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Dual Spec: No Reagent, No Cooldown, Requires Level 40

Tell us more Zarhym!The World of Warcraft forums have been buzzing with activity ever since Patch 3.1 hit the PTR. With a key detail of Dual specs just coming out, there are bound to be complaints of the 1000g cost being too high or too low, but one thread in particular prompted Zarhym to reveal a couple of other new details that have changed since some of the initial information about Dual Spec came out.

First, Dual Spec will require level 40, which will please many of those who were upset that it was initially planned to only be available to max level characters. This still may not sit well with those of you who have lower characters, but it seems like a nice middle ground to allow leveling characters to switch between a group spec and a soloing spec easily.

Second, there will be no reagent cost to change specs and will be castable whenever a player wants as long as they are out of combat and not in an arena or battleground. This means that not only are scribes not going to make money on the new feature, but players won't need a group to change their spec if they aren't in a major city. From Zarhym:
You literally just click a button, and after a 5 second cast, your specializations, glyphs, and action bars swap. You must be out of combat, and it still cannot be used in battlegrounds or arenas. There is currently no cooldown on the ability to swap specializations though.

This makes me even more excited for the feature. Changing specs will be like mounting up. Anyone worried that the lack of a cooldown may be a problem?

Reader Comments (54)

Kinda stupid if it still costs 1000g i have nothing close to that at lvl 51 so wooohoo that the required lvl is 40. Hopefully it wouldnt cost anything. Why should it even cost? Better that every1 would get it at lvl 40 from a trainer or a simple short quest.

I wouldnt like to pay for my riding skills AND cold weather flying AND dual spec. That would be A LOT of money.

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterToomuchtopay

@ Sardit,

You've hit the nail on the head. It'll be fanstastically easy to form a PuG once the changes are implemented, and fantastically hard to finish an instance. I know how fantastically hard it can be to be a good tank (I wasn't a good one, passable but only just) and being a good healer isn't a walk in he park either. Now, every fury warrior will likely be expected to tank any time they want to walk through the swirling portal and my Resto Druid may cop the same anytime a priest hops on LFG.

As a hybrid class I theoretically should be jumping for joy at this but honestly I just see this diminishing the number of skilled effective tanks and healers and bumping up the hacks and wannabe's.

The only saving grace here is the 1k gold. For me, I find it hard enough to scrape up the cash for my epic LAND mount, let alone anything else.

I just feel sorry for anyone who wanted to play as a mage, warlock, rogue, hunter, or just plain wanted to dps.

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDaywind

/agree with toomuchtopay

what happened to quest lines for abilities? nowadays it's basically, alright a new ability is out! fork over the gold and tada! How does blizz think this is going to stop gold spammers?? I'm sure they musta thought that 'oh we'll just make it really expensive to do anything in this game, that'll stop the gold spammers in their tracks.' >.<

*claps* good job blizz 9_9

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

Kinda sucks they screwed Scribes over. I made my priest a Scribe so I could change her spec whenever I wanted with her profession. Guess I can drop Inscription and pick up Alchemy =/

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Come on lvl my pally lvl u can be a tank/healbot/dps on the same freakin raid!!!!!

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDksev

also Gratz to blizz that was best idea... iv spent about 800G on respecing! and ya.....

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDksev

I have my doubts about this, sure this will be great for my pally being able to switch between holy and prot but no one will won't a DK tank now even if i can tank better than some fury warrior or ret pally that hits a button to hide his lack of tanking skills.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoneblade

Edit: Want instead of won't

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoneblade

to Aguzar....

"With a single 5-second, out of combat cast, players level 40 or higher will instantly be able to swap between two different talent specializations, glyph sets, and action bar set-ups from virtually anywhere in the world. "

taken from the official blue post.

Zarhym > you.


Ignorantly open your mouth about things you havent done research for, please.


February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDestro

Well seeing as though I've spent nearly 3k gold just respeccing between Holy/Retri/Prot, I welcome dualspec with open arms, regardless of whether or not it comes with a cooldown or a downside. My talent switching once Dualspec goes live wont cost anymore aside from the original 1k gold. Going Holy for raids, and maybe Prot or Retri for heroic instances won't be a money sink anymore for me.

