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Patch 3.1 May Delay Noblegarden and Its Achievements

Finding Eggs Will Be Fun!Most people know by now that I love Achievements. I also love world events. Adding new and interesting things to do during world events and tying them to achievements sounds just great to me. Initially when I saw that Patch 3.1 would add achievements to Noblegarden, I thought that must mean 3.1 will come out before the event, which is currently scheduled for April 12-18. Makes sense right? Well, I was wrong.

Kisirani has let us know via blue post that the developers' plan is to simply delay Noblegarden should 3.1 not be ready before then. That makes more sense. What has me excited, though, is that after the patch, Noblegarden will be a true world event, Blizzard style. Looking at the list of Noblegarden Achievments and seeing a hint that egg hunting will be "a wee bit different this year," the event seems like it is going to have much more interactivity than in previous years. Before, players would have to find eggs hidden in the starting areas in hopes of finding a dress. Not a great reward, but something that is good for collectors and roleplayers.

According to the achivement list, this year's Noble Gardeners are going to hide eggs, place rabbit ears, plant flowers, find love, and of course eat chocolates as part of the event.

As the meta-achievement for Noblegarden is going to be part of the meta-meta-achivement, What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been that rewards a 310% speed Violet Proto-Drake, I'll be ready to hunt down eggs all week long, whenever 3.1 comes out.

Reader Comments (12)

Great news! Only 2 achievements for a holiday was kinda poo.

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVarren

hmm.. was hoping 3.1 came out soon =/ ah well :)

i'm quite behind on the 'What a strange trip its been' meta achievement, but im going to start it up with this world event :)

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

I've only been playing since summer, so I'm excited to see what world event brings. This Noblegarden thing looks fun!

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

Bunnies are awesome!

For the record, I have never killed a single rabbit in World of Warcraft...but probably hold some sort of record for slaughtering squirrels.

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

Nice..Really nice ... Looking forward to it :)

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEugen

Also, not mentioned, they are changing or removing requirements for the meta-meta-achievement. Brew of the Year is being removed from the requirement list, and Be Mine! (the stupid candy bag for Valentines) had its number reduced from 6/8 candies rather then all 8. Good news for people PO'd at the horrid drop rate of candy bags!

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlarty


It still won't be enough of a reduction for me to get "the Love Fool", sadly. :(

By the way, Juggynaut, I thought that there was a previous blog on this website that said that the Violet Proto-drake reward was going to be removed (or something).

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I've been playing since almost the beginning, but have never even seen Noblegarden run. One day only, on a day I've always been busy? Yeah...

They can delay it all they want, I just look forward to actually seeing it for once.

On the topic of the Long Strange Trip...I just hope they remove the BG requirements for the Children's Week. It just encourages people in the BGs to do things that are contrary to the nature of the BGs themselves, like acting like a prima dona. I doubt they will, so I'll probably be right there with everyone else turtling on defense in WSG and not fighting intruders so I can recapture a tower.

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBalius

I hate Blizz, they're putting noble garden in the meta-achiev just to make you play one more month

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKladius

Ugh the less achevements then better for me... thanks blizz...

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

@ Deidare


March 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDaveyjones

tank god they fixed the candy bag acheivement ._. i had 7/8 i'll have to check my acheivement log tonight , i dont remember seeing that title , but i wasnt really looking for it lol

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNightwisher

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