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World of Cluttercraft?

World of CluttercraftRecently I was shown an interesting article in Wired that featured World of Warcraft. The piece mentions how much customization is available in WoW and highlights a handful of common addons that are used by WoW players to enhance their playing experience. Among the ones they list are a couple that I use, like Catrographer and Ventrilo.

The screen they show with the covers the entire screen with interface elements, which happens sometimes, but isn't the main experience of WoW. First of all, there aren't many times when you're going to have to worry about casting spells and looking at the map while you are browsing the auction house. It did get me thinking, though, about how much time I spend in WoW while not even paying attention to the graphics going on in the background. I'll be crunching numbers trying to figure out which piece of gear to use for a 16% hit set versus a 13% hit set, looking at AH to find out how much it might cost to gem an item to get my meta gem activated in both sets, and I sometimes have trouble finding space to open some of the larger interface elements while still being able to see everything that I need to. Another example is when I have my achievement pane open for a list of recipes I need to make while browsing my cooking window to figure out if I know the recipe and looking at my bank to find the mats I know are in there.

There are some addons that help greatly with this, but there are others that just add to the clutter. I'm going to cover a bunch of the ones that I use in the future, but for now I'd like to ask what you think. What is your take on addons? Is WoW too cluttered or do you want more windows? Do addons just make it worse or do you use them to make your UI more streamlined? What addons are essential to you? Drop a line in the comments to chime in.

Reader Comments (52)

O i think that add ons are a god send in World of Warcraft. The only time i find them cluttering things is the buttons around my mini map but thats it. I use Dominoes on some of my characters (including my 80) and this frees up a lot of space and adds a lot of customization options. Also i love xperl it just makes things more organized and once again the name of the game customized. Atlas loot is a much have because i always want to know what could possibly drop here so i know what to run. All my addons help customize my experience in the game and i cant live without them.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh(the Original one)

Yeah, addons make things generally easier. That was one of the great things Blizzard did with WoW and made it customizable to an almost insane extent.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter1n5an3

I prefer to see what's going on so i pick addons that are as small as possible and turn off everything extra that they come with. Speaking of which have you noticed that addon's come with so many extra stuff that you don;t need that you end up turning off have of it. I wanted a spell timer and i have a really good one but it came with so many other stuff that i spent half an hour trying to turn off all the cooldown bars and soulshard counters and stuff. All i wanted was a bar that i could have in teh corner of the screen and ignore but no you can;t have that you need all the other stuff as well.

Whoops that turned into a bit of a rant. Sorry :)

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I have never installed a single add-on. I prefer the game the way Blizzard intended. If you want to use some, fine with me...but this is how I enjoy playing it.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

Well... i have no addons, i itend to have someone but my computer keeps putting curse client (an addon organizer thingy) in the wrong directory meaning i cant dowload any! I want some but it just wont work, and other that i really dont know which ones i want! If i can get help here on both situations that'd be great i know some general simple ones i want like quest helper, but the bigger ones like "unit frames" wha..? If i can get some hlep that'd be cool especcally addons like stat one like a dps meter, i have a PROT warrior, and a hunter so any tanking or hunter addons anyone knows i'd like to hear thanks!

Turalyon (normal)
PROT warrior : For the horde!

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

Despite how good Blizzard make the vanilla interface people are always going to want more.. which is why I support the open mod community.

But some are just bad news, when installing mods are weigh up a few things.

Frames VS functionality, i.e is the mod worth it?
Memory requirements? I have found a few mods recently that have memory leaks and cause my client to die a slow and painful death until restart.

How customizable is the mod? Can I resize it, and move it where I want, change the colours e.t.c

As a full time raider I find the following mods are stable and required to make my life easier.

Deadly Boss Mods
Omen Threat Meter
AG Unitframes
Scrolling Combat Text

Everything else is just icing on the cake and are considered "nice" to have.

Titan Panel

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChade


the be all that ends all if mods for Paladins buffs. i HATE raiding without it, or with people who refuse to use it.

Xperl + Clique (if i could only have 2 mods, these are it, hands down)
Combuctor (all in one bag mod)
and i love FuBar addons, to present more info onscreen all at once, with minimal space - or even just to remove buttons from around my minimap.

Im mod crazy, but i did try running with the original UI again just recently... i couldnt stand it. i ran with default action bars for a month, and found i was so horrendously inefficient etc, particularly in arena.
It also took up too much space on my sceen.
I can run 5 action bars (same as default UI with all bars enabled) in under 1/4 the realestate using bartender and scaling, while having all my buttons much closer together.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

As long as I have Light headed, TomTom, and Bartender 4 I'm okay.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaasuk(Andrew)

oh and i totally forgot - Quartz + BigWigs (and all its addins - littlewigs, babywigs, etc etc) are a must have for me!

as a holy paladin (for now, again), Quartz lets me target the MT and see my Beacon and Sacred Shield timers, while using Clique to "mouse over raid frame" heal anyone that needs it.

i also forgot - RangeFinder included in Xperl (particularly with raid frames) is amazing. Alterac Valley and not sure whos close by? RangeFinder fades those that arent, so you dont waste time trying to heal them.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

I would say at times I would be lost without my addons, yet other times I can turn them off and run just fine. It really depends on what you are doing for the time you are on.

