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Traumatic WoW Stories

The folks over at Topless Robot recently held a contest for their readers asking people to give their most traumatic video game related stories. Before I give you the link, it does contain some spoilers for Final Fantasy VII and some content on the racy side, but fair warning has been given, so here is Topless Robot's contest.

There were a couple of WoW related stories in the comments, which is quite understandable. World of Warcraft takes internet anonymity, combines it with social interaction and great value placed on in-game goods, which creates opportunities ripe for emotional trauma. The most interesting WoW story was one by a person named Jason. He wrote:
My video game of choice for the past seven years has been World of Warcraft. To say i play a lot would be an understatement. At level 60, and that was several years ago, i had two chars that were both at over 100 days of active playtime. As of today I have 3 level 80's with one of them haveing over 300 days played. For those of you that do not play wow that means i had spent over 300 days logged into the game on that char.

Now for my story.

I go to bed Christmas eve with my char wishing all my guildies a merry Christmas. I logged out In Dalaran wearing my full Christmas costume. Fast froward 14 hour. I get back from my grandparents where i just spent all morning acting like was excited about a new sweater vest. Now i go to log in, and i notice something is wrong. My char has no clothes on. A sense of dread floods over me. I go to log in as my main, a prot warrior just recently 80 and almost in full heroic epics. The zone loads and here i am standing in Westfall. Thats when it hit me, i had been hacked. Later my wife will tell me i kept muttering oh no oh no oh no.... Sometime in the middle of all of it i get sick and throw up... also my fist ends up going through a wall.

When everything is tallied up, gone is all my gear, gone is all my gold on all my toons. 9k of my own hard saved gold, gone. Gone was hundreds of days of gear. Then it really hits me, i am GM of my guild. I run to the flight master, the bastards even deleted my hearth stone. I get to the flight master with no gold to buy a flight home. So now i mount up and run to stormwind. I get into the bank to see it empty. 5 Tabs full of mats and boe gear gone, the 12k in guild bank funds gone. I become sick again. I get back to my computer and then the worst part of all of it hits me. I get a whisper from one of my guilds officers asking why i kicked him. The thief kicked everyone from the guild, leaving myself alone in a shell that once held 200+ members.

At the total cost the thief stole close to 50k gold worth of gold and mats and left me alone in my guild, all on Christmas day. 5 years worth of effort undone in mere hours. Traumatic doesn't begin to describe the loss of 7 years.

This is a very sad story. Losing everything in the World (of Warcraft) on Christmas Day? It doesn't get much worse. Unfortunately, it was also posted on the internet in hopes of winning a contest. The cynic in me, which is a very big part of me, wants to ask how true Jason's story is (and just did). It's hard to lose seven or even five years of work when WoW has only been released for four. There is no real way of knowing how true this story is, but this type of thing happens all too often. How many of you have similar stories? I've talked about mine, so tell us about yours!

Reader Comments (37)

less QQ more pewpew

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Omg, that sucks. My fried gets hacked on a monthly basis, so every time he logs on, he says the safety word "Cobra", to show that it is really him.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex van Almelo

To the admins of Project Lore, please make it so that you have to be a member, and track IPs so you can bann people like doug above me who is a fucking rascist piece of shit.

And about the saddest story, i had my old account hacked with 2 full epic level 70 chars back in TBC, both epic flying and both in a great guild.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFronken

Alex - assuming you, too, aren't just making that up, then please tell your friend either he has a keylogger hidden on his computer OR he is the worst password thinker-upper in the history of the Universe. Could be both.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZerbet


Please take your filthy mouth and put it on your own website, which will never get any visits anyway.

@Alex van Almelo

If that's true, then your friend is a liability to your guild until he/she has gotten smart on internet security. Period.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Gods my friends were hack one time... Her boyfriend and her share an account and he did something stupid... or so I think I haven't gotten the full story. When it comes to my computer the moment it starts to act weird I scan it... every file that I DL I scan unless I'm 100% sure that there is nothing on it other than what I want.

call me paranoid but /knock on wood nothing seriously bad yet.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

Yea i logged in and i was in shat city on my dk, as level 80 i recall logging out in shat but dalaran and thank god my 7k gold sitting there smiling at me then the bad feeling was gone :) sry juggy i feel your pain :(

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBill

that almost made me cry.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterreece

His video game of choice for the last SEVEN years has been World of Warcraft? Did I suddenly get transported to the Thanksgiving 2011?

