WoW Life Lesson #14: There Will Always Be Haters
These haters could be 'on your side' or on the 'other team' but either way, they just try and make your RL or WoW life a living nightmare. Weather it's at work or home in RL giving you grief or saying ill-informed and impetuous things, or in WoW in battlegrounds yelling at you for no reason or in STV just 'cuz, haters have a way of just being jerks.
So what do we do with haters? Well I suppose that there are several things that we could do. You could challenge them to a duel, but that rarely ends well even if you win, and in RL if you win you'd probably go to jail. Usually if you do win in WoW, they just spam you with hate chat or call you a noob or worse in /g chat or /y in Shatt.
You can report them to a GM, but really what can a GM do if the person hasn't violated the TOS agreement? If they have been rude or hateful but not rude or hateful enough to warrant GM action, you're stuck sitting there, /shrugging and wondering what to do to get your satisfaction.
Or, you can do what I prefer to do and just /ignore them. Yep just ignore them. Sooner or later a hater will do something so stupid that they'll get banned, or more fitting, get ganked in STV and camped for hours on end while their attackers just /laugh and /spit on them. Not that you should ever wish this on someone, but when you hear it happened to them, it kinda make you feel like things are right in the universe.
I've had my share of haters, for whatever reason, and I am sure you have too, in RL and in the game. While in RL it's not as simple as typing /ignore, it is possible to just not be around those toxic people.
So... what's the worst hater story you've heard about people playing in game?
Reader Comments (35)
Getting insultet by a lowbie rogue for lvl'ing as a frost mage, then beating him in a duel with eaz.....then get told im a noob....That's a wtf moment
Fizzeled 57 warlock lvl'ng for WoTLK
one time wen i was in stocks on my rogue, i was with someone who openly told us she had a mental disability, and that she was a slow typer and didnt understand most things. She was a hunter. We all said we would go slow, and thanks were goin great. Then the druid, who wasnt really doin ne thing, he was resto, in cat form standing bhind the healer doin nothing. aaaany way, we asked the hunter if she wanted something and it took her a while to type back, and she accidently had the cap locks on. She appologized, but the druid started calling her mean names, and at first i thought it was mt, but then it turned into U STUPID FAT HOE, TURN OFF CAPS LOCK YOU BITCH. and so right away i kicked her, but she kept whispering all of us, so i told everyone to ignore her, msged her guild leader, he immediatley kicked her from the guild, and now she lives on the side of the highway, lol jk. So if your one of those bitchy people out there, than pleeeeaaase remember ITS JUST A GAME we're actually trying to have fun! thanks
We have a true bastard on our server, known for hating, and famous for it even. His Name is Ryzer. Lvl 70 warlock who makes it a practice to insult anyone and everyone who speaks in trade. Pathetic jokes and constant insults make up 90% of his dialogue.
If you reply, he simply tries to use Leet-speak and moronic words like "Horribad" to describe you. He knows nothing of you yet acts as if he does and trolls forums for rumors to use in his quest to be the single biggest dickhead on the server. He claims to love it when he angers people and says it amuses him. While I've long since put him on ignore, I hear guildies lament the days he trolls the trade channel.
His claim to fame is having some T6 gear, which he wouldn't have if he hadn't weaseled his way into a raiding guild by making himself popular spamming trade chat with praises to himself by dualboxed alts. 5 level 1's spamming "We love Ryzer" and "Ryzer pwns" etc for hours, and when they log off, the name disappears from server record and 5 new level 1's surface only to repeat the same cycle...
HE's been banned numerous times only to be reinstated due to the spinelessness of wows policy. He even got accepted as a tester on the Beta WotLK .... There is no justice.
I've only had one time I was personally hated against and it was rather rediculous.
It's a tuesday at about 5 or 6ish. My guild, of which I am the Co-GM, runs kara tuesdays and saturdays at 7. Not noticing the time I said i'd do the daily heroic with a few guildies.
There werent quite enough of us and we had to pug a dps, this warlock named Sapphic. Now after getting to the instance, right before starting, groupcalendar gave me the warning that kara was in a hour.
So... I told the group (all guildies except the lock) that kara was in a hour and we could still try to get through the instance but we did have to go at 7. Everyone was all like 'alright' and 'oh yea' and stuff... We get to the portal and our nubmage realizes he doesnt have the heroic key for TK. He ports and because he lags so much in shat it takes a good 10 mins for him to get back.
Anyways, we go through the instance (it was Arc) and you'll never guess, due to a wipe and te mage taking forever we dont even get to the 1st boss until about 6:45. Noticing this, I mention to the group (mainly for the sake of the lock because the others were in the guild and were going to kara too) 'Hey, we have kara in like 10 mins, is it worth being saved to this instance for just 1 badge?'
Of course, the lock says no. So, i kick him and start the kara group.
About 30 seconds later, the warlock whispers me saying something asshole-ish because I kicked him. I told him we had kara and it ended there... until we all were back in Shat pugging a few people for kara. Then Sapphic says we're a shitty guild with no good players and will save you to an instance without getting badges (not quite possible in this case) and blah blah blah. We try to deal with it in a mature manner, pointing out his judgments are flawed and that he's not saved and shit but no, we're still the worst guild ever...
