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Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.1

Project Lore ventures into The Wrath of the Lich King beta to explore the new world of Northrend. With all of the new changes to the game, new spells and way they operate the guys spend this episode talking about the new features and then enter the Utgarde Keep in the Howling Fjords of Northrend.

Of course this is the beta, but here are the armory links on the live servers for the characters in this episode: Dorkins, Goggins, Lylelovett, Shnoobins, and Juggynaut.

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Tomorrow at noon PDT, the guys will be heading deeper into Utgarde Keep, so tune in then to see more!

Reader Comments (94)

arthas was a pally not a shaman lol
atleast i think

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpaul

I'm a frost mage, and wondered that as Northrend is such an icy place, will I have to respec to fire or arcane because all the mobs will be frost resistant?

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKidgruesome

This is looking to be pretty awesome. I hope blizzard also got rid of the tabard armor slot and gave us a page for that. My exalted reputation tabards are taking up a lot of bank space (I use them to show what I'm doing when my friends are around on their alliance characters). From the looks of it, they solved a lot of here-and-there problems like burst threat from mages with warrior tanks. I gather that blizzard developed a more efficient graphics engine, which would explain the seemingly lag-less picture despite the incredible peripheral content and visuals. The array of inventory solutions that have been beta-implemented look like real improvements to our constant need for bag space (yes, I play a hunter).

Five stars so far for WotLK (and great video preview as well).

September 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLavahon

It was great seeing the videos of Utgarde Keep, seeing the actual fights can be more informative than just reading strategy guides.

Im just wondering how non shaman healers would go in Utgarde Keep, and exactly how much of a difference gear makes to the fights.

I also would like to know how the fights would go from a healer's perspective now that spirit link has been replaced with riptide.

Can we have some videos from the other instances in the expansion, pretty please?

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLucille

ok dorkins can you help me with crit change thing and how to get better crit cahnge plz what do i need to get better?

September 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersimon sandilands

dud e ur from icarly

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteraxel

Awsome job guys! o ya and Goggins ur the man GO CHARGERS!

October 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermistabones

Fucking Retards All of them...Change the name of your piece of shit show or do your job right its not nerdy to know the lore. but it is moronic to boast your knowledge of such things and be so Amazingly stupid and ignorant of the topic.
Arthas Menethil- Paladin/Deathknight
Corrupted by the Sword not tortued by Kil'jaeden.
Killing the demon Mal'Ganis (his initial goal for travelling to northrend)
And he Returned to the eastern kingdoms Insane and slaughtered his father in what is now undercity.
Project Lore You suck So hard, Screaming Like children into your microphones you make me sick.

October 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWhy?

He was a paladin go look at some warcraft 3

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSean

then he turned to a death knight

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSean

OMG jerry reminds me of spencer from iCarly lol

You guys are the best me and my friends got 5 Pcs in 1 room and are like a new team with a guild called Project Lich King which we respect you for I hope you do sooo well.

November 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Curtis

@ why?
Dude, the Lich King existed before Arthas. Kil'jaeden DID torture an orc shaman because the Horde failed to conquer Azeroth. His spirit was basically put in a suit of armor and encased in ice. He started to create the undead etc, then chose Arthas to become his first Death Knight and champion. And in the end Arthas MERGED with Ner'zhul(the lich king) and they are now one, the human Arthas ceased to exist.

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlol@why?

*sigh* the first one was a shammy,but arthas is a paladin!

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeath

Ok this is pissing me off,

Ner'zhul(AKA the lich king) was an orc shaman who originally let the orcs get into azeroth with kil'jaeden's help then he tried to repent but KJ found him and tortured him destroying his body but incasing his soul and armor in a large block of ice which Kil'jaeden placed in Northrend.

So Lichking slowly corrupts single creatures as he grows in power then tribes,cities,civilazations etc etc. until he wages a war against the nerubians(spider people) and he manages to win through sheer numbers eventually enslaving the nerubian people and stealing the weaponery and architecture and stuff like that.

Skip quite a few years Kel'thuzad follows the lich kings call to northrend the he discovers the truth of necromancy and begins to make a cult(of the damned) in northrend.

Skip a few more years arthas on the trail of malganis,half mad because he had to purge the innocents of stratholme discovers the only way he can beat the dreadlord is to sacrifice the life of his friend Muradin and his own soul for the power to destroy Malganis.

Of course slowly the sword corrupts him and he is drawn into the cult of the damned to serve as the first of the new undead deathknights(the old ones were orcs) he kills uther and his father the king and pretty much shits on all he intended to protect while living.

A few months later(the frozen throne xpac for WC3) the lich king tells arthas he has to leave lorderon for northrend because the lichking is losing power
anyhow he travels there through azjol'nerub beats up on kael vashj and illidan a bit then ascends icecrown glacier and dons the helm of the lichking essentially fusing them into the perfect being of malevelonce so yes he was a paladin and he was a shaman he is arthas and he is ner'zhul .

I applaud you if you read all that

November 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStormcaller

actually on reflection im not 100% on that first paragraph in my wall o'text i mean the him letting the orcs in part only did he even let them in or was it gul'dan all the way?

anyhow the rest of it is 100% certified nerd-with-to-much-time-lore gold.

(also sorry for double post)

November 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStormcaller

The lich king was a shaman =S

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

*sigh* lichking=pally are u that idiotic

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeath

Miss you jerry!

February 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

The Lich King is a combination of the souls of Arthas a Pally and Ner'Zhul an orc shammy turned warlock. Arthas united with Ner'Zhul at the end of Warcraft 3: FT. Freaking Blizzard lore.

March 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEddie T

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