Entries in realm transfers (1)

QQing About The Qs

Alt Text = Cheating (American Idol)
Estimated Time Remaing: FOREVER
There were a few things that one expected with Wrath of the Lich King's launch, first and foremost was long lines at the midnight sales.  Next was an Auction House ripe for money making, before and after the second expansion's launch.  However, the ability to cash in for gobs of gold would not begin until WotLK finally launched.  The additional opportunities opened up due to the fact that many players would be returning to WoW, while more were joining the ranks of the Horde or Alliance for the first time. Next on the list of items that experienced players would expect should of been queues.  Queue times have been a staple in World of Warcraft since the title's launch way back in 2004.  Originally, they were implemented because the starting areas were so full of players that the lag made the vicinity unplayable.  They persisted on the realms for times when the server hit its maximum load.  Generally speaking, the cap was only hit for most servers during national holidays, Sunday nights and around the release of major content patches or whole expansions.  Thanks to Blizzard's liberal use of awesomesauce on Wrath, Northrend has supplied my main pair of servers with population timers popping up nearly two months since its launch! At the beginning I was one of the many who steadfastly told people to chill out, that the queues would go away in a week, two or perhaps a month.  While I still hold on to the belief that the lines will shrink and then disappear - either to player apathy or hardware updates - but they are putting a serious hurt on my limited playtime.  More importantly, one of my good friends just transferred to another server because Magtheridon has been plagued with 20-30 minute queues during raiding times, and beyond.  Hell, last night at 11 o'clock I had to wait 25 minutes to log in, giving me about 20 minutes to play before I had to pack it up.  On the plus side, he was a Horde player, so perhaps I can get him to re-roll Alliance once this business dies down. How are the stacks on your servers?  Tolerable?  Non-existent?  Transfer worthy?  Also, does anyone know if the queues are faction based at all?  My aforementioned friend has constantly reported longer wait times for Horde than I was getting for Alliance.  However, we never managed to login at the same time to truly compare.

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