My godsend would be questhelper. I can admit that I have read every quest that I have been given in Northrend, but will also admit that I don't know 1/3 of the quests in Outland. I did them to level. Questhelper isn't perfect (especially in instance quests) but for my alts it really gets the job done for completing multiple quests at a time. Nothing like turning in 5 quests at once.

As for other addons, i don't have a lot (computer can only handle so much and I turn off just about all but 2 for raids).

Cartographer, DHUD, Recount, Ratings Buster & Omen are about it.

If i am going to be in the big city, I will turn on Auctioneer, but otherwise I keep my cluter to a minimum. Blizzard has updated somethings for LK with addons in mind so I don't think as many are needed. They may be basic, but just knowing how many slots that are left in my bags is great, i know just when to go back to town to clear them out.

Look forward to reading what others use.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

to keep all those addons up to date, WoW Matrix

not an addon per se, its a separate program that scans for addon updates, and auto-unpackages addons downloaded through their program

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWoWwife

I am an addon addict. I have:
1. Titan Panel (+RecZone),
2. Atlas (+LootEnhanced),
3. Auctioneer,
4. Bagon (all bags in one window),
5. Bonus Scanner (works with Titan to calculate your stats on gear),
6. DBM,
7. Gatherer,
8. Get Over Here! (DK mostly addon.),
9. Minimap Button Frame****,
10. MusicPlayer (saves my computer when I'm listening to tunes while grinding or farming),
11. MyRolePlay (for the RP servers),
12. Omen Threat Meter,
13. Quest Helper,
14. Tomtom,
15. Vendor Bait,
16. Sell Fish (these two work well together),
17. WIM (Instant Messenger, I got a lot of friends!),
18. X-Perl Unit Frames

So if you count all those addons and the plugs (As they download seperate) I have 20 standard Addons. I'll test addons as well to see if I like them or not, but that's me.

**** For all of you having issues with ALL those buttons on your minimap, I highly recommend this addon. It takes all those buttons and turns them into one button. You click that one button and there's the buttons for all your addons.

Now there are some addons that I turn off and are part of some of these addons. (I don't understand Enchantrix when I don't have an enchanter... ?) There are others where they don't have constant updates so I keep my eye on them and then load them when they finally are updated.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

Im a Prot warrior and I use.

QuestHelper (Love this. I just like to know where to go, not wasting my time. I used to use light headed and TomTom but not anymore)
Quartz (Show lag on casts)
Atlas (Dungeon maps)
Gatherer (keeps track of all your mining nodes)
Omen Threat Meter (watch threat but not needed so much in Wotlk)
Recount (making sure the DPS classes are beating me)
Deadly Boss Mods.
Pawn (to rate items but looking into Ratings Buster)

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrido

I use:

omen threat meter
atlasloot enhanced

These are the ones I remember that I use at least there might be more but I'm not sure.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSathas!

I dont use a whole lot of addons because i do think it makes things to cluttered, although i used to use a ton. If you having trouble finding enough places to put skills i just bind them to soo many keys its stupid.
But the addons i think are a must are just quest helper, stat something (it shows how much like AP or Crit equals in %), and deadly boss mod for PvP and raids thats about it for me.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonderboy

Personally, I think a lot of the addons clutter up the game. Personally I have 4 that I use, quest helper, recount, autograts(yes I love to annoy the members in the guild) and recount. Other then that they are just a annoying.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKimeghale

QuestHelper & QuestGuru

... that's enough to be going on with - just wish I knew which one(s) was causing my Glyphs page to go loopy... :-/

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Well, I have roughly 150 AddOns. Granted 1/2 are modules for things like BigWigs, Cartographer, Gatherer, and Titan.

Now for my HUD, UI, Action Bars I use Nui. It covers all in 1 simple AddOn, it also includes a button bag for all of ur minimap buttons.

Factionizer and Carbonite r both God sends as well.

Factionizer, for those who don't know, tells u what quests to do and what mobs to kill to gain rep with a particular faction.

I have used QuestHelper and Carbonite and will stick with Carbonite hands down until it gets tossed to the way side.

As far as maintaining my AddOns I use WoW Matrix. It is very simple to use, i.e. gives u a search engine that allows u to enter in things such as hunter and brings up all addons in its database for that class. It also gives a desciption of the AddOn so that u know what u r downloading and what it does.

Auctioneer--still workin out the bugs since the 3.0.x patches and WotLK.

Atlas, AtlasLoot, & AtlasQuest r great to have as well. Atlas gives u a map of the instance, AL shows u loot from the bosses, & AQ shows u the quests for that instance and the prereq quests as well as the quests that follow.

One last one that I will not remove is Lightheaded. Having this beats having to go to Thottbot or WoWhead to look up the quests. It gives u the info posted on Wowhead, the following quests, quest giver, and shows u on ur map (with Cart or another map mod) the loc of QG, where to acquire quest items (just like Carbonite), and loc of where to turn in quest.

