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Cinematic Rewind - Ripping About The Wrath Trailer

Yesterday at the Leipzig Games Convention, Blizzard gave the world the first look at Wrath of the Lich King's cinematic trailer. The trailer initially blew me away with its fantastic animation, beautifully crafted landscapes, epic music and spot on narration by Arthas' father, King Terenas Menethil. Then a friend and I began discussing it and finally, comparing it to previous Warcraft trailers. We decided that it's lacking in content.

I have seen all of Blizzard's cinematic trailers, for all their titles - heck, I even own the Blizzard Entertainment DVD Collection. This allows me to see the progression of their craft. Since the release of Diablo II, the technology, art, and design of their cinematics have always been groundbreaking. Especially the technology. But what is a cutscene without story? Arthas' turn in Warcraft III still resonates in my mind as one of the coolest things I have seen from the game industry. Was it an original twist? No, but the video's presentation made it amazing.

But that comparison isn't entirely far. After all, that cutscene was just that, a cutscene. What I am actually discussing is a cinematic trailer, so let us compare apples to apples. In the original World of Warcraft trailer Blizzard introduced us to everything. The classes, the races, the setting, the landscape. The trailer told players what to expect - an epic struggle. The Burning Crusade cinematic featured a cocky Illidan Stormrage daring us to come out and do battle with him. Shortly after being told that "You are not prepared" the cinematic shifts gears, introducing the new playable races.

What does the Wrath of the Lich King offer us? It shows Arthas crossing a frozen lake in Northrend shortly before he plunges Frostmourne into the ice. We see the release of a large dragon (probably Sindragosa) that then stirs Arthas' undead army as it passes overhead. An epic presentation but it doesn't lead us, or the story, on, as previous trailers did. Heck, even the Sunwell Plateau trailer (basically machinima) pushed the story forward. And where is the action that the other two presentations had? Sorry Blizzard, but for all you put into the presentation, you left the story at the door.

I don't enjoy or expect the formulaic movie plot of build up, climax and close in my video game trailers. Your previous formula of slight build-up and a lot of climax always had me on the edge of my seat. Ultimately, those previous trailers lead me to want the game (which would present the close) that much more.

Stream the trailer here, download the high resolution version for PC or Mac or an alternate mirror for streaming and download can be found at FileFront.

Reader Comments (25)

Most disagree abit. Yes TBC movie was, funny, informative and you really sad there with a feeling that you definently wanted to see this mother fucker!
But if you look at what blizzard got out about Wotlk, is ofc Arthas we see. The only other thing that they could have showen us is ofc Deathknight, but they already have introduced that in an earlier movie.
I guessing that Blizzard perhaps is trying to get the "old players" to continue playing with this video, since you'd have to know abit about the warcraft lore to get why Arthas' father is telling the story, and why is ironic that "...one day you will become king", because he ment he would be king of Lordaeron, but insteed became Lich King.
However, my point is that as an old WoW gamer, I find it very interesting, that we get to see Arthas and some of his horrers to come. So I'm glad to see some more WoW lore in the movies, insteed of just action action action :)

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeadkid

Thought the video was pretty sick, the scenes well potrayed what the expectations of the lich king would be like. The army of the king was pretty sweet, once again, another masterpiece from our friends at Blizzard. Cheers!

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRikesh

I found the trailer to be good. Maybe the dragon could be his pet that is at the top of Naxxramas (which is really in Northrend) and is just being reborn. Anyways, I see what your saying and they didnt really show us anything new. Maybe they will work on it more before the games release?

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiwtin

Something about the cinematic left me wanting for more.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJules

I though the dragon was Sapphiron, but I do agree that the trailer lacked content. But hell was it kewl.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

The trailer was very well done but it was too boring like it was for a singleplayer game, the Warhammer trailer was waaaaay better in my humble opinion (anyone else gonna try out WAR?)

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric aka Uglytree

Yeah watching the reveal of the dragon rocked, but I have to agree that it was just a single scene with no depth or progression like the previous two cinematic trailers

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKrafla

I thought the cinematic was brilliant. There was a lot of story and background in those scenes. Seeing the cutscene made me think about his tragic fall from the light. A lot was said in the cinematic, just not with words or narration.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCloudbearer

To those who feel like it was incomplete or wanted more, Nethera (sp?) said on the forums that it will be completed in some way once you get to Northrend. Whether its cinematic or otherwise, it will be completed.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLocksley

I find that if you actually know the backstory of the trailer, you're less likely to complain about it. Up to this point, we've heard all kinds of things about WotLK. I thought the cinematic was brilliant. Sure it didn't have the action sequences the last one had, but I was too busy staring in awe to give a damn.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

You need to step back and take a look at what's being presented. The Burning Crusade was just that a Crusade a war, it had to show a lot more...more people were involved...the horde, alliance, Kil' Jaeden(sp), demons, Illidan much more.

