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Really... Do I Need It?

So I've had some time to reflect on my feelings about Season 4 PvP Arena gear and I gotta say I'm not sure it's worth it to me. Really. While the gear is quite epic, it's a lot of time commitment, and as I've said before, I'm not sure I want to spend all weekend in AV or EotS or any bgs for that matter just to get some gear so I won't get my squish cloth butt kicked as much.

Sure, the extra stamina would be nice and the pretty new dress/armor would be fun to show off standing on the bridge in IF, but why? I already have a sweet little mount that gets enough attention when even I ride it. But the game has never been an e-peen for me.

While I am all for gearing up and having fun, it's just a time commitment thing. I got lots of RL stuff to do and seeings as i don't think I'll be able to spend time doing my oh so favorite bgs AV, I may just wait to WotLK to gear up any further... unless you know anyone who wants to run me through SSC and TK to kill Vashj and Keal'thas. Seriously. Do you know anyone? I got the macros.. I know the fight... I got the gear... uhh, I.. oh sorry. What was I saying? Oh yeah.

So I won't be busting my butt to get S4 Arena gear anytime soon. :( Besides Alexis already beat me to it.

Oh well. It's sill a fun game.

Besides, my favorite outfit is my formal wear. I prefer a tux and some nice Dress Shoes. Nothing says digital toon class like a tux. Others like the casual Friday's look like Adrale here. He seems to prefer the Stylish Black Shirt while others I know prefer the Black Swashbuckler's Shirt. What's your favorite outfit? Let me know.

After all the game is all about the pretty dresses.


Reader Comments (21)

My favorite outfit would have to be my PvE outfit. It matches and since I'm a warlock, it looks awesome!

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDieoxide

o cool first post. um id have to say that my favorite clothing of all time is this shirt that is a quest item. You get the quest by killing murlocs in westfall and it has like a 1% drop rate. it was a achievement rly cool thing that i never got before. and i trid getting the same quest again to.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArchdecon

This isn't Saintgermain's first post, Archdecon.

Any who... thanks for the opportunity Germain, I hope the martini was good. If you really want to look classy, there are some excellent vanity items sold in that very bar.

oh! I didn't answer your question... My favorite outfit to wear is the preBC Imperial Plate set.... That is gorgeous. I briefly had the set in my 50s and recall strutting around SW. I was reminded of it just recently because someone from our server was walking around IF dressed in it, "keeping order" between the Auction house and Bank.

I thought he was out of his jurisdiction.

i call pvp epics welfare epics like its cool and all to pvp but cmon now! it takes a day to get an epic helm! wtf

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBaserios

My favorite wear is no wear at all. I'm the naked human running around in Shatt Arcane Exploding. You gotta love it.

August 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGilnid

Purple Brewfest Hat + Purple Dinner Suit.

Pimpin' ain't easy, but AoE farming is.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteradmiraljustin

Just wait until wotlk is released.
A new expansion closes the gear gaps completely.
I think saving up gold is a good idea (from dailies, professions)
Think about having like 30k gold in the expansion... when you hit 80 you could practically buy any crafted item, enchant, gem, and inscription out there.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbob

MIne has to be the s3/t6 warlockgear. It looks so cool and it has WINGS, again DEMONIC WINGS! I mean who doesnt wanna walk around and have wings come out of their back, lol.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRockeroad

If you want arena season 4 then you better start loving PvP, because were not talking about welfare epics. If your a PvE player like the Project Lore guys then no you dont have time to get arena 4 gear, and it wouldn't be because BG's, but getting your team to those high ratings. What it sounds from you is that you don't love PvP, you just see it as a way to get gear and not for the thrill of bleeding down a war with your rogue or deafeating somebody who can be 6000 miles away. I would just get in a okay PvE guild and have fun.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhil

Pug 10 5v5s a week for your toons with your guild (1-2 hours a week)

Suggestions to do with your other time.
1) RL stuff.
2) Raid with your existing toons for side-grades.
3) Level an alt then grind s2 gear and add them to said 5v5.
4) /dance in your vanity clothes :)

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNatty

Since the new expansion is coming up and I don't have much time, I just save up gold I mean there isn't much I can save or go for, I d.e all my greens in my free time (every weekend) and just sell for gold, gold is the only thing I can actually use when football season ends and I get back to playing wow for the winter.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAquavendor

I think it's funny when people act like they have "Lifes" when all they do is spend time playing WoW , but not to get off subject my favorite look would be light touched armor it looks alot like lightforge but blue and different chest piece.

