Entries in shot (1)
Hunters, Do You Need More DPS? Shot Rotation Macro

So you're a hunter.
As a hunter you have one job, (unless you are spec'd survival, in which case you still really only have one job) you shoot shit. Since all you do is shoot shit, it becomes of paramount importance that you shoot shit correctly.
Okay so how do you do that?
Well I don't f***ing know, that's why I look to other people to tell me, specifically http://www.bigredkitty.net/. Bigredkitty has spent lots of time creating and compiling info for the betterment of huntards everywhere. And if you dig into his forums a bit you will find a (not-so-secret anymore) secret. A brave, Tauren hunter by the name of Manito has perfected the Beast Master's 3:2 shot rotation macro. And he has graciously shared it for all the world...of warcraft, to see. You will find all the info you need if you follow this link. Follow the instructions carefully and in no time you will be shooting shit about as good as you can shoot shit.
By the way this is the macro I was speaking of in Episode 2.4