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Emblems of Triumph to Become Base Drop in 3.3 Dungeons

emblemstriumphHere's a nifty little announcement that got me even more excited for Patch 3.3. On the forums yesterday, Blue Poster Bornakk announced that Emblems of Conquest will be replaced with Emblems of Triumph as the main drop from dungeons as of Patch 3.3. Here's his words exactly:
General reminder: Things can still change.

The current plan is to make Emblems of Triumph the "base" of emblems so everything that drops Emblems of Conquest would be changed to Triumph and then the new raid content would drop the new highest emblem along with things like the heroic daily and such.

He just had to add that addendum that "things can still change," reminding us that this may not still be the case come the full release of the patch. But it makes sense to make the higher-tiered gear more readily accessible with the coming of Icecrown Citadel so that more players will be able to participate - which I would say is good all around.

I can understand how some people are upset that this makes it easier to get gear that they had to farm like hell to get in the past few months. But, you also have to keep in mind that the addition of the much higher-level gear that drops from all the new content will give players something new and shiny to work toward. So, if farming is what you enjoy - have at it.

As things currently stand, Emblems of Conquest are much easier to come by, and they allow players to purchase items more around the iLevel 213-226 range. Emblems of Triumph, which now drop from daily heroics and certain higher-level content, will be the new easy ones to come by, instead allowing us quicker access to the level 232-245 gear available.

Personally, I've been drooling over the Arena Season Six set (iLevel 232) Furious Gladiator's Vestments. They're not the best raiding pieces out there in the game right now, but damn they'd look hawt on my female blood elf. Up until now, the cost of 50-75 emblems of triumph a pop has been too expensive and time-consuming for me to get any pieces (except for the legs, a lucky 25-man VoA drop). Another big piece I've been looking toward - the iLevel 245 Mark of Supremacy to help me out where my hit rating is lacking.

What does everyone else think of this change? Do you also have items you're scoping out come the implementation of the new system?

Reader Comments (19)

This is most welcome news for hybrid classes. :D

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I personally have more fun and enjoyment out of my gear that I've earned, or won. Not farmed mindlessly. It also kills the joy of doing old heroics even more - especially if you have alts that you're leveling.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Laeltis - 80 Orc Hunter
Mordil - 80 Orc Warrior
High Voltage
Shattered Halls

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

That's cool. It will sure allow me to get my T9 faster. I want to be out of my stupid healading man skirt ASAP!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

Works for me. My druid is busy getting the emblems the hard way healing through TotC & TotGC 10 & 25, that's a blast. My tankadin is slowly getting his pile by grinding 5-man content.

I don't judge myself on what kit other people have, I judge my progression based on how well we're working the content, if someone else has an easier time seeing it later that's cool I got there before them :)

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKorenwolf

I find this funny; very funny.

For years, all the "casual" players have QQ'd about them not being able to get good gear.

Now, with what Blizzard is doing with Emblems, I see many casuals up in arms on the forums, saying "YOURE RUINING WOW!!!"

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOctaviax

this is so bad..

i am in a guild that stil does runs in ulduar 10 man and when i look at the gear thagt can drop i am really not happy with tt simlply because mine is al better thanks to emblems, so why i am doing riads then?? i go for fun yeah but i atleast want a chace at some nice gear, and ofc i can dump the guild. but we cleared naxx together and now just did hodir together and i wnna raid witht hem.

this just makes good gear to easy to get... no fun in getting it then

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrhy

I have made a concious decision to not go emblem crazy and this just makes me feel better about that decision. I prefer gearing up by raiding and am using the emblems that I do collect, (I run Heroics but just not five a day for emblems), for heirloom gear mostly.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercozmus

I don't like how they're killing the new badge system again and again.. If people want better gear they should learn the raid and do it well, not just farm heroics..

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawkes

@ Lawkes.

I enjoy learning the raid and progressing through it. It is satisfying. That said, I can only do this on one character because of the time involved. Even if/when the new system is patched in, she will still be my most geared toon regardless. I want to be able to experience the game on other toons with different styles and techniques. Then there are the other kinds of players who do not have the time to hard-core raid for emblems/gear - Blizzard must take those people playing experience into account. Like Korenwolf said in an above post, raiding players will still have gotten there first and will be among the first geared to have fun wiping on Icecrown Citadel. (Well, that last half of the sentence is all me. :P)

World of Warcraft is a game that should not and does not cater to just one type of gamer. To do that would be to shut out a sizable chunk of subscribers; leaving out the monetary component, it would still not be right.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAliok (Horde-Malfurion)

This is entertaining. Time to stop doing dungeons.