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTwest

Dominos - for actionbar
Pitbull - for unit frames
Chatter - for chat
Dottimer - for timers
BigWigs - for boss fight timers
Chinchila - for minimap
Outfitter - for gear sets
Baggins - for Inventory
Altoholic - mainly to keep track of which alt is rested, and where all my mats are
Quarts - for casting bars
Omen - for threat (i'm a tank)
Recount - for damage meters
Auctioneer - only on my auction mule

I think thats all of the important ones

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKraki

I use a lot of addons to help sort through information (like, "what the heck is this white item for?!" *lol*).

This is a full list of the addons, to the best of my memory:

1.) CT mod {all except the raid modules}
2.) Omen
3.) Questhelper
4.) Atlas and AtlasLoot
5.) Deadly Boss Mods
6.) Enchantrix
7.) Rating Buster
8.) Ackis Recipe {used to find which recipes you're missing under any profession}
9.) Action Bar Colors {reds out stuff for OOR and blue for OOM)
10.) Unit Frame Tweak {can't recall what it does atm}
11.) World Map Info {or something similarly named}
12.) Thottbot
13.) Sea {kinda an "addon that manages the other addons", and is required for some addons to function}
14.) Swatter
15.) EquipCompare
16.) Informant

As I said above, those are the ones that I can remember off the top of my head (I'm on a laptop). When I'm doing an instance or raid, I use only DBM; Omen; ABM; UFT; and one or two others. I don't use any raid-related addons such as CT_RaidAssist or Grid because I can't understand that crap. (Besides, I can still do pretty good heals.)

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Some add-ons I find very useful (like the map enhancement ones) others are just plain dumb (like the clothing changes).
I think you need a good balance and find the ones that give the most benefit with th least screen clutter.
In the past I've used some that allow note taking on the map or showing it in a miniwindow, show buff times or regeneration times. I've also used some of the classics that are now a part of the interface - like the bag managers.

January 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFVTer

I honestly don't know how I managed to play WoW without addons. I don't know if I can now either....

I use the following:

Omen 3
Deadly Boss Mods
Questhelper (helps gets those dailys done quicker)
Atlas + AtlasLoot
Titan Panel
Ratings Buster

I also have Benecaster which is fine for grouping and 10man raiding, but I've had to say good-bye to my screen when it comes to 25man raids. I wouldn't get rid of it, or any of my other addons for that matter either.

They is my preciousessss.

January 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDyra

People do have to realize addons put a strain on both memory and cpu (depending on which you use). Some of our members kept on complaining about lag and getting disconnected. Telling them to disable all unnecessary addons (QuestHelper and Recount being the first to go) made their troubles go away.

That said, if you have a fairly powerful computer with plenty of RAM, this is my list of addons I can't live without (as a raiding guild officer):

1. Deadly Boss Mods: after using BigWigs I switched back to DBM for WotLK, it's simply better for some of the boss fights (health percentages on Thaddius, fourse horsemen, …) and the rewrite has done it well. I really feel the guy(s) behind the two should put things together and make the best raid boss addon instead of both having issues.
2. Arkinventory: can't be bothered to sort my bags myself and this is just the thing I needed. One big inventory with automatically sorted sections and the ability to look at bank/guildbank/other character's inventory. Also has search ability which is great. I did change the scaling (smaller icons) and an automatic alphabetical sort in the sections. Makes it perfect.
3. Chatter: I hated some things about the default chat and this addon fixes them (I do disable custom font and some other graphics goodies, cos i hate them just as much). Add to that "inv" and "invite" are clickable to invite the person who said it and notification if ur character's name is mentioned somewhere, and it only makes it better.
4. Grid+Clique: very little screen estate and yet so powerful. I don't get why people use XPerl, it's buggy, resource intensive and takes up so much space. I think every single person in the raid should have Grid, so that they at least see what's going on with the raid in its whole.
5. Omen: although Blizzard has made threat visible now, nothing beats Omen, period.
6. Quartz: casting bar improvement, not really necessary, but I like it.
7. XLoot and XLootMaster: being loot master most of the time, the combination of these two makes it easy (and allows me to announce loot and distribution to the guild too)

I have quite a few others I really like such as Auctioneer, Atlas, AtlasLoot, Cartographer, Carbonite Quest (turn it off when not questing), Talented (for quickly respeccing), ClosetGnome (for quick gear changes), MagicMarker, OverAchiever, RatingBuster, SpamMeNot, Gatherer, ACP, Afterlife, AutoProfitX and BigBrother. I could live without them, but I still feel they are a valuable addition if you have the RAM to spare.

January 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBeal

I don't have any addons, and I higly doubt I will ever get one... So far everything Blizz put in themselves has been more than enough for me :)

Btw: Has anyone in the Totally Rad Guild got the Time-Lost Proto-Drake mount?

January 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

Titan panel & Vent is the only addons I currently use. Everyone on Durotan is always saying to use Questhelper, but that just seems to ruin the fun for me. You just have to read what the quest says and go for it, but on the ultra rare instances where I can't find it to save my life, I check Thotbot for direction.

January 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzurko

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