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Proverb: The Elemental Planes, Part 1

abyssal maw
The Abyssal Maw

Proverb is a rare yet delicious column discussing the lore of Warcraft. It is spoiler heavy for all Warcraft games, novels, and other media. Comment on this post or send a tweet to @Heartbourne and let us know what you would like to see in future columns!

Worldofwarcraft.com updated their official Cataclysm page with more information about the Abyssal Maw a few weeks ago:

Azeroth's native elementals wreaked havoc across the world while they were under the influence of the Old Gods.

To keep Azeroth safe from these threats, the titans imprisoned the Old Gods underground and banished the savage elementals to the titan-constructed Elemental Plane, a secure dominion where the elementals could dwell without harming Azeroth.

Four domains were created within this primordial realm to serve as ideal environments for each type of elemental. For ages since, the elementals of air, water, earth, and fire have engaged in endless strife with each other, waging titanic battles in the confines of their realm. One of the Elemental Plane's domains, a vast ocean known as the Abyssal Maw, is home to the water elementals. Legend says that Neptulon the Tidehunter, the powerful being who rules over the aquatic realm, possesses a potent weapon that allows its owner to control the very seas of Azeroth. Thus far, the artifact has remained secure inside the water elementals' domain... but that will soon change.

Within Deepholm, the domain of the earth elementals, the malefic Dragon Aspect Deathwing is on the verge of executing a catastrophic act: to burst forth from the Elemental Plane into Azeroth. Doing so will ravage the surface of the world and breach the barrier that separates Azeroth from the elementals' realm. Whether Neptulon and his subjects have entered into an alliance with Deathwing remains unknown. Regardless, if Deathwing's actions create an opening into the Abyssal Maw, nefarious and honorable factions alike will seek out the fabled weapon carried by Neptulon. Whoever secures the artifact will have control over the world's seas, a power that perhaps no one, not even members of the Horde or the Alliance, should possess.

Here is what we know so far about the Abyssal Maw and Neptulon.

Neptulon is the elemental lord of water. He has dominion over all water in Azeroth. The Great Sea, Bloodvenom River, the wishing well in Dalaran, and Thrall's personal shower included. This can be bad, seeing as the elemental lords like to spend their free time chatting with Old Gods about how to return the titan-ordered world of Azeroth back into chaos. However, his banishment into the elemental plane severely limits his influence over the mortal world, though he is able to exert some influence. The elemental lords now enjoy attempting to exterminate each other, but for now the elements remain somewhat in balance.

The Abyssal Maw, where Neptulon now resides after being banished from Azeroth by the Titans, is the oceanic region of the Elemental Plane. The Elemental Plane is a small, spherical "planet" located somewhere in the Twisting Nether. In that sense, it is not so different than Draenor. However, the elements battle for supremacy, making the realm very chaotic, much as Azeroth was before the Titans arrived. Neptulon takes great pleasure in tearing at the rocky beaches of Deepholm, the earthen realm of the Elemental Plane where Therazane rules and Deathwing currently resides.

The appropriately named Firelands

Deepholm is the only land region in the Elemental Plane, a singular continent surrounded by the Abyssal Maw. Below the Abyssal Maw and Deepholm lies the Firelands, where Ragnaros reigns. Ragnaros and the fire elementals constantly try to break through into Deepholm, but their volcanoes are constantly sealed by the earth elementals. Neptulon enjoys invading the realm of Ragnaros as well. The last region of the elemental plane is somewhat separated from the others, as it is high above the other three realms. It is the realm Skywall, where Al'Akir watches over the rest of the Elemental Planes. He is said to be the weakest of the four elemental lords, and he takes great pleasure in tormenting Ragnaros and the fire elementals as well as Therazane's realm, which borders the Abyssal Maw with some rocky beaches.

In part 2, we'll look at what Ragnaros and Neptulon have been up to in WoW and what their plans are for Cataclysm, as well as this fabled weapon that Neptulon might have.. Stay tuned!

Reader Comments (9)


October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrapes

This is really awesome I was allways very interested about things of the long past may it be beggining of Azeroth or Earth it's just so cool!

Oh and by the way Earth's Begining probably looked like Firelands except there were no fire elementals

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrushnarok

I truly love these articles about the lore and view them as a great refresher course, but I did notice one error. Al'Akir is considered to be the weakest of the Elemental Lords not the strongest. The strongest one is said to be Neptulon

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZherron

Neptulon is the strongest of them as he likes to torment Rag'naros and There'zane with his watery wrath. We already know that Rag'naros is gonna be a boss fight in Cataclysm. But my guess is that blizzard has given a lot of hints in there preview of Cataclysm that we will also be fighting Neptulon and Al'akir in Cataclysm. I however wonder about There'zanes involvement as she is suppose to be a peaceful elemental as to whether she will be assisting the heroes in Cataclysm since she is considered a peaceful elemental lord.Or if she was the cause of the cataclysmic event with Deathwings gift from Titan Khaz'goroth having dominion over the earth and deep places of Azeroth.

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDibullba

wait a minute i though al'akir was the weakest of the elemental lords?

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKazzoo

"However, his banishment into the elemental plane severally limits his influence over the mortal world, though he is able to exert some influence." Is that suppose to be "severely"?

Other than that, great article, very insightful.

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTharon

Yes, yes, thanks for helping my fix up my post. I was a little hurried with this one, sorry!

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeartbourne

first of all i never realy the twisting nether as far i understood it basicly space seeing how you are easily able to exces it in sertain parts of outlands but then i got to think whats to stop all the prisoners of teh twisting nether crossing over into our world because of this for the longest tiem i thought that the lemntal plane the twisting nethers were another demchion feel free to correct me wrong thats the one part of the lore i never really understood sargeras is supostu be trapped between worlds but stoping him from crossing over he is a titan after all kil'jaeden was able to travel in twisting nether with eas and just a commander of his army of demons. second of all over this xpec some of last xpec and the next xpec their has been lots of talk about the titans it would be mean for blizzard not to include them in the game in some shape form

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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