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QQing About The Qs

Alt Text = Cheating (American Idol)

Estimated Time Remaing: FOREVER

There were a few things that one expected with Wrath of the Lich King's launch, first and foremost was long lines at the midnight sales.  Next was an Auction House ripe for money making, before and after the second expansion's launch.  However, the ability to cash in for gobs of gold would not begin until WotLK finally launched.  The additional opportunities opened up due to the fact that many players would be returning to WoW, while more were joining the ranks of the Horde or Alliance for the first time.

Next on the list of items that experienced players would expect should of been queues.  Queue times have been a staple in World of Warcraft since the title's launch way back in 2004.  Originally, they were implemented because the starting areas were so full of players that the lag made the vicinity unplayable.  They persisted on the realms for times when the server hit its maximum load.  Generally speaking, the cap was only hit for most servers during national holidays, Sunday nights and around the release of major content patches or whole expansions.  Thanks to Blizzard's liberal use of awesomesauce on Wrath, Northrend has supplied my main pair of servers with population timers popping up nearly two months since its launch!

At the beginning I was one of the many who steadfastly told people to chill out, that the queues would go away in a week, two or perhaps a month.  While I still hold on to the belief that the lines will shrink and then disappear - either to player apathy or hardware updates - but they are putting a serious hurt on my limited playtime.  More importantly, one of my good friends just transferred to another server because Magtheridon has been plagued with 20-30 minute queues during raiding times, and beyond.  Hell, last night at 11 o'clock I had to wait 25 minutes to log in, giving me about 20 minutes to play before I had to pack it up.  On the plus side, he was a Horde player, so perhaps I can get him to re-roll Alliance once this business dies down.

How are the stacks on your servers?  Tolerable?  Non-existent?  Transfer worthy?  Also, does anyone know if the queues are faction based at all?  My aforementioned friend has constantly reported longer wait times for Horde than I was getting for Alliance.  However, we never managed to login at the same time to truly compare.

Reader Comments (39)


Maybe cos now you play on on a famous server with a famous guild everyone wants to be your friend?

Anyway make realm's never been full or even nearly full but then maybe that's cos i play rp and that's never the most popular.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I'm at Icecrown nd ever since LK came out, on weekends (especially sunday nights) there have been 20 to 60 minute waits. there was this 1 time when i was in about 1000 place for Q so i left my pc on nd ate some lunch. when i came back (about 30min later) i was at 250. so i watied ther for another 5min then at 50 i got DC!!!! when i tried going back on i was at 650 so i jus quit playin WoW for a week. Anyway im back on and since ther are free transfers from Icecrown ther hasnt been much trouble lately.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFladon

Tichondruius Here. Yeah late nights have my self waiting in ques, which suck usually about 20 minute wait. BUt as the man said free transfer are a blessing so my whole guild and i are transfering which is a pretty nice number of 40+ people so hopefully it goes over well. :D

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCyn

I started playing again after a year long hiatus just before the expansion hit. I fully expected the queues, but still found it annoying when it cut into so much of my play time each evening.

The other problem was that my friends from my former guild were playing on a different server so I had to choose between playing my high level characters alone or starting over with them. Then Blizzard announced the opportunity to do a free tranfer to a low population server and they made it possible to transfer from both my server and from the server my friends were on. I thought it was a dream come true. We'd be playing without any queues while everyone else was still waiting in line.

I talked my guild into it and we all started transferring. Unfortunately Blizzard ended the transfers 2 days early and we had a few people that weren't able to transfer in time. They ended up having to go through support and it took another week (or 3 weeks in one case) to get their characters transferred.

It was just a few days after we transferred that we ran into the first problem. The new server was "closed" so no one else could join us and start a character from scratch. This meant that any friends we wanted to recruit wouldn't be able to play with us. This "closed" period lasted a little more than a month. We all kept waiting for them to open up the server so we could start adding a few friends. When they finally did open the server, they also made it the recommended server for new players. This meant that overnight the server changed from being a low population server full of experienced players to being a high population server full of newbs that just got the game for Christmas.

The massive influx of new players also meant that the queues returned. So now everyone that transferred to get away from the queues are stuck waiting in the queue again and once they get in they have to put up with a huge number of newbs begging for gold or asking for run-throughs. It's been a huge hassle. I doubt my guild will ever take my advice again when it comes to server transfers.

--Myrlin (Dawnbringer)

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMyrlin

Earthen Ring is around 700 - 800 on weeknights at prime time and over 1.2K on weekends. Strat lately is to login as soon as I get home from work and then run errands and eat dinner and then maybe I'll be able to play for an hour before needing to log and head to bed.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNartin

The thing that bothers me most about the queues is that the main glut is new players coming back to check out Wrath, which screws over people like me and my guild who have been around since "the good old days".

Cenarius - US is just downright ridiculous lately. Sure, we're an old server and a fairly popular West Coast one, but it takes a major bite out of people's enthusiasm when they have to wade through a 600-1000 person queue every evening.