It was an all out war, with a whole new planet...that aside though....what Blizzard showed us is exactly what they are giving us, "THE WRATH OF THE LICH KING" that's what we saw...you saw his army awaken, you saw his dragon released, his fury unleashed and preparing for HIS WAR this is what he's bringing to the table. We don't need to see the frozen tundra or the harbors or the supporting cast...that's not what it's about.

With what was presented, how it was presented and what it was presented for ......10 out 10. It was simply breathtaking. The lore by his father was well narrated and it had better animation then Pixar.

iTZKooPA, I honestly don't mean to rain on your editorials, I'm sorry.

Mike aka Valaar

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterValaar

It was confirmed by a Blue that that was only a part of the trailer. There is more to come (My guess is rest will be shown at blizzcon)

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHoops

They maybe are going to have like the cutscenes in warcraft3 after some missions but then I'd rather play wc3

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric aka Uglytree

I liked the movie,how it fit showed the story of arthas,but it did leave me with a bit of an empty feeling,I'ld like to see Sylvanas charging her forsaken to the scourge,Garrosh hellscream in his fortress,the dwarves discovering the iron dwarves,how the other races became DK's etc

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

Visuals are good - it doesnt really reveal much about the xpac though, it's more like the opening cinematic than a trailer for the game (Or a teaser trailer for the full trailer)

Still the quality is there even if there's not a lot of content revealed

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

This is kinda off-topic, but how awesome would it be if Blizzard made the WoW movie like this.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

I agree, the tecnology in the video is getting better and betetr, but only a old warcraft player that played w3 or w2 will now about the movie, since it show no story, we didn't see any DK or even any landscapes!Blizz should also tell the story about what where gonna do

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrdi

pretty sick cinematic, only wish if and when they make a/the world of warcraft movie, they used the cinematic team not real life people ruins the whole thing.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDakota

arthas' father sounds like magtheridon, who sounds like the evil zombie pirate le chuck from monkey island lol

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMogri

I like this one much more than the others. It, for one, doesn't have random fighting everywhere. Also it shows us just how massive his(Arthas) armies are, i mean they wre all in that valled and beyond that fog in the background. This one is much better than the others, it gives people a bit of history about the game that haven't played it and to those who have and know the lore they get to hear and see what arthas is up to now.

Then of course there are the first and second cinematics. I kinda like the first one because it gives an introduction to the begginer places and some of the classes and races yes, but what is that mainly? Random PVP'ing, which is kind of stupid. They could have showed the old gods or the undead threat but instead its fighting and a map.

Then there is the burning crusade one, it AGAIN has random fighting and illidan just there in 1 spot. At the end, just saying you are not prepared. To me that is not an epic feeling. This one for wrath is the best imo. And thats not a frozen lake, its the glacier of Icecrown, and yes, Icecrown is a GIANT glacier(probably the size of greenland) that hit into northrend a long time ago.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRockeroad

I like the cinematic and i am happy to finally see Arthas again.
I found him amazing in warcraft 3.

In the cinematic you dont see that much but i feel that Arthas is preparing himself to conquer that wich is his.

I think Arthas is preparing his armie to invade that what belongs to him and with that i mean his fathers land, his lost kingdom that Sylvanas controls.

I think we have a new crusade.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWinddemon

I thought it was beautifully made. I was quite intrigued by the 'story' that was being told in it, but must admit it does leave a person hanging. I sincerely hope this is just a teaser and that they will send more our way.

The dragon-scene...INCREDIBLE. Now if only they'd let me tame a dragon -not a wind serpant- for my hunter then I'd be the happiest girl on WOW....*sigh*


August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSwifthania

its quite amazing vid. by a lore standpoint. we know that its arthas father doing the narating. but maybe the lich king he turned arthas to the darkside.... little starwars reference in there. could be telling the story. The lich king had his eye on arthas a long time. and the script does speak in prediction of his turning into the lich king. All I can say is its a wonderfull change to the old random show nothing cinimatics of the previous bc and the original video.

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkalabus

I agree with everyone here. Because everyone here is, in one way or another, saying that the trailer is "different."

Those of you who dislike it from the others and saying it doesn't have the same focal points as the other cinematics; you are absolutely right.

And those of you praising it because it's different, I also side in with you.

We should be glad they're making this different from the others, and not giving us the same thing over and over again. Seeing Blizz focus on different aspects EVEN on a MUSICAL standpoint. No epic drums for us in northrend, or climactic choruses leading up to an amazing spine-tingling moment. No, the people over at Blizz are going to play at your goosebumps a completely different way, with the sorrow and turmoil of the isolated ice lands. Sadness will be key in WotLK and all of it's NEW aspects because they are so different, much like TBC was different from before it.

I believe winddemon is right, I think we have a new crusade upon us.

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Could anyone find the Words of Arthas' father and post them for me? I would like to read it =).

September 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMikal

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