Fond Memories: Tyr's Hand
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Friday, September 5, 2008 -
7 Comments Tags:
World of Warcraft,
china farmer,
fond memories,
old school,
tyr's hand

As soon as I hit 60 I knew that I was going to have some serious farming ahead of me so I followed my rogue officer into Tyr's Hand, an area that I had never been. We would farm the land before the night's Onyxia or Molten Core runs until our actions became second nature. As a pair of rogues we would drop entire squads of Scarlet Crusaders without stopping. Our names became a staple in the area between 4PM and 7:30PM EST. Basically, we became a more active pair of NPCs. Only, we focused our attention on destroying the last bastion of humanity in EPL for personal gain. We were there so often, that numerous people thought we were china farmers.
In fact, the china farmers thought we were china farmers! From our time spent in Tyr's, we managed to pick up basic strings of Chinese to be able to talk with them. We would trade stacks of Conjured Sweet Rolls for their Runecloth, help them when they seemed to be in trouble or chase off the horde together. It was a grand old time. Unfortunately, “ni hao” is all that I remember since my macro has long since been deleted.
Although I was simply a very advanced bot when I was in Tyr's Hand, I rather miss it. Pushing my limits of DPS and seeing how far I could go without eating food became a game to me. Could I take four guys myself? Will this guy drop my 6th green in a row? Will I be able to fill up my bags before the raid begins? Do the mobs in the eastern castle (up the hill) really have better droprates? Will I ever have enough money to get my epic mount?
Forget dailies, I would rather stand in one area and farm it dry than run all over creation farming. Too bad running all over creation pays better.
Reader Comments (7)
aaah good times...=)
ah, I remember my old days of farming before my seventy got to where its at. I miss them too, I think everyone misses those times where you aren't quite there and you know it'll be a while so you sit down for hours on end just grinding it up and getting all the loot and points you can.
I no longer am that intense about WoW. It comes and goes. I do however get random days where it comes back to bite me in the ass and I'm on the computer for nearly six hours at a time, or even worse, Final Fantasy is like crack to me.
I miss seeing the old sayings like " LFM Need healer for BRD UBRS or LBRS" I just don't see those see those anymore...I loved the Blackrock Mountains.
Was fun in Tyrs Hand dont forget to do a post on the old TM/SS days pre BGs was so fun. I hope lake wintersgrasp in Northrend will be a fun open world PVP spot that wow lacks now
I'm proud to be the Horde who crashed that spot. Everything was K.O.S., whether farmer or not.
I used to go farm the satyrs in Azshara for Felcloth drops myself. Every four days would be Mooncloth time. Ahh.. early days of gold generation.
yea i love that place the other day i wuz there on my 70 and i just blew every thing up and i though to my self how in 10 levs and much much much better gear makes a huge diffrence in your WOW stances like i would farm that place too but at lev 70 man it is like im to OP to have a chalenge onless i wanna solo a raid wich then im to wimpy for ..... so i think that blizz should come up with evolving mobs and leving NPCs so there is allways that chalenge like a NPC kills 10 people and then it goes from lev 55 to 56 just to make the game harder and more desirerable