Blizzard should set something up for older servers (the ones that are really taking the hit the hardest) where they optimize how many people it can really hold on a constant basis without ever needing the queue. Then, just go down the list - people who are in one of the top 20 guilds on the server get to stay. Then, people who have been on the server longer than 3 years get to stay, then 2 years, then 1 year, and so forth until we reach that number. Everyone else gets shipped to a new server.

Maybe that's a bit harsh.... I suppose I'm just bitter because it takes almost the same amount of time to clear Naxx as it does to get through the queue so you can actually go clear Naxx.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPete the Geek

I'm on undermine, it's a PvE server and I've never had one of the dreaded queue screens. I started on this server over 2 years ago now and I've never encountered it.

The only downside about the server is that its around 80% alliance and 20% Horde (I'm a Belf Lock) so its kinda off balanced. The Alliance side is mostly younger kids asking for money for runs and being paid for help, but the Horde is nothing but older more mature players and are pretty laid back. At least I've never encountered any bad Horde players that is.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterClayllynt

Im on Suramar (US) and i have rarely ever ran into a queue. only once or twice after the latest x-pac

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike Fahy

I'm on the Hydraxis server, and luckily have had 0 queue problems. There might have been one or two days at launch where I was about 60 or 70 in line, but that was the worst I had to deal with.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

Undermine is 60-40 and there have most definatly been queues esp when BC came I out i know I had my first char on that server.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

I play on The Scryers and have since it was new. It is starting to get much fuller now and I experienced my first q last week. It was only about 5 minutes long, if that honestly.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJames

On Quel Dorei i havan't gotten a single one =)

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSno

Tortheldrin went from having no queue to having 15-30 minute queues literally overnight, because of the transfers. As someone who was already there (and as someone who transferred long ago to get away from queues) it was extremely disappointing and frustrating.

I hold no ill will toward those who transferred. In fact, I feel very bad for them as well. They were leaving a server they had grown to know and call home to go somewhere they expected to see no queues.

Then, the first time they log on: 30 minute queue.

On top of the queue, our the social environment is extremely hostile right now and latency is horrible. So bad that nobody can raid, and even running heroics is questionable.

So, if you are considering transferring, please keep all of this in mind. Mostly that you won't be getting away from queues or latency.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBeefeater

Nordrassil EU ftw queues = 0

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNiimrod

Being chilean I'm in Ragnaros, a latin server, and I have never experienced queues to log in, must be because its a new server. However lag's been horribel lately, and WotLK hasn't helped at all...

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterViradu

Silvermoon Horde here. We had 1000 queues a few weeks ago, down to 500 ish now. Queues didnt even appear till 5:30 - 6 ish server CST, after they show up though they take like 30 minutes to an hour to get through. I believe they're faction nonspecific.

Dalaran is barely playable after 3 pm CST and by 6 server I have huge lag there.

So yea.

I believe the entire problem is that the whole world all decides to log in at the same time. Which creates the queues. /shrug

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

Yeah I'm on Silvermoon as well. Seriously contemplated a transfer but the destination realm was east coast. So my choice was terrible lag and long queues, or nobody to group with at 11-12 pm. Blizzard isn't giving people many options.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSidias

Ugh please dont mention the name server... i made a bad descion joining a mid size realm that was normal, meaning a bunch of tardes inhabit it... not very fun. I can gert on my realm every time i log on however so its not so bad, but in my realm i believe there alot more ally than horde makeing me want to ask around to find a realm with tons of horde and mabye a pvp or rpg realm, hell mabye an rpgpvp realm i mean i do like to role play now and then but when i talk to players i dont "role play" then saying like "why hello sir luther" or something. But yes i have considered switching however i have no idea how people act in RPG realms so i'd have to ask around.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

Im on a RP euro sever called Wildhammer, abd this is the first ive heard of waiting times :S

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoshy

i play on Earthen ring and have newer seen a single gue

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJondare

Horde on Shattered Hand and even being a left coaster playing on an east coast server in the late evenings i've been getting nailed with queues of up to a half hour on an almost daily basis.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarson

I have 2 accounts one horde one alliance and i find the q times on the horde account to be much lower then my alliance account. At first i thought it was because of the population of the sever but both severs have the same population maybe its just a matter of horde to alliance i don't really know.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZaltif

My server had ques for 1 night, wrath launch. That's all. But Muradin is the most average of the average PvE realms XD

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

I'm on the Ghostlands-US server which was initially created for transfers from other servers like Doomhammer (where I came from) and there were queues for a little bit around the holidays but it's settled back to no wait now.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrandywine

Never a wait. I did transfer my main from Dark Iron to Dark'Tharon but the move was because of the lack of people I knew after an extended break. Figure I'd try something new. Kalecgos is one of my favorite servers, it's not a waiting place and it has a load of people that just love to play the game and relax. Theirs not too many crazy-users who play on the server, or last on it I should say.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMurruhlin

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