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Is 3.0.8 Here Yet??

I don’t think I am the only one growing a little impatient for the promised patch 3.0.8. I really don’t know why I am so anxious, but I am. It is only a minor patch, and I shudder to think how fidgety I will be before the release of Uldar.

Maybe its just me, but it seems like think thing has been up on the PTR forever. While we are only getting some polish and a few changes there are 3 things that have me really excited about this patch.

1. Paladin single target taunt. Finally, this is something I have wanted for as long as I have been a tank, and I can’t wait to see how this fits into my rotation.

2. New enchants. Specifically new tanking enchants (edit: tanking enchant... sigh). As someone who strives to collect all available enchants, this is a big double dip for me!

3. Gotta Go Nerfed. Maybe I am being lazy, but this is the only heroic achievements I have not done yet, and I want my red proto-drake! Sure I could put together an extreme group and spend half a day and grind this out, but somehow it just seems easier to walk through.

There is much more, but those things alone have had me running to my computer every Tuesday morning for the last 3 weeks hoping to see some signs of a patch release. Signs seem to say that this coming Tuesday is likely, but that’s what I said last week. If not this Tuesday it would have to be the one after, right? I can only hope.

How about you guys? Are you looking forward to 3.0.8? I know there are mixed feeling of excitement and dread on class rebalances, and somethings that are minor, but none the less cool (repairing scrap bots!). So what is your take on the pending (we can only hope) patch? If you are not sure, take a look and the patch notes here.

Reader Comments (50)

everyone needs to look at this way....yes hunters might be getting nerfed...but there is always going to be that person that is going to turn a nerf into a overpowered hunter again. and seem like the nerf never happened. i only have a 40 hunter. so you might think that i know nothing. but the truth of the matter is i have a lot of friends that are 80's and they tell me everything that has happened to them. so just cause they are nerfing a spell or two. doesn't change how the person plays there character. and however there rotation on spells are.

January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGhroonar

In all honesty (I know I'll be bitched at) I actually am dreading the patch. There Qs will be up again as people now spam DKs on any server they choose.

I think Blizz has earned a well deserved break of things after LK considering what the've delt. People want more content, but I think we've had enough. I know plenty of people who skipped alot of things just to hit 80 and do EndGame things. I personally have a goal to do every instance, and every raid in the game. I love PvE content.

The biggest upper in the patch for me is the mount restrictions being moved and the mining change. I hate having to sit there for minutes to mine something...only to be ganked halfway through finishing mining.

80 BM Hunter
Illidan Server

January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Great point on the mining Laeltis!!!
Nothing worse than that one person that doesn't care that you are already hitting that node and jumps in there

January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBERNIE

Screw the hunters and bring on the patch. No more will they be taking the top Dps spot from my lock. I only wish they had released the patch before I got my "For the Horde" achievement so I didn't run out of Soul shards before I killed the alliance bosses.

January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKimeghale

I'm anxious for it as well, they're increasing the crit bonus for the skinnig profession bonus, increases the damage for my Fan of Knives from 106% to 150%, feitn reducing AoE damage taken by 50% (only have to slightly worry about whirlwinds now ><)

Plus ths deathknight being able to be created on any server is nice, my friend just started on a PVP server, and I was dreading leveling from one any more than I have to .

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRiot

funny how no one cares about anything else then to be number one on the dps charts. and this is my opinion, that doesnt matter if your number one on the charts or not. but that you know how to play your character and that you have fun with your character and that you down the boss or mobs or anything like that.

i have seen alot of people that have been number one alot, rather they be a warrior, a lock, or a paladin, and when they dont get number one they start complaining.

so all i say is dont worry about the patch and what they are doing to the characters, just have fun, and enjoy the game and the friends that you made on it, they are the main reason u play the game. and that help u and got ur back.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGhroonar

I'm a BM NE Hunter, but I'm not gonna start a rant about the nerf since everyone and their dog seems to be doing that already.

No, what I like to see is the restrictions lifted for mounts. This is nice for mount whores such as myself and a fellow guildmate (she and I are the only 2 in our guild with the Albino Drake). All I need is the mechanostriders, the white griffen and the 2 mammoths and I can rightly say I have ALL the purchasable mounts in game that do not require honor or arena points. Next up, rep mounts ^_^ There's maybe four or five I want to get my hands on.