I should have full Relentless soon. Going for 2000+ this season :D

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeartbourne

i never thought i would say this but blizzard making getting gear way to easy not that i wanot go back to hours mindless raiding to get a piece of gear the biggest problems i see here is tha blizzard wanto us to experince more of the game butyat they give us more and more oportunitys to skip content so far just from the gear you can get with emblems you can skip all the raids that were here since release of WOTLK both 10 and 25 man most of ulduar 10 and about half of uldaur 25 now with this new system you will be able to skip the rest of 25 man and 10 man TOC thats half of the expenchion you can skip sure you can ge some nifty gear out of 25 man TOC but now thats all this game is about rush to 80 as fast you can rush to get the gear as fast you can without even trying you cna skip half of the game with the recruit a friend exp bonus rested exp the hairlooms and now they are making levellng even easier the turn in exp gives like half of the level now in 10 days you can be 80. renember when it took that long to get level 10? even longer if you didnt know the game didnt have quest no quest helper no thottbot no wowhead the quest items dont twinkle anything you wanto know you can go and look it up now not that i am complaining but wow went on a very bad diet lost the fats and the protains i thought the way you geared up was just fine i was hoping blizzard didnt make the game any easier but i thought blizzard would make easier in the next xpec i didnt expect them to do iit in the next patch the game was hard in the begging only the dedicated few could acheive the high points of it (naxx, AQ, BWL, ONY, MC, ZG) and the instances were mazes you couldent ever find what you were looking for (maraudon, strat BRM LBRS ( concealed an entrance to a raid)) the events were insane (openng of AQ, putting togather that staff) even the quest were gave you a headache the quest guys you had to kill were elites that you just could not solo you had no twinle to point out whear the quest items are you had to mouse over am in the BC XPEC the game was "dumbed down" a bit if you will but to really see it reguired hours of play time so the QQing didnt stop when WOTLK came out the game was "dumbed down" even more thats when peopel start QQing the WOW has went from the game for serious folks with lots of time on their hands to a game an 8 year old can play how ever blizz continued to "dumb" the game down tending to the cries that the end game raids were to hard it was to hard to gear up blizz edded more badges and gradually dumbed the instances down till it finnaly it reached the level an avrage gamer like me who likes stop and smell the roses without having to spend the whole day in a raid blizzard did not stop they continued past the point in effort to get even more people to the end game the problem arised now is that you cna gear up so easy that you can skip most of the content to get the end game i didnt mind being able to skip naxx i down right hated it and had my fill of it for a life time but ulduar actauly has some kneet stuff that would be a shame to miss such as the guardian fights and yogg but no one wants to go their casue it is a pain and their is an easierer way to get gear sincince passing the line of just blizzard seems to have no intentions of stoping on thier mission to make the game more suitable for everyone even though they have passed that line long time ago and are now crossing the line of an insanly easy game

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

oh and if you have problems with my spelling either go tell it to a clam or finds someone who cares

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I intend to replace my current chest piece with the conquest one, to match my helm. Buuuuut during the holidays I'll try farming until I've gotten everything replaced with Triumph gear. ^.^ yay

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzurienatei

tell it to a clam? really now cocopuff?

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterangesh


FFS stop commenting in this blog.. you are annoying...and L2 spell :D

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNub

I hope they don't do this. With emblems of conquest, I was happy enough, because it got people to be able to raid ulduar and ToC with PuGs fairly easily. It was then VERY EASY to get good gear, the gear which I'm sure can slowly build up to IC (I also expect they will make the first few bosses in IC easy enough to kill, so PuGs can farm them).
This allows good players to get good gear sooner, like they deserve, and means that the gear from ToC isn't just given away, and IC becomes pointless because it can be got in a few weeks. People should HAVE TO raid ulduar/ToC at some point to get them used to raiding.
I'm happy for a weekly raid which gives emblems of 'Icecrown citadel', but anything more than that makes the gear too easy to earn.
If they keep going like this I may want to quit, which is really annoying, since I love playing with the people.

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhanttas

Learn to punctuate, learn to spell and people won't complain about your retarded spelling and punctuation.

Emblems being dumbed down again is not good for the game. Just make a pug of VoA25 to see why. People in greens and blues and a piece or two of T9 is what you'll see from some of the respondents. Pulling in 1.5Kdps.

These guys will be showing up at ICC. Please, Blizzard, make ICC hard!

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

I think the only way there gonna make this work is make heroics harder like they were in bc not just an aoe fest and make it that u can no longer get tiers with badges and u just one type of badge but keep the rest of the loot from badges and bang problem solved but that never gonna happen so id make the most of getting free epics

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElsey

at least people doing 1.5k dps in t9 gear will never get to t10...

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJrakthorn

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