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New Episode! 6.3: Sethekk Halls Wrap-Up

Episode 6 has wrapped, and here's proof. Alexis Knapp is back with a recap of the episode, a bit of Project Lore news, and a viewer question for Juggynaut. Remember, if you've got questions for us, send them to editor@projectlore.com or post them on the wrap up!

Armory links for characters featured in episode 6: DrDark, Dorkins, Goggins, Lylelovett, and Shnoobins

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That's it for Episode 6, so stay tuned to the blog for info on Episode 7 and its release schedule.

Reader Comments (22)

Give me an armory link to Alexis' character or better yet, video of her playing (and owning). Then I might be convinced. Still not buying it. Sorry, guys.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

yeah i was thinking the same thing. since she is going on bout her hunter lets see her playing it or get an armory link to check out her gear.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

What you guys cant believe that a women can play wow let alone a pretty one with blond hair. Seriously grow up if u looked at me you would never know i played wow and i still own. So stop being jerks

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkate

Whoa. Defensive much? I'm not being a jerk. But Alexis is just hard to believe. We've heard all these claims that she's a level 70 hunter who can apparently own Shnoobins yet we've yet to see armory links or even video of her actually playing. She also speaks as if she's reading from a teleprompter.

The reason I ask for video and such is because I happen to be FEMALE and I don't want some random fake model to be representing us as part of the WoW population. Is that too much to ask?

I have absolutely nothing against Alexis. She seems like a nice cool person. I'm just asking for a little proof. Nothing more, nothing less.

Better not assume too much next time.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. Eyes go left. Eyes go right. YARRR

Whoa guys calm down. Look She has her reasons for not posting something about herself yet. I firmly beleive that she has a lvl 70 because I have many friends who are in fact girls who have mulitple lvl 70s. One of the reasons she might not be in the main part of the episode is because she's a PVP style player. I for one prefer PVE. I love the mobs brainlessly running towards me before meeting their demise by my massive axe. As for the person who posted the non sense about "Eyes go left Eyes go Right"? I see people on Fox news who still do that. Get off her case.

Alexis I hope these people aren't giving you too hard a time.

~Big C

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCruneiros

Cruneiros hoping that she'll bang him if he sticks up for her.

"Alexis I hope these people aren’t giving you too hard a time"

I'm sure she feels so much better now a spot infested geek is sticking up for her.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaffe

My question was going to be if Alexis wanted to marry me, have children and maybe get a dog, but now after seeing all the comments above and realizing I'm not the only one, i feel dirty and foolish inside ;O(. I'm gonna go ahead and retreat back into the dark recesses from whence i came.

PS: BTW Goggins my resto shaman pwns yours....yup my e-peen is like 12iches long too they call me the Lexington Steele of the INTERNETS baby, okay I'm done now i'm gonna go take my daily dose of ritalin.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoobei

Oh come on guys. Are we seriously having this conversation? Who really cares if the girl does play WoW and is a 70. I personally think that she is, I have friends that are that pretty and who play the game, including one bad ass Brazilian who if I were lesbian would so tap that.

And yea, I've seen newscasters whose eyes do that. Quite often. On my favorite news station. So that really doesn't mean ANYTHING.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlicia

The phone is ringing, I cannot linger, Look out butt! Here comes my finger!

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeoEvincar

What's up with all the hate? :o

And who cares if she's a pr0 pl4y3r or not. She's funny and that's enough for me. No proof needed.

Alexis you're doing a great job. It kind of feels like you're new to this, but you can defenitly tell you're already doing better since the first episode.

Keep on rocking!

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeline

Alexis seems like a cool girl.

I really get the feeling she knows her stuff but maybe this hosting thing is just new to her.

Seriously, how many people do you know who could host a show, come across as funny and knowledgeable and still be as cute as her?

I for one think she's doing a great job.

@ Eyes go left, Eyes go right - piss off. Ur the kind of H8r that makes living on this planet a chore, dealing with all ur negative crap. You got #@^%$ enough to type but do you have #@^%$ enough to do it yourself. Go ahead. You try. And then send ur video in and we'll all make fun of you.

And to all of the other h8rs with ur e-peens in a twist, chick or dude, do yourself a favor: go see a shrink and get ur ego checked. If you have to h8 on ppl, then you got serious issues.