I am really going to enjoy the lowering of the limit for Loremaster: Kalimdor. I am at 657 of 730 quests done in Kalimdor and I can't seem to find anything else that's open to me... save maybe the repeatables in Silithus, but I haven't tested yet to see if these count. Hope they do or I'm screwed.

The "one tap get everything in the node" for minig will definitely curb the node ninja'ing most people complained about a few months back. Nothing worse than mining happily away and another toon (be it same race or not) coming up and trying to tap the node at the same time.

Um, 'scuse me!! I'm already mining it!!

I'm ecstatic about the reputation fix. This will make rep grinds so much easier than seeing the kill rep credit drop to 1 as you progress in levels. THAT was annoying.

As for the patch removing items and adding to items in the achievements... I'm kind of mixed on that. Yes, I love the fact that some recipes were removed since you'll never pick them up ever, but I'm on the fence about the Tartare. Tartare?? C'mon, I wouldn't even touch this stuff and I'm the person who's willing to try Sweet Meats.

My 2 Canadian cents.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Hunter is geting nerfed yes but the uldar patch wil compansate for that atlsit thats what GM says

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhavtor

Personally, I wish they had more improvements for the Rogue class-for instance when it comes to being in stealth I wish other classes couldn't see me that easily like the Death Knights... it sorta defeats the purpose of sneaking up on them and giving an a** whooping XP

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBug

Patch comming right now ^_^. I"m looking forward to the the mining and the scrap bots, plus I really want the dual spec to finally come along.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Oh... new news screen

Agreement again...

Shoot... Patch updated but can't connect yet. Wow, why do you tease so....

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Warlock, Drain Mana is going to drain a percentage of total mana, instead of the 240 per tick from the target, and also the summoning spell improvement, now I only need 1 Soul shard, that creates a summoning stone that can be used for multiple summons for 5 minutes

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

As of this morning (1/20/08), the PATCH HAS BEEN RELEASED.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Oh and of course, Mechanostrider for my Human :P and Loremaster title from the achievement are on my to do list once the patch comes

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor


January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

just saw the patch will be live today.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMalstrum

down loaded the patch. cant wait to get back to my hunter and some of my other characters. what is this other patch you guys are talking about

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGhroonar

Dear Bastosa,we're losing our double Shield of Righteous bug(rank1&2 have different cds),so don't be so happy about 3.0.8.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

i like how blizzard is doing this. we need to figure out what characters they play. cause which ever one they play. they will not nerf so bad or just make them to where they can win

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhillip

extended the time for all realms to be up. why am i not surprised. i was actually hoping to get on and play. get a saber for my dwarf paladin. and a raptor for my undead warrior well after his transfer is done...i had everything planed and it all went down hill once i saw that they extended the maintance time....3 cheers to blizzard

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhillip

VERY HAPPY FOR NEXT PATCH i m a lvl 80 feral druid and cat form swipe is going to be fucking awesome

(Cant wait for more raids) (Ps I did H Naxx last night and sapphiron is a fucking bitch)

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Tilson

just seeing the name makes it sound like it. i dont have an 80 yet. i dont really plan on getting to 80 really soon. i know i am missing out on alot but i like helping some of the low lvls in the guild that i dont really want to lvl...unless i am bored on my other characters and want to lvl my 74 warrior. with this new patch and everything. i have decided to try some of the other classes out. just to get a different feel on class and how a role changes.

for example, made a priest one time, thought i would give it a shot and see what a dungeon looks like through a healers eyes. same way with being a caster. or a ranged dpser. and seeing some of the ways that a certain class is, isn't as easy as it looks. like Locks have more a challange then i thought. with soul shards and everything. every class has it challanges.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhillip

I was looking forward to the patch. Can't play it until Thursday afternoon cuz of work. I'm liking the one hit to ore, will make that faster finally.

to Najata:: I will so be happy to get my own robo chicken. XD

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

ye the notes may look that way but as im speaking now (after supposed nerf) im still topping dmg meters in 25mans its just that now we are not topping it by quite so much and are more level with other classes on AoE dps (which lets face it Volley was OP anyway) Seveer lvl80 hunter-- dps master :)

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSeveerance

i decided to roll a warlock and try another class out. yeah he is only lvl 17 my lock is. i say, if your not careful you go through shards quick. so with someone with a good lock experiance how do you best magae soul shards and would be good glyphs for a person that is going demonology spec with one.

January 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhillip

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