For those that have trouble just getting 1k gold, there's always the Auction House to resort to, and you can make money with your professions. There are bound to be players with almost endless amounts of money that will pay to powerlevel their professions on their alt. Abuse your gathering profession and farm. Even if it's only for an hour a day, its better than earning a little gold than not earning anything at all.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValentinex

Now I'm not the type who goes out and makes money in WoW, but i make exactly what i need to cover repairs and food for raiding. i can make 1000g, it isn't too hard, especially since look how much time they are giving us til 3.1 comes out. there are also many people who are saying that it is pointless, and it's funny because all of those people are rogues, mages, and hunters. well for you yes, ur stuck for pvp to pve, not blizz's fault, play a different class if you want it to do you any real good. I OT on my Dk and it gets annoying having to respec. i spent 200g in one day respeccing back and forth for diff raids we cleared all in one day. so i can cover the 1000g and switch whenever? sounds good.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

Besides having the same price as Cold Weather Flying,Dual-Spec is going to be a game-changer feature

No more paying 50G everytime I want to shift from Fury to Prot

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRazius

This is a great way to help people who like to tank/ heal in instances. There is no downside to this, all you pure dps classes have it easy getting to 80 or soloing where as us guys who prefer the tanking or healing side of the game are stuck with either slow leveling or high budget respecs!

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrin

At toomuchtopay, if this wasn't going to be implemented you would never even have a chance at getting a dual-spec. The fact that it costs gold like everything else in this game means it's a priveledge and something you need to earn. Honestly there's no real reason a level 40 needs to be switching specs all the time. Any leveling instance can more or less be tanked/healed by any spec as long as you have a few pieces of gear (1h + shield for tanks if you usually use a 2h, etc...). Even at 80 I'm a ret pally but can easily heal any regular instance with my healing set without switching specs. Obviously you need a real healer for heroics or anything above, but again those are no longer "leveling" dungeons.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

simply make it unavaible in instances blizz

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhai

How can you think this is a bad thing?!?!

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermahehahe

Great news. It means that every player becomes a Hybrid. A Warrior can switch from tank to dps and the other way in just 5 sec. A druid, a paladin, from a tank to a healer, to a good DPSer. The price of 1000g is a bit high and the lvl 40 req. is a problem. This can be used at lvl 40+ for twinks, but i won't be spending 1k gold for my twink. And you need to start selling stuff to get the gold, beacause it's a moderate amount of money for that lvl.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIronhoof

@ rin
There are lots of downsides to this, just read a lot of the comments, too me the biggest down side is likelihood of more guild drama over people rolling on drops for there "offspec". As well as that there will be people who will say they can tank or heal (even dps to an extent, i guess..) who really have no idea what there doing and will cause wipes. How ever I still feel the positive out weighs the negative.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSnaggly

Thats what iam talking about now its worth 1000g i dont know how any of you can complian that your paying to little for this AWSOME!! thing not matter what you do their is allways gointo be a problem or 2 hunters, rogue might be in abit of a rut after this hits the game theirs gointo bee more DPS than ever and being that rogues and hunters are only good for dps their not gointo be as wanted teh past few post realy got me down bu this one post restored my faigh in blizzard dont mass it up blizzard as for the cooldowns and reagents if you realy wanto nerf think it might cause to many problems give it a regent reguire ment i dont know about the cooldown its sweet to be able to DPS the mobs heal the bosses

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterelion

IMO, they should make it a 1 time fee, account or realm idc, of 1000 gold. That way, it achieves the purpose of not giving it too noobs (damit ebayers) and at the same time you can use it on your alts if you have a main. My main is 76, but I dont get rabid money till 80; just have 1.8k gold right now (and i never spend on anything but skills).

I have another 7 characters spread across various realms over level 40.

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPlfan

Its not bad enough that the pure DPS specs are lagging behind in damage to the hybrid classes? They have to make it so people can switch on the fly for a one time fee anywhere in the world? Seriously... make them at least go somewhere to do it.

Further pushing the gap between the pure DPS classes and the hybrid classes.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZach

Dual Spec yes ths is great even level 40 i will be easy to find a tank and a healer but paying 1000g is to high for low levels i think i dont wanna have dual spec if i have it to pay it

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpecter

As an 80 hunter, I have mixed feelings about this. The term "huntard" just came to mind...god I hate that. I can only imagine how much harder it's going to be for me to get into groups. And forget rolling for loot! Omg...it's going to be a bitch fest. On the other hand, it's totally going to rock for other classes and will definitely be beneficial during raids. I wish I had rolled a pally now! lol **plate armor**drool

March 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMagradon

this will be sooooo awesome! on characters that can heal or dps this will be usefull in raids where there are strictly healing or strictly dps fights (for instance sapphiron, heals, and thaddius, dps, in naxx). you will now be able to switch in prep for these fights.
also when people ask you to come do an instance and your not specced you dont hav to run to a trainor in azeroth and then waste time or even possibly a hearth. one time we didnt hav a lock, our mt wasnt going to tank that night so he wasnt specced for it but he ended up having to anyway so he went to IF to respec, his hearth wasnt up and horde controled the summoning stone at naxx, we had to send someone to dalaran to queue him for a bg to get him there. it woulda been waaay easier if he coulda just switched speccs in five seconds. this will be great!

March 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterYvrael

and who cares about cooldowns? geesh!

March 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterYvrael

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