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Is Wrath's Collector's Edition Worth It?

Go ahead, throw your vote away! -KangYesterday, we were one of the first to announce the official release date for Wrath of the Lich King.  The faithful day is just over two months from now, since this month is actually September.  A few hours after the announcement, Blizzard updated their page with the addition of the expected Collector's Edition of Wrath of the Lich King.

Here are the goodies included in the Collector's Edition for those who may have missed the announcement:

  • A 208 page book entitled The Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King chock full of never-before-seen images.

  • An exclusive non-combat baby frosty wyrm.  (This also unlocks an achievement)

  • Behind-the-scenes DVD featuring developer interviews, the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic with commentary, and more.

  • The official 21 track soundtrack CD.

  • A Northrend mousepad.

  • Two WoW TCG March of the Legion starters decks and two exclusive cards only available via the Collector's Edition.

The normal edition of Wrath is coming in at a $39.99 price point while the Collector's Edition is receiving a steep 75% market up to $69.99. The Collector's Edition of the second expansion is now equal in price to many full titles.  At first I was pretty upset at this.  For me the last two items are basically worthless perks.  The soundtrack and DVD are more of a one shot deal, as the information in the DVD probably isn't worth seeing a second time.  I addressed my appreciation for Blizzard's game music previously, and my opinion stands.

In the end this means that I would simply be paying $30 for the art book and the non-combat pet.  I am not sure of the sell rate of collector's editions but if Blizzard manages to sell WotLK CE to even 5% of its subscription base then the “rare” pet is actually owned by over 500,000 other players.  Not that exclusive.

But honestly, who am I kidding?  Of course I am going to get the Collector's Edition.  It isn't like any sort of whining would get Blizzard to change their mind anyways, it's to close to release for them to change production.

That being said here is some items I would appreciate far more:

  • Allowing purchasers to download and install the title ahead of time – think Steam's pre-loading service.

  • Small action figures of the universe's main characters.

  • An exclusive item other than a non-combat pet.  A spiffy cloth map that I could frame in my "nerd room" would be awesome.

  • An invitation to a future Blizzard title's beta phase.

  • A collectible t-shirt in sizes other than XXXL.

With the exception of the t-shirt item, all of these are fairly straight forward additions.  Allowing pre-loading would be the most exciting feature for me.  Heck, that way you can order the item online, sans tax and possibly shipping, and still start at launch.  That ability and the art book alone would have me paying the mark up and viewing the rest as just gravy.

So are you as big a sucker as I am?

Reader Comments (29)

I think the CE version of WotLK is pretty poor. When I used to play Guild Wars I purchased CE versions of all of their expansions. Included in these were your general art books and extra posters etc. But they also came with in game bonuses like extra/special dances, extra character slots (not a problem in WoW... yet) and special mini pets (non-combat pet).

If I buy the CE I want people to know it, and not through a pet I have to summon by right clicking from my bag. I won't be purchasing the CE of the new expansion when all i'm missing out on is the wyrm.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFuryum

As I said in another post, I'm a vanity pet whore. I'm one of the first in line to get the CE. But I agree, direct download would be schweet. (*goes hunting for the Blizzard suggestion page to place the hint*)

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Definitely not worth it, who will actually have the time to watch the dvd when you can instead play the game, WoW cards? really? that's not much of help or anything, we don't need to see the never before seen images, soundtrack cd? why don't you just play the game and turn on the volume then you can just hear the songs, the price? $30 more for all the useless crap? I think I'll stick with the regular version unless Blizzard changes it to like:
1. Exclusive Pimped Dragon Mount
2. Extra Game Time
3. Recruit-a-Friend benefits
4. T-Shirts or Posters
5. Good In-Game stuff because RL stuff isn't that important in a CE

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

I would have to agree with Kevin on this one!

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPablo

It does sound like a high price for something not-so-exclusive. Of course, it would be delightful to know more about the making of WotLK.

I personally like RL a little bit more than in-game stuff. The vanity pet looks cool and cute but it's nothing more than a little showoff.

On the other hand, the art book could bring up more exitement over the game when you look at it and think that this is something you're going to see in-game in near future.

The T-shirt idea is good, kinda like my friend got one from buying Spore (Composed of matter, anti-matter and it doesn't matter) but it was gigantic.

The best bait is of course a ticket to participate to an exlusive event that only CE buyers can get to, this would surely attract people.

Now, I myself is only going to buy the regular version, seeing that there isn't so much sense buying the CE because the regular is "expensive" enough.

But let's not forget that mostly every CE is just a way to sell you some useless things you otherwise woudn't buy. Seriously, if you go to the gamestore right now and see a 208-page artbook of WotLK, would you buy it? Would you buy a DVD containing developer's commentary on WotLK (and much more) if it shows up at the supermarket?

If you answered "Yes" to these questions, then you should get the CE.
If you are someone who can't afford the CE and have comforted yourself by convincing you don't need it, then leave it on the store's shelf and let someone else buy it.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

Yeah, I'm going buy it.. I'm a sucker for Collector’s Edition..

But I would have liked too seen more.. I mean just one pet? Should have been 3-4 and T-shirt..

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHimiko

Yes and Poster.. I would love have poster of the map or the Lich King :P

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHimiko

For CEs I prefer stuff like cloth maps, figures, Soundtrack CDs/Animation DVDs, and art books. I preorder stuff that has CEs/LEs whenever I can because I really enjoy that extra stuff. Making of dvds are ok I guess but not as big of a deal for me.

Ingame items are bleh, beta ok i guess too but not huge, t -shirt maybe (depends on the game). Regardless if I'm paying extra for a game I want something I can keep if I quit, though that retains some of the value.