Fast forward a few days, our GM puts a recruitment in trade and guess who responds saying Children of Blood has shitty players and will ninja your stuff? You guessed it. The warlock from the other night. We have the exact same cnversation as the other night... pointing out his flawed view of being saved and all but still no go... at least we had a good 5 or so people from other guilds backing us up. Even people I had never heard of...
Conclusion: our GM reported him and the GM that responded told him to read secion something or other on the TOS and suprisingly enough good ol' Sapphic stopped talkin shit.
Strange note: one of our guildies rl friend was friends with Sappic, that guildie had been in the daily heroic run...
Haha I actually just remembered another time this terribad mage was saying stuff about me personally...
It was my first time in H mgt on my lock (not because im not good or not geared but because i dont really like pugging heroics and im the only good tank in our guild that is on regularly) but because of pvp gear and created items I didnt need any items in any 5 man instance, reg or heroic, except the trinket from mgt... so we're going through and everything is going ok or so i think... after the 2nd boss i say something to the effect of... 'i really hope the trinket drops, its my last upgrade in any 5 man instance' a rogue in the group hopes it doesnt because he has seen it drop like 5 times...
anyways, we get to the priestess and kill her (takes a few tries but we didnt do horribly) and the beautiful trinket drops ^_^ i was wooting and making faces in party and the mage gets all defensive and says something all trite but basically says 'im rolling too' i win thank god and not just because its my last upgrade but because what the hell kind of dots does a mage have? like 2 on spells they dont use often where i keep about 5 dots on at all times? imo, mages should not roll against locks and spriests on that trinket.
we continue on and we wipe once on kael. while everyone is running back and we're buffing the mage does the most epic mistell ever...
Not much, just wiping in H mgt.
Yea, theres this horrible lock that thinks he's all geared and shit.
uhh ok... so the rest of the group and i get all quiet for a sec... akward silence ftw... and then one of the guys says something like why the hell would you say that. and she said it was to give me incentive to do better and everyone laughs it off...
Except then i check my recount and realize... i have a good 100 dps on the bitch...
No real drama ever came out of it... it ended there...
Once, on my 70 warrior, some rogue was asking me too boost him in Zul'Farrak. Then i said no, because i was doing the black morass.. and then he sweared me like a maniac and kept whispering me for so long.. i ofcourse ignored him, but then.. he made a new character with the same name as mine, just with "sucks" after it.. i was like ,,Wtf? what the hell is your problem?" and i ignored him again.. but he kept making new characters! finally when he had made like.. 7 characters he stopped.. that guy must have a serious problem :)
Kristianxx -Kilrogg EU
70 Troll warrior
Moggafogga -Stormreaver EU
70 draenei shaman
Eh yeah usually i don't get hated on. But at one point i started a nice old half guild half friends list raid with some buddies. At the very start of the raid i said the only drop i wanted was a bow (this is Zul'aman btw) as i am a hunter.
So we went through all the side bosses and got to the last boss (forgotten his name) i was there (leader) saying no one roll on the bow (i had had a crap, only rare bow up until then because of rogues/ warriors taking hunters bows) so we went through the boss and the drops starting coming up (NBG btw) and i rolled on the bow. I didn't get it. I checked back the rollers list and found out a "noob" warrior with only t2 gear had taken it . i was so angry i almost quit my hunter there and then (did later because (i am on a privite server) pets had been nerfed and you couldnt summon them in raids due to people bugging their health) , so anyway i confronted him about it asked him why he rolled . He said , and i quote " stfu you hunter noob , no one likes hunters , they are gayyyyy, this bow is mine and there is nothing you can do about it noob. So i promply hopped on my alt (private servers allow horde and ally chars) and proceeded to GANK THE MOTHER FUCKING DAY LIGHTS OUT OF HIM! He ended up calling up a GM who told him he was in the wrong. Deleted his char and banned him for 6 months. Take it! Hater bitch!
Well, i was on MG, the actually only good RP server. And then i start talking to this guy and starts saying i'm going to cry like a baby for NO REASON. And then he starts blabbering on and on about being cool, and then i say i don't care if i'm cool. And then he starts acting like he knows everything about me. I hate these fuckasses. He can get hacked and lose his char.
Back before WotLK launched I was grinding a new profession on my hunter (herbalism ftw.) I had just started so I was running around the Barrens near Xroads. So some 70 ally warrior decides to go kill some noobs at the Xroads and since I'm there I pretty much gank him (he wasn't a particularly skilled pvp-er, to say the least.)
Next thing I know, he's logged in as a horde alt whispering me about how clean this up...enjoy sexual congress with dogs. Ok, fine, sore loser. I ignore him, and go back to farming.
A few days later, I log in again, same thing. A week later, same thing.
I used to work customer service, so I don't tend to bother GMs unless it's something important, but in this instance, yeah, I reported the guy, and yes, he got his account banned shortly thereafter.