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Questing: Goblins Love Explosions

Find Nemo Anyone?!

It certainly didn't take me long before I found some noteworthy quests in Storm Peaks. I went about doing the first round of SP quests after heading into K3 to initiate my Sons of Hodir questline. At first I was just trying to get a feel for the land with the opening quests, but as it turned out, one of them is the first tasks for the Sons. Only 24 more quests to go...before I am neutral.

If there is one thing the Goblin race is known for it is their love of technology. Often the more dangerous the technological “advances” the better. With that I strolled, no, actually, I flew over a minefield without realizing it before being blasted out of the sky by a pair of AA guns. I then turned into a gnomish pinball as I was blasted from land mine to land mine before finally landing in a relative safe zone. I guess stacking that stamina a few levels ago was a smart move. Once landed, Disarm Trap made the quest trivial for me.

As I watched myself being launched from location to explosive location I couldn't help but laugh at Solidsamm's misfortune. He didn't get the worst of it though, turns out Jeer Sparksocket left his buddy in the middle of the field with no intentions of saving him! Perhaps he should go for the aptly named Mine Sweeper achievement.

That one was all fun and games, then next quest I participated in had me a little emo. If you haven't figured it out by now I am an animal lover. I have four fluffy ferrets, nearly a dozen finned friends, a pinchy crayfish, a trove of snails and a girlfriend (until she reads that). So when I was tasked with collecting some animal meat from the local mammoths by way of explosion, I balked.

I know it's just a game, but I have a soft spot for the wooly beasts for some reason. The catch is that like any self-respecting action junkie I love explosions. My soft spot for things that go boom lead me to toss a U.D.E.D. (ideas on the acronym?) at the first modified elephant I saw.  I regretted it as soon as the animation started. With that I quietly picked up the pieces – already did the damage might as well make his death worth something! - and logged off for the evening. With a tear in my eye.

/cryDespite my tyrantical treatment of the mammoth, I would argue that it is more humane than previous methods. Mr. Mammoth had a quick demise by way of goblin engineering.  Had I done it my way he would have suffered multiple stables wounds from my rusty daggers, not to mention a belly full of poison during a 10-20 second struggle for his life. To top it off, he would have only dropped one piece of meet, forcing me to hunt down his family members! How is that for a justification D.E.H.T.A?

How many of you fancy the wildlife of Azeroth enough to say no to these types of quests? I am sure many of you have picked up the achievement, but I bet it was just for the points. Or do you have more of a soft spot for the evil humanoid types?

Reader Comments (22)


January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSno

U.D.E.D. My first thought wasn't acronym. I saw U.D.E.D. as "You Dead," but maybe that's just me.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

When I did that mammoth quest ..... I freaked out in vent. My guildmates were wondering what I was doing. All I could say was...... OH MY GAWD... MAMMOTH... BOOM... PIECES.... NOOOOOO.... I'm not an animal lover, well I love to eat them just not watch them explode in my face... But yeah, disturbing!

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrandy

That damn minfield was the bane of my exisitence for at least half an hour. I could not get through the damn thing for love nor money. Everytime i went in i just got blasted about. Then being a warlock meant that my demon started following me and setting them off. (until i remembered to put him on stay). I only managed to do the damn thing cos i very helpfully got blasted and landed in the middle. Although i did give my guild a good laugh at my expense.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I have a large soft spot for animals in Azeroth. Some creatures are cooler than others, but I won't stop from doing the quests. I justify the means by only killing what I have to.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

I don't really have a soft spot except for the cat critters. But yeah, when I exploded the mammoth... Ew.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I mean it really doesnt get to me if i kill animals on wow or not only it there alittle "cute" then it mite get to be me. But say having to slay a chimera for a quest woulndt vaise me. Although i would rather kill a huminoid over an animal on WoW any day, and defently if there evil sometimes you kill guys for the wrong reasons but it doesnt bug me either.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

This is nothing, compared to one of two quests I encountered within the last week; one of which was "Fuel for the Fire"...

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to eliminate 60/10/3 of various levels of the Scourge rank & file..."

Picture the scene... as your mind controlled 'Abomination' unwittingly sets forth on a mission from which it will never return...

It ventures into a throng of enemy zombies, luring them to their untimely doom...

... you depress the button...

BOOOOOOOM - masses of ravenous undead beings are being hurled through the air by fragments beyond count, of a member of the "Suicide bombers-R-US" branch of the Stitches family; evoking uncontrollable howls of laughter...?

Couple that with un-Godly emissions of noxious vapour felling anything with sensory range - a diversionary tactic for amassing 'victims' on a scale equalled only by the Pied Piper - & you have a comedy routine of EPIC proportions...

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff


*within olfactory range...

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

hmm.. i remember laughing while doing that quest.. a guy said something funny on vent i SWEAR!

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

I didn't do it. I couldn't do it. The thing wasn't letting me, so I decided, I don't want to see Mammoths explode, so I'm not gonna do it.

I did get the mine sweeper though, and not for the points, I some how like being launched into the air. I continued for three days after wards until I finally decided to do something... er... productive with my time?

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

Took the quest, used the bomb on the mammoth, picked up the meat and turned the quest in. Just a simple quest not something worth crying over...

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

wtf they come back... always talk about being soft btw

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Haven't done it yet, reading all this I probably won't.

Don't get me wrong my main is a hunter and skinner/leatherworker (and a cook too) so I do kill and for that reason I did not touch any of the DEHTA quests.

I don't kill for the sake of killing anymore after having done some of the Zul'drak quests with Har'koa and especially Rhunok I have turned my gun and pet against the Scourge and all who serve it willingly or unwillingly and granting peace to corrupted creatures wherever I find them.

Especially Rhunok's death by my own hand on it's own request and the "An End to the Suffering' quest dialogue piece:

"Use the incense and do me the kindness of putting an end to my suffering. I apologize if I fight back. Even for me, the will to survive is strong. " touched me deeply.

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVixis

- and logged off for the evening. With a tear in my eye.

You're awesome!!!! XD

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKladius

Always /love a cuddly critter after doing those kind of quest, the cuter the better, takes your mind off things, or just throw your feelings against the other factions, nothing like denying you're a murderer :P

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAldei

I blew him up, laughed my arse of, abandoned the quest and blew him up again.

Because it was funny.

Don't get me wrong, I'm against animal cruelty and I think that people who torture animals irl should recieve similar treatment.

But this shit is just funny.

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLuuk

i gotta tell u my wife did the funniest thing with this quest..unless ur an animal lover of course..and well she didnt blow up one..she blew up a pack of them and man oh man that was a mess to say the least..and well guess not really funny eather

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdakkon

Well the first thing in my mind wasn't about the mammoth, it was me.

As I saw the debuff on me I paniced, knowing that if I don't find a mammoth soon, it is MY meat that those goblins will be eating. So as I screamed dozens of mindless blurry words, I finally found a nearby mammoth to throw the cursed goblin-magic-invention at.

January 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

why would i have a soft spot for the animals if i know they will respawn again in 10 mins?

January 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

FYI: U.D.E.D stands for "Unstable D16 Explosive Device" :D

January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShummy

I loved that quest. I thought it was hilarious. Looking forward to doing it again on my other characters I'm (very slowly) getting up to 80.

The minefield quest was awesome too. I found it hilarious to bounce like that. I'm going to definitely to try to get that achievement!

January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXplaced

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