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterubopgrader

Clothes? Who needs clothes. I run around in kitty-form all day...lol. Nah I like the dresses you get for events. The pretty colored ones. Working on getting a collection of them...I also have a collection of like 14 companions. Haha. Yeah my bank is full of junk...but it's fun anyways. ^^


August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSwifthania

They are pretty much Welfare epics in my book as well, but if you're stuck in a relatively small guild, or in a low population server where only about 4 guilds of each faction is still actively clearing T5 or T6 content then you have no other option of getting great gear than to PVP. You can also farm Kara every week, Heroic BoT, Mech, and Underbog for badges and get gear, but even Badge gear only reaches a T5 like rating. Currently I'm stuck in the same dilemma, I'm geared, skilled, and ready for T5+ 25 man content, but in a guild with no such intention. S4 or even S3 gear for that matter just seems like a waste of time, S2 gear can be easily obtainable through BG's in about 3 days of serious grinding. My only other option is complete every quest I can possibly do in outlands for rep and gold, then jump to SSO dailies.

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRoberto

i have my entire first bank window full of compainions literally i've been collecting them since i started, i don't think ill go for the S4 gear, but im deffinatly going for S3 ive been wrkin my butt off in bgs to get enough resiliance for arena...

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterchickenlord

i like my brewfest regalia with a fishing rod, i look like Huck Fin...

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

Its very refreshing to see someone sharing the same point of view.

Here's the thing in a nutshell... if you're not in S2 at the start of S4 or even better S3 at the start, then S4 is probably not for you. Here's why, you probably A) Don't have the arena points necessary to take advantage of getting any cool S4. B) Don't have the ability to get the rating in order to purchase the S4 gear.

If you are in this position, its not shameful to go to the proverbial mirror and tell yourself "Time to grind for Wrath of the Lich King". Honor and arena points are still going to be PvP currency, so why not grind at your pace, get a jump on people in Wrath if you like PvP gear and not feel the need to get one of the more crappy looking sets in the game.

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGene

To the folks throwing around 'welfare epics' like it makes them awesome at PVE to do so, the term only applies to items purchasable via honor points which don't require any sort of rating.

I know, I know, I was once a hardcore PVP hater too, but the idea "(a) is for the birds because I do (b)" is a cop-out along the lines of "(a) is wrong because I believe (b)", more than likely it's probably "(a) is hard, so I'll do (b) instead. Now let me go update Omen and get the latest version of Deadly Bossmods so we can kill Prince."

Obvious flaming aside here are some truths:
BT/Sunwell is hard.
Top Level Arena PVP is hard.
Farming BGs for Honor is easy.
Farming heroics/ZA/Kara is easy.
Hard things are for hard-core people.
Easy things are for easy-going people.
RP is for losers. (lol)

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAether

My mage has both full PVE S5/6 Equiv and PVP S3 sets. Id have to say the S4 gear, although 4337, would be a waste of time to get, especially with wotlk so close to product launch.

As for Favorite gear... I don't really have a favorite gear.. but fav pasttime is running around BG's wearing only a belt, rings, and trinkets and pwning it up. Frost mages are too much fun.


September 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterExodus

My Fave outfit might be my PvE Outfit coz it looks sweet on my Engineer mount with big blue glowing spaulders (T5 Pally) out of the sides... and the goggs i use for pve (eng again) looks sick too!... so guys...

Wanna look bad-ass?

Go Engineering (goblins blow up stuff ! Yahh!)

September 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThoMage

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