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

...and doesn't everyone who has been playing for "seven" years realize by now that you can get a free hearthstone from any innkeeper? Certainly someone who has played a Death Knight would know this...and who seriously has played WoW that much and hasn't tried a DK yet?

Also, "So now i mount up and run to stormwind." sounds contradictory. Did you mount or did you ride?

I'm convinced that this is made up.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

@ PatrickD:

Seems you're not so sure about the mechanics of WoW yourself.

Yes, you can get a new Hearthstone from any Innkeeper, but it will become bound to the location where you pick it up, so if someone removes your Hearthstone and puts you in some random location getting a new Hearthstone from that location doesnt help the situation a bit.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFronken

Doug, stop being an idiot and avoid posting those pointless comments which only show how silly you are.

And yes, that story is an Epic PHAIL.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

The first time I used my friend's totally epice'd out [NE Priest] enchanter, a toon he's always had in extremely high ranked guild or another.. IE: the very best gear, I freaked him out. I bought put on only the smallest/most revealing pants I could find [yay warbear woolies!] and put all his gear in the bank. After sending all his money to his bank alt I left him dancing on the AH bridge and kept him from afk logging for most of the night...
Between all the tells from his guildies and the fact that his stuff was 'gone' I can verify that was his most traumatic moment.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWarbearwollies

You'd think that if they taken/stole/destroyed EVERYTHING, they wouldn't have left his mount just to be nice...

False Story

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBen

i've imagined how traumatic it would be if someone accidently deleted their main... lol

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

I had my account hacked once and all my epics and Characters gold and even my non-combat pets where gone:(

(thanks blizzard for now given me the option to get some of them back atleast however not all children's days pets from a pet handler)

Anyway left all my Hordes and Allys naked stripped from items and gold.

The stupid thing is I did NOT get any help from Blizzard what so ever they accused me instead and gave me a warning.Why I have no idea what so ever :(
So did not get much help there.

Luckily for me the thief bastard did not check my bankman and there I had some minor g stashed away and som lower lv rare items which I gave to my main which at the moment had reached 70 and began the hard journey back.

Thankfully I have now, well a normal equipped lv 80 Horde Rogue and a normal equipped 70 paladin and priest lv 70 that managed to restore some of my minor alts equippment.

The sad part is that my allies character however was left almost nothing.

Thus even with a LV 70 ally pally found it hard to begin anew again so sadly has not touched my allies much since the hacking though I try to play with my 70 pally time to time trying to restore atleast on of my ally character to its former glory.

So perhaps that one,one day migth restore some of my minor ally alts.
Recently made a ally DK aswell so that one might be able to help restore some alts if I have the will to level it further.

Had I not had some rare items and minor g stashed away and had I not had lv 70 player that could grind items anew on my horde side I would probably stopped playing ages ago.

I felt so down that I wondered if I had the patience begin from scratch and said it has affected my ally character alot as they had noting stashed away at all.

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHenkm

I've been playing for 3 years, never changed my password, never even given out my password to my closest friends and i have never gotten hacked.
And David, if somebody deleted my main i would cry myself to bed ;o

the worst ever hack i have 4 account my account and my 3 sons account i have been playing since wow started now when u log in my sons r a asleep early in morning to check my mail and c ny sons warror in an instance 1 st i talk to my sons warror asking him what hes up to no answer 2nd i ring him and i hear his phone up stair he in bed i run back to my conputer and inform a GM while my sons account is being hacked takes 3 hours to sort every thing out to get back item and gold its was down to key logger the way thay hacked my sons account.. now we can all learn from this my banker has 4 tabs and worth all in all a rond 7 to 12k in gold so i brought a cod key from blizzard 8 pounds and worth evey penny w hen i login name then pass word the cod key 6 didets number that changes evet time u log in and out of wow if u feel ur at risk get 1

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpaul

I've never been hacked, but I know a few people who've told me they've bought gold (I don't have enough time to farm for an epic flying mount, waah wahh) couple of weeks later they've been hacked.

Yeah, no correlation there then.

