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WoW Life Lesson #17: If You Don't Understand, Ask

It's as true in WoW as it is in RL: if you don't know what you have to do or don't understand what you are doing, then for heaven's (or the party's) sake, please, please ask.

Here's the simple fact: when you begin something new, there's a good chance you will have no idea what you're doing unless you get some help.

You probably did not start playing WoW knowing everything in the game. Sure maybe you read a few sites, 'trained' by  playing other games before or had some friends tell you about it, but for the most part, it was on the job training.

And that's probably true about any job you have ever done if RL: You probably did not start knowing everything. Maybe you read up on it, trained by doing other jobs before or had some friends tell you about it, but for the most part, it was on the job training.

But all in all, when something came up in WoW that you had no idea about, what did you do?

When was the first time your group wiped because someone thought they knew what was supposed to happen or, worse yet, they thought they knew what might happen? Did they pull a Leroy Jenkins and not ask what the plan was? Did they fear a group of mobs into another pat? Or on the more benign side, did they rush in and not wait for everyone to get the follow-up quest?

Chances are somebody did not bothered to ask because they felt like they would be called a noob. Well f-that. It all could have been avoided if they just asked.

And RL is just the same. If you don't know, ask or you'll wipe. It's better to ask than to have to do something over and over and over again... ugghhhhh!

Just ask.

Reader Comments (19)

1st post.....

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndy67635

i always ask about something im not sure of and make sure i do everything right. there is ALWAYS someone who is like... "WHAT?!?!? LMAO N00b Xb!!" i hate in when people who know more than you wont tell or make fun of you for not being as educated in the game. SHEESH!

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

2nd post.....

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjoe123

^^^^ ok maybe the 3rd post lulz

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjoe123

I am a firm believer in asking the group how you should do a fight. Even if you've done it before, but its been a while, i still think you should ask as for clarity. For example, when i leveled my first alliance alt, I was asking how to do most of the heroic bosses, even though i had a t5 mage at the time. To be honest, I could care less that people call me a noob. I'd rather be called a noob than wipe the group.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGilnid

@ Gilnid

I agree. I would rather ask questions about stuff than wipe a group a few times and have them ninja log in the middle of a fight (yeah, that happens)

The point is that it's cool to ask if you don't know or aren't sure.

And F those ppl who call u a noob for asking. They're the same ones who wiped their pug when they didn't ask the same question you want to ask.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaintElmo

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers from stupid people.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSirUrza

i always asked when i first started playing and i still do with my alts if i have no idea how to play the class. even if its a hunter, my main, and I forgot how to do something with her, then I ask point blank. I don't care if i get called a noob, cause i usually come back with a very verbose and well thought out snap that typically involves some form of castration if the guy doesn't tell me how to do the stupid thing i need. ^^

I concur, F the guys that call you a noob, we all were at some point, no shame in it.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMrjn'ad

I completely agree with this and try and follow it. Before going into an instance I ask about weird pulls or maybe a boss that is not "pretty much a tank and spank" as alex would say. I have also found that when asking these questions most people dont respond with the "omg n00b" they actually seem very nice about it and explain it in a simple way so i know what im doing.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDimak

I completely agree, and i admit i am one of those people who will not ask a question for fear of being called a noob (which has happened several times), but luckily this habit hasnt led to serious consequences, only wasted time and confuzzlement. i will try to grow out of it.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermagrah

No im sorry u have missed the bibg issue, its not just asking if you dont know but admiting that you did smg wrong.
you can't progress if you are in denial!

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDprower

luckily, my friends were able to progress through the game before i was able to, and learned all their stuff by spending way more time than i did, so i got to ask them about anything. if they werent around, i always asked. people who call each other noobs...its the same thing as calling someone gay in the real world. its meaningless, and demeaning, you wont stop it, and fighting over it makes it worse. ignoring the ignorant is a great lesson to learn. if something has to be said, let them know that you would rather know whats going on the wiping. with my alts now going thru outland, i get to go with people again who dont know what they are doing...you will find that no matter what part of the game ur at. so asking questions is key to success, and dont let some moron who likes to improve his e-"unit" by downing everyone else.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

Sometimes it might be more than calling you a noob.
If you're going for heroics for the first time and don't know that you can only do one particular heroic only one time per day (Which I didn't and nobody told me so I had to go to the forums) and ask if the group could reset the instance, then there is a high possibility that you can get kicked because they don't trust you.

Often at high level, people have tendency to EXPECT that you know all your stuff. This is a problem for new lvl 70 players.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

Noobs are people that refuse to learn by not asking just because their egos are too big to realize they're not one of the best yet and that they play a role in a team. Often you also see these flame in trade-channel and call almost everyone noobs that aren't afraid to ask.
Newbies are new (not necessarily in the game in general) and willing to learn by asking.

Anyway, communication is the key when you're in a team/party/whatever, in-game or in real life.

... I much rather be a newbie than a noob.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVirago

When i first got into raiding, i was picked up by an experienced group who knew what they were doing and how to fight certain bosses. well when a semi complicated boss battle came up and the raid leader said "Alright, we all know this fight, lets do it." i found myself in a bad situation, even when i spoke up and said i didnt know it, i was ignored and we ended up wiping. worst part was, i was booted. it turned me off of raiding for a while.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonnycakes

You have my sympathies, Jonnycakes. *comfort*

I'll be the first to admit that I fall into both categories. I typically don't ask anyone for help because of A) snarky responses, and B) I just don't get any replies. So most often, I'll just learn something the hard way even if it means dying a few times along the journey.

On the other hand, if I'm in a group, I always try to ask beforehand if I'm confused or uncertain about something. I take teamwork very seriously, and I would feel very stupid if a wipe were to happen because of me.

But sometimes, asking for help won't make a bloody difference if other people simply don't give a darn about other players, like with the example that Jonnycakes' related to us above.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

try being in the beta and have every idiot ask you one of these questions every 5 minutes:
1) What is a Death Rune
2) How do i get to northrend
3) how do i travel to Howling fjord/ Borean Tundra

after being asked that over 50 times in less than 30 mins i replied some unlucky sap: ill shove those patch notes down your throat. It might seem rude, but imagine trying to play on a very unstable and laggy server, you do NOT want people spamming you with stupid questions that they could have easily answered themselves. Reminds me of the barrens where people asked "where is mankrik's wife"

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmidaman

i can picture it now 5000 ret pallys charging into battle
1 second later
"heal me FFS"
"no heal me you noob"

haha this is a quote

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermike

its a much better fealing to ask how to do something and be able to do your part fully and see you come out the other side, then to not ask a question out of fear of being called a noob, and then seeing people ask in the chat who the friggen nub is after that avoidible wipe

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGilanor

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