Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.4
Project Lore slays more proto-dragons on their way to the first boss in Utgarde Keep, Prince Keleseth.. How will the guys do against a new boss? Watch Project Lore face off against Prince Keleseth.
Here are the armory links on the live servers for the characters in this episode: Dorkins, Goggins, Lylelovett, Shnoobins, and Juggynaut. Shnoobins decided to go with arcane for the Wrath of the Lich King beta and Juggy specced elemental.
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Tomorrow, the guys give Prince a second shot. See how they do at Noon PDT!
Here are the armory links on the live servers for the characters in this episode: Dorkins, Goggins, Lylelovett, Shnoobins, and Juggynaut. Shnoobins decided to go with arcane for the Wrath of the Lich King beta and Juggy specced elemental.
Our Subscribe page has links to follow us on your favorite sites. You can also use the Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and don't forget to join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.
Tomorrow, the guys give Prince a second shot. See how they do at Noon PDT!
Reader Comments (32)
Love it. Best episode yet! You guys need to push to 20-30 minute episodes! :)
just wondering, are they gonna show all bosses ? i mean they spend 4 episodes getting to first boss.
I've been a fan of Project L.O.R.E. since it debuted, but seriously guys, these WOTLK episodes are freakin' awesome! Thanks so much!
I saw your tank manually imput raid icons to your targets.
I strongly suggest that you bind those keys to your keyboard for faster raid marking.
Personally, I got all raid icons binded to my numeric keypad.
hi guys im new i was told you guys rock i was wondering what server you guys play on
Prince Keleseth is one of the Death Knight trainers near the start. Kick that guys ass!
Brandon (Juggynaut) is actually an Enhancement Shammy, though he keeps changing his spec in case the group needs something.
And about the Joshua marking without macros, what's wrong about it?