Why drop 100 bux on a "collectors edition" when none of that value gets retained? Its not like I want to turn around and sell my account if I quit. Ingame bonuses are a nice Extra but I prefer something tangible to show for my dollar after the game is over and done with.

I like the idea of getting the soundtrack a LOT. Artbook is ok too but soundtrack is gold as far as I'm concerned. I just got Fallout 3 because of the soundtrack offer. Sure I can put the game on and play it but on a subscription game I'd really rather not HAVE to do that. I like having the soundtracks available on a disc I can actually hold in my hands. Tangible, real value.

The cards I could care less about (I dont wanna play the CCG I have enough crud cluttering up my house ;p) But ok, fine I dont mind. Mousepad bleh. w/e

In all honesty I could care less if people know I got the collectors edition. What matters to me is what extra value I get and can retain from spending my money on it. It's a nice Bonus but it doesnt matter to me that much.

I got my preorder done today (hurrah)

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

Doesn't matter to me just a bunch of WoW crap that no one needs

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

I love extra stuff, even if it costs a bit more. I also love collecting things. That is basically what Collector's Editions are about, for people willing to pay more for the collecting factor. Since I'm also an artsy-fartsy person, I love pictures and nifty stuff like that, so art books are also an uber-plus. I adore in-game pets too! ^-^ Definitely buying!

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDragonPuff

Although I am a bit of a vanity pet collector, and that baby wyrm is kinda cool, nothing in the pack can justify the +$30 tag. Be better put toward your monthly subscription.

I'm just excited for new content.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRed

I have to say I was a bit disappointed with the CE.. particular when you look at what 360 gamers have been getting.$10 more usually gets xbox 360 gamers a fancier case, an art book, and in some cases, some kind of figurine or statue.

This CE doesn't net much.. particularly considering the actual content amounts to more dvds (that have been standard affairs for CE forever now.)

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSirUrza

I'm buying it regardless. I love music and art they make so the mousepad is epic since I've been wanting a map of northrend for my computer desk anyway. The mini pet is also cool cuz I don't have that many pets that are neat(mostly cats and hawks) and I also loves dragons so this would be perfect for a dragon player.

Price wise? Its nothing. I paid for the Halo 3 Legendary Ed. so I'm surprised it's as low WotLK CE is. Plus lets not forget the shweet box it comes in, right? One this I'd love is again that cloth map OR the entire Atlas Book! Yeah I was mad when I found that Brady Games hever released a Outlands Atlas as it would have completed my collection at the time. Hopefully the new atlas will have Outlands as well. Or maybe an addition with it. Thats just my view.


September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCruneiros

i agree with Cruneiros. im going to buy it regardless. i have a job that pays well, so why not spend it. it would be a nice joke to me to have the music to WoW so i can play it in my car like its serious (i think that would be just hilarious). and i would love the pet, i love pets, but never use them bc of the bag space (which they are fixing so no prblm). but the dvd, maybe watch once, never cared for the cards, but if they gave me an exclusive ingame mount or something that would be great. but is it actually worth the 70$ to someone who doesnt have the money to wast? no. so if u dont wanna break pocket, dont buy it. that will make me feel like the pet is more exclusive. plus its hard to waste a rare pet or mount with an expansion bc WoW is so big that even if a small amount of people buy, that is still tons of people.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

Based on the history of the BC and vanilla WoW releases, there will probably be a short open beta. You can download the beta client and install it, and it will be patched to the release version when servers go live. In fact, it'll probably be patched to a more recent version than the shipped disks.

They did do a cloth map in the original wow CE.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbladebourne

I'm extremely excited about the expansion and it's new content. Also, since I'm definitely a sucker for CE's (*sighs serendiptiously at LOTR set*), this one will probably go into my little collection as well.


September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaeded

I personally like playing the TCG as well. So the fact that I get two hero decks with the CE version is awesome in my mind. I think also think it's interesting to see behind the scenes stuff, but I agree it is kind of a one shot thing. I'm a nerd, so I think that the map on the mouse pad is kinda cool, but I agree that a cloth map would be cooler. It's gonna suck having to lift my mouse up every time I want to look at the map :P

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHaanus

It isn't worth it....all that would be fun to have is the pet. People in Belgium don't even play the trading card game so yeh...

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFergandor

I'm way too cheap to buy a special addition unless it comes with something too good to turn down. Like a solid gold toilet or a robot maid :) Plus I've never looked at an artbook that comes with special editions and I probably would watch the dvd once, so not really worth it for me.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMattie McGee

I am being pulled into, the collectors addition for the pet. And definitely the art book, (love there art ) But still majority of there other stuff doesn't interest me as much.

But expect to see me with m baby wyrm Boo or some weird name. Come the launch, (if I ever hit lvl 70 XD of course just started playing yesterday or so)

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLevine

I'm still unsure, it seems abit steep, extra $30 just for a Pet + Art.

Your suggestions though.
I agree with all, except the Beta invite, as you pointed out, if 5% of Subscribers get the collectors addition, then that's 500,000 people.
All on a beta server?
Doubt it. ^_^

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHyperactif

How about if blizzard added a CE tabard(in-game ofc), Cap(RL), or a code that allowed you to pick any of the TCG things

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMalthe

When do you think we will have the Bard Class in WoW ?
Keep up the good work

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLostsoul

I've never been into collecting things -- unless saving my movie ticket stub counts -- and a $70 price doesn't help.
Sorry Blizzard, but if you'd offered better stuff for the CE or gave a lower price... Then I would be more inclined to seriously consider it. Since that's not the case, though, I'll be passing up the CE version.

September 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

also too, ithink that if they added a RL hat and shirt, your in game character (only one) could wear the same thing you recieved along with it, cause that would just be fun to be in normal clothes as a joke, without making it seem too modern for the people that whine about seeing it out of jealousy.

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

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