Entries in pretty dresses (1)

Really... Do I Need It?

So I've had some time to reflect on my feelings about Season 4 PvP Arena gear and I gotta say I'm not sure it's worth it to me. Really. While the gear is quite epic, it's a lot of time commitment, and as I've said before, I'm not sure I want to spend all weekend in AV or EotS or any bgs for that matter just to get some gear so I won't get my squish cloth butt kicked as much. Sure, the extra stamina would be nice and the pretty new dress/armor would be fun to show off standing on the bridge in IF, but why? I already have a sweet little mount that gets enough attention when even I ride it. But the game has never been an e-peen for me. While I am all for gearing up and having fun, it's just a time commitment thing. I got lots of RL stuff to do and seeings as i don't think I'll be able to spend time doing my oh so favorite bgs AV, I may just wait to WotLK to gear up any further... unless you know anyone who wants to run me through SSC and TK to kill Vashj and Keal'thas. Seriously. Do you know anyone? I got the macros.. I know the fight... I got the gear... uhh, I.. oh sorry. What was I saying? Oh yeah. So I won't be busting my butt to get S4 Arena gear anytime soon. :( Besides Alexis already beat me to it. Oh well. It's sill a fun game. Besides, my favorite outfit is my formal wear. I prefer a tux and some nice Dress Shoes. Nothing says digital toon class like a tux. Others like the casual Friday's look like Adrale here. He seems to prefer the Stylish Black Shirt while others I know prefer the Black Swashbuckler's Shirt. What's your favorite outfit? Let me know. After all the game is all about the pretty dresses. LOL

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