Alexis - you rock. stay rockin'. and as for the h8rs, kick their ass in arena. and be sure to take a video of it and post it here.

we'd all get a laugh watching you pwn those fools


August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaintElmo

"@ Eyes go left, Eyes go right - piss off. Ur the kind of H8r that makes living on this planet a chore, dealing with all ur negative crap. You got #@^%$ enough to type but do you have #@^%$ enough to do it yourself. Go ahead. You try. And then send ur video in and we’ll all make fun of you."

I like the show. It is interesting, funny and informative. I havn't done every heroic, I havn't really been that up for them as I dislike PuGs alot, so I am able to learn alot about parts of the game I skipped over.

However I dislike these "Community wrap up" things with some model that they have randomly hired from some random modeling agency - what is the point? To tell me stuff that I gathered from watching the videos?

And how can you have something against people requesting links to her hunter's armoury page? She seems to like to flaunt how great her hunter is in season 4 gear, so why shouldn't it be linked?

Make a video myself? I don't really see the need to wrap something up which closes its self off nicely with Alex's farewell at the end of the episode.

As for this comment in particular "Ur the kind of H8r that makes living on this planet a chore, dealing with all ur negative crap." [sarcasm] Yes. I shall now stop complaining about EVERYTHING EVER! I hope you follow my example. [/sarcasm] Idiot. (Also learn to spell)

She obviously knows something about the game since she's mentioning her playing the hunter from time to time. Who cares if she's a model or not :E

For the haters, don't watch the wrap up since it hurts your feelings. There is a close button to your top-right corner.

And the point is not only to wrap up what happened the past week but also to answer our questions. Maybe she'll tell who her character is.

"This is what my hunter do everytime she gets charged stunned. She's like bouncing. And I'm like: 'Get up bitch! Trinkets down!'" Haha

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeline

get off her back! i am a girl, a model and i play wow! its normal now a days for women to play video games.

(and for all you mindless guys who dont belive me heres a link to a picture of me modeling next to my computer that has my 70 pally on it) http://smouch.net/lol/

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMary

lulz. Didn't think we'd see a Rick Roll so soon here.


Apparently I didn't say this clear enough the first time.

I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST ALEXIS. I just want an armory link and/or video. 5-10 seconds, I don't care. I just want to be clarified so I know she's not fake. It bothers me that they've only told us "Level 70 Hunter" with no details. Is she in The Totally Rad Guild? If she is, is she a fan of TRS as well? How did she get into TRS? We know all the details of the guys that are in PL and even the bloggers. So why do we have jack squat for Alexis? No name? No race? No specs? C'mon. Don't leave me hanging here.

If she truly is a WoW player and model, then f'n terrific and major kudos. And I do mean BIG FAT GIAGANTOR major kudos.

Right now, I'm finding it hard to believe. I hope they address this within the next couple of wrap-ups because I WOULD LOVE to be proven wrong.

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

So she's reading from a prompt. So what? Yes, it's endearing and entertaining the the Lore Lads are so off-the-cuff with their part, but why is it wrong for her to have a script? It means that the points get taken care of in a neat, concise manner. It matters not.

Also: Don't you think it's a little paranoid to be going "She's pretty and cute, therefore we need proof that she's really One of Us!" Why are we suspicious of her? It's retarded. Go with it and stop kvetching and moaning.

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWill

I don't care who she is, give me proof of your claims of pwnage.

"I don’t care who she is, give me proof of your claims of pwnage."

^ This is basically what I'm thinking.

How many times do I have to say this? The only reason I even give a damn about armory and video is because I'm a female and don't want a random fake as a representative. I don't care who Alexis is, I just want proof that she actually plays the game and isn't just some spokesperson hired for mere diversity.

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

I couldn't care if she was a 16 year old nerd, I still expect proof.

haha oh dear, this conversation has gotten slightly out of hand. My only thing for this is... would you guys still be in such a tizzy if she was not so cute? If she was average looking? Though I do agree that at some point it would be nice to have a link, however I don't need it to believe that she plays; couldn't care less if they don't give it to us.

Considering the length of this conversation, though its only being held by three people give or take, chances are then if she is a player they'll link her soon to keep the people above me happy and coming back to the site. /shrug

August 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlicia

Odd thing to notice, but.... why are her hands always on her hips?

Also, I would like to point out that the counter-argument seemed to always be "I know girls who play" above. I personally don't care whether or not she plays, because it doesn't matter. They, being a business venture, can have whoever they feel like hiring to talk on-screen, and more power to them for getting someone who's hot.

Oh, and nice save on the answer to the question, even if it is kinda annoying to be way behind from the beginning.

August 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeavus-Rexxar

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