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFizzgig

buy a blizzard authenticater,problem solved

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmidaman

For the last little while I had been noticing our guild bank getting progressively emptier each time I checked it or dumped items into it. At first I thought maybe guild mates were helping themselves to items they needed or the Guild Boss was doing some early Spring Cleaning.

Then I checked the log to the guild bank (I’m a High Council member to our guild, I can do this) and noticed only 3 names taking out a lot of items: high level blue quality armor and weapons, a few level 60 purple pixels, and ALL our stacks of high level armor patches.

A fellow guild mate and I then decided to try to contact these 3. While discussing this tactic, one of the three logged on and said, “Guys, I’ve been hacked! My toon is naked and all my gold is gone!”


All those online went into damage control mode.

For safety’s sake, the rank of the three toons was reduced to a level where they could no withdraw from the guild bank. Luckily their previous level didn’t allow for gold withdrawal. I then recommended to the player online with us to place a recovery ticket with the GMs to get his stolen gear back (love the feature of the game keeping track of last gear items to be equipped), and then log off to change his password with the condition he not log back on until the GMs gave him the okay. Chances are he would never get the gold he lost back, but the gear is already a lot.

I also recommended he get himself an Authenticator from the Blizzard site to prevent being keylogged.

Great little gadget, by the way.

Needless to say we are all pissed by this. Hours and days of grinding and running instances to get those blues (maybe 3000g worth of stuff) and the mats for the armor patches (totaling maybe 6000g plus) and it took a few minutes of some lazy ass bum to steal them all for his character or to sell on eBay for real time cash.

A fellow guildie called up our Guild Boss to give him the 411 on what was happening in game.

Meanwhile the plan was hatched about the remaining two. Should they log on while anyone else was online, guildies were to attempt to speak with them about just about anything (in game whispers, guild chat directed at them, anything). If they reply then we know it is really them and we fill them in on what happened. If they don’t reply or immediately start questioning rather insistently why they can no longer access the guild bank, or their language skills have suddenly reverted to that of a new comer language student, or any combination of the above, a GM ticket is to be created about those toons being hacked.

Sounds a little draconian in tactics, I know, but we lost a lot of items to some idiots who were too lazy to take the time and grind or run the instances themselves.


January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

I have NEVER been hacked in my whole 2 years or so of playing wow...i leveled up a hunter a rogue and an army of alts some who never made it passed level 20 before i deleted them...although i was never a really rich person in WoW i still had good gear and was even known to have some pretty cool items (and a stock of Void Crystals from DEs that i gave to guild members who deserved them) i almost ALWAYS had 5+ Void Crystals either in my bank or on my person everyday some from raids where useless epics would drop and some that would randomly pop up from the greens that were sent to me to be DEd (many guildees allowed me to keep what i got to raise my level or would ask me to hold onto the mats until they needed them) Having 375 enchanting is always dangerous because Void Crystals can sell for more than your BoP epics which i had a fair amount of equipped i USED to be afraid of getting hacked and finding all my hard earned items gone but fortunately i never got hacked and now i am nearly unhackable....How? I bought a Blizzard Authenticator...it generates a random 6 digit code that you MUST have or you cannot log in the code changes every time you use it so even if someone knows one of your codes unless it is used 1 minute after you hit the button it will be useless...i haveno clue how it works but i am happy that it does and the "Please enter Authentication code" message is sure to make any hacker angry...if you do not want your account to be hacked buy one from the blizz site...definately worth the 6 buckx

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEJ

Besides Juggy, don't you think its just a tad suspicious that he "mounted up" instead of just getting a new hearthstone from Sentinel Hill? Oh yeah, and I found the seven years thing funny as well. And who the hell gets hacked on Christmas Eve? Do hackers not have family too? Bogus.

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCaradraa

Some people don't seem to know what they're talking about while criticizing this story. You can't just buy a new hearthstone, you have to choose a new inn location to get one. And I'm not sure when this allegedly happened but I'm guessing (by this seven years crap) that it was after patch 3.0.2 so mounts would have been made into a summonable spell, not an item. But, I too think it was a completely fabricated story.

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent


I have 3 accounts and my 2 sons each have one.
You can bind an authenticator to as many accounts that are in your name. So I bought 2, 1 bound to my 3 accounts and 1 bound to the 2 accounts my sons play.
Problem solved.

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterReeper

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