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3.3: Icecrown Citadel To Feature Difficulty Toggle

If you've read up on the latest Icecrown Citadel preview, you might have noticed the following text in the description:
"Icecrown Citadel features 10- and 25-player versions of the raid dungeon, and each version has 12 encounters. Each encounter can be fought in either normal or Heroic mode, and players can use a new user interface feature to toggle easily between difficulties."

switchAs it implies, ICC will be returning to a more traditional style of raid progression, with only two lockouts (10-man and 25-man) as opposed to four, like Trial of the Crusader (10-man, 25-man, and heroic versions of each). But the wording didn't seem entirely clear. What exactly did it mean by each encounter being fought in either normal or Heroic mode, then? Well, the problem seems to be that Blizzard is doing a little dance with their own terminology. It should really read "each encounter being fought in either normal or Hard mode," since Heroic is once again being used as a label for the 25-man version of the dungeon.

What this really means is not that you will be able to switch between 10 and 25-man at will, but rather that you will have the opportunity to tweak the difficult of individual boss battles at any time you want outside of actually being in combat with one.

This is different from the way the mechanic is handled in Ulduar, where the Hard modes for each boss are activated in different ways like timers, buttons, and damage dealt. Bornakk confirms:
"Assuming everything goes as planned, you can switch it back and forth as much as you like. Encounter 1 on hard, 2 on normal, 3 on hard, 4 on normal, etc.

In effect it works out similar to Ulduar but it's with a much more clear method in the UI as opposed to the fairly confusing process of figuring out some encounter mechanics just to activate it."

To be honest, I'm not sure if this is necessarily a good change. Sure, it'll give everyone a chance to try out the Hard modes as they see fit, but sometimes the limits placed on accessing them also served as a trial to see whether or not a given raid group was cut out for it. For instance, if you don't have the chops to kill XT-002's heart, then you probably won't be able to finish the fight without dying or hitting the Enrage on Hard.

Allowing just anyone to take a crack is going to end in a lot of bitter tears, and may even lead to some Hard modes being nerfed faster, since there will be a greater number of unprepared players engaging them and, thus, complaining about them. I'm all for convenience, but sometimes it feels as though tweaks like this further marginalize the hardcore player base. If Hard modes are supposed to challenge top level raiding guilds, why not just leave it that way?

What say you, readers?

Reader Comments (4)

OMG? first? no way! omg! i'm being a noob lawls look at me everyone i can be first like all the other peoplez on teh interwebs that are sillyz weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

but yea i think this idea needs more infomation doesn't make any sense to me really its not all clear

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiving Vapour

I have to agree regarding setting the encounter difficulty in the UI. This can only create more problems with people attempting content they are simply not prepared for, thus crying about it on the forums "OMG Nerf! Hard modes are too hard!!1!!1" By requiring a scenario like the XT-002 encounter it sets a bar that plainly says "your raid must be this leet to ride" and helps insure the "sanctity" of the hard modes from the reflexive QQ nerfbat..

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUrziel

I realy appretiated the way hard modes worked on Ulduar and OS, I don't think they should change that. Trying to do the fight in a diferent mechanics in when this only changes mid-fight is way more fun. My guild hasn't done any hards since we are a very small guild, but for us to get a hard-mode archive is something to strive for, and if what is said above would become a reality Blizzard would be taking away a great reward from the players and a objective to any small guild trying to make it in the raiding world. More then that, this is just beneffiting the worse players in the game, the one whit no honor and greed how only think about the loot and care nothing about guild, teamplay and acomplishment.

But that is only my opinion.

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLimao

I have to agree with you there, almost all the hard mode activations have a gear and skill check already placed in them. The only one I'd actually like to be able to switch on and off is Hodir so you can just have an auto-wipe instead of having to guess if you should wipe or keep going. My guild lost our first HM kill on him by half a second (I am not exaggerating, it did the shatter cache emote then he turned friendly) because one of the officers called wipe thinking we wouldn't make it and stopped attacking while everyone else ignored him.

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKagitaar

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