Another good tip for the macros are the : /use 13 and /use 14 commands. These will automatically attempt to use your trinket slots when they are available. Nice to not have to worry about them. That is if you have usable trinkets that you want to use as soon as they are available. (i.e. Bladefist's Breadth or Bloodlust Broach)
"That macro is older than the hills. And when you say that hunters only job is “Shooting shit” you seem to forget they kite the striders on vashj, used to kite drakkisath’s add(s), and other various mobs/boss-adds, they misdirect to tanks on certain pulls, or on bosses, particularly the kind that does threat-knockbacks. They chain-trap mobs as a form of CC in 5-mans, and they do tranquilizing shot on frenzied mobs. They also have a NR aura that was very welcome in Temple of AQ on Huhuran, and they occasionally have to FD in order to reset their agro if it becomes too high."
well. when they kite they have to shoot the shit (creature) ...
Funny blog from my favorite person in the crew. That made my day, now I'm gonna go shoot shit.
Though that Macro still works miracles for those Clipping ur shots im glad that it will no longer be a must have hunter macro when wrath comes out (Auto shot has been unlinked or what not).
wow tot gona add that one to my hunters macro thingy ty =D
I'm a Marksman and when i have a miss it is very very rare i'm always have crits or hits, maybe you should try Marksmanship :P
Just as a word of advice from a t6 hunter, the reason you guys/gals miss shots is because you do not have enough hit rating. Hit cap for hunters is 142, and it's 93 or 94 or 95 for survival. I can't remember. Anyways keep it up project lore!
You bleep out fucking but not shit? Lmao. Also thanks for this macro it really does help me shoot shit well.
im only 12 but im a really good bm hunter but i have know idea how to do this macro
Although it doesn't directly relate to this post, I would highly recommend to a BM hunter who is doing any dungeons and raiding to spend their 5 Tier 2 Marksman Talent points in Improved Hunter's Mark instead of Efficiency.
For dungeons and raiding a BM hunter should very rarely have Mana issues. On the long boss fights where mana is an issue, gulping mana pots usually solves that problem.
Improved Hunter's mark will benefit all the melee party members, including your pet I believe. The larger your party/raid, the larger the benefit Improved Hunter's Mark is to the group.
k my friend helped me but it doesnt work on my computer
Ok simple fact is that stuff is wayy outdated.
Its simply broken! it just cuts off shots, it improves DPS, but not as much as it should. in a practical test that macro only functions at speeds of 1.71 or less.
At which point 1:1 is at its best:
Here is the Macro you will need:
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castsequence reset=2 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()
OK cheak it out - I whent back and wrote it all out here, addons, basic shot rotation and a lil bit of fun I spent some time working on....
In there I try and explain basic concepts and ideas without going too complex...
Shocked I am that this was actually news to people.
Hey dorkins what addons do you use?
I can tell you use a bar mod, and some form of SCT (scrolling combat text)
but theres timer bars your using that kind of jump out at you when say kill command procs.
Can you share what you use please?
Well Dorkinz the question is AS A HUNTER YA NEED MY DPS BITCH. Dorkinz not that u always WANT to follow other people with their fucking macros yours overall is perfect
Yo if u guys wana see some real dps come over to the Horde @_@
Hello, I would like to know if someone can tell me the name of the addons Dorkins is using for the "Soloing Northrend Videos" One that show a blue box on the bottom indicating range, if i can actually get the full list it would be awesome. Thanks in advance.