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Achievements As Currency

Yes, The Guy From Old School Is BackLove them, or hate them, Blizzard's implementation of an Achievement system in patch v3.0.2 is nothing but a success.  Even I, an admitted critic and disbeliever, have found Achievements that tickled my interest.  I still firmly believe that the system was created to give some credibility over the previous "epeen" system - which was to simply claim you did something - which is why I view it as somewhat pointless (I have a small epeen).  Thanks to the recent addition, we have arbitrary numbers to point to as a matter of pride!

(Lame) Jokes aside, One thing I fail to fully grasp is the need of some players to spend these points.  The points that are dolled out for various Achievements are hardly balanced, with the same amount being collected for any of the Arena ranking brackets, scoring an arena title, winning a single ranked Arena or getting a haircut.  As any PvPer can attest, getting a haircut and earning an Arena title are far different accomplishments in the time spent category.  Those hardcore imbalances mean that awarding anything from the points would make little to no sense, unless Blizzard completely revamped the newly implemented system.  Not to mention the fact that the more difficult achievements, namely What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been, already have rewards built in.  So you want a twofor?

I can't really blame people for trying though.  Since the launch of The Burning Crusade, Blizzard has been pushing various collectible currencies on us like stink on a monkey.  The numerous Badges, Honor, Arena Rating, Spirit Shards, and Holy Dust have all been a means to an end.  Little did the developers know that we expect any collectible number to turn into loot upon reaching a certain threshold.

As far as the Achievement system is concerned, it is not changing anytime soon.  Blizzard Poster Bornakk hit the boards earlier to shoot down that very notion.  The unarmored Orc agreed with my interpretation of the system, although in a more tactful fashion.  He states that the points "are simply a marker of progression in the system."  Nothing more, nothing less, just +epeen.

The current implementation of the system continues to grow on me, and I hope that Blizzard does not follow their current trend of caving and attempt a revamp.  As it stands, the only QQing that comes from the tracked epeen is when something is too difficult, such as the random number generator-based Achievements of Fool For Love and last year's Noblegarden.  Let's keep it that way.

What about you, looking for the change or want it to remain the same?

Reader Comments (22)

I like the system the way it is. I am not a pvper by any standard, but from what I've heard about arena ratings your achievement score is sort of like your arena rating except instead of measuring your pvp skill it measures the things you've accomplished in the game (including successfully playing the random number generator game).

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGarv

I find personal satisfaction in just knowing my epeen is bigger than most. Just because others don't take the time to admire my epeen I don't feel blizzard needs to implement a method for me to stick my epeen in someone else's face.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

I would like to see rewards handed out at various point level like every 1000 or 500 points you would get something. It would not have to be something big. A tabard or a title maybe a pet or some minor useable items like the CCG items.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBen

What level do I have to be to collect stink on a monkey?

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

it would be nice to have some sort of reward, at certain point levels like Ben said.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

I love achievements for the very reason k00pa does - it's a total e-peen check (I cannot stand that term as I lack both an in-game and RL "peen", but who am I to stand in the way of convention?).

Any fundamental "points" system leaves itself open to a notion that, at some point, the numerical quantity and value will at some point be of relevance in a tangible way (achievements that already guarantee a title or another sort of prize notwithstanding), so I can see why people would wonder why the heck they should care about their achievement points. So did I, until I was recently picked to help dps a raid specifically because the raid leader saw that I had done the fight before via the achievements.

So now, I do achievements for sweet, sweet street cred.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndra

Heh collectible "currencies" have been with us since ZG and the bijous ;p and AQ with the scarabas

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

last post Should read scarabs dangit

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

True Ozzel's, but they really threw it in our face in TBC. That was the start of it, then came the flood in TBC.

I hate the term epeen as well, but it is nice to see it being applied in the proper manner rather than stupid jokes and taunts.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlinkz

I like the system as it is, however, I would like to see the points be used for somehting...not exactly currency or anything; but maybe an achivement based around the points (i.e. 500,000 points nets you the "acheiver" acheivment along w/ a corresponding title). I think that would be cool, and would acknowlegde the points to actually being there rather than ignoring them like the squid on my kitchen table...

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVoldenmist

Even before it came out I was quite sure they wouldn't be used as currency and it's great since how can you compare the amount of points you have to someone elses if you get 3000 achievements points total and lose them all? The system is perfect as it is, imho. btw 3550 points here, or was it even a little more... Well either way Whatever happens or changes in WoW, I hope achievements will stay :D

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

hehe "just +epeen", it's true but i like it that way :x

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterblubbapaul

I too would like some sort of reward. A tabard, or pet, or a really nice shirt. Some of the achievements already give them out, so why not a handful for cumulative points? The current system won't stop me from achieving, but it could still be improved upon.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuppincakes

I think u should be able t otrade the points in for companions and stuff like that

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZesuan

I like it how it is. No point trade in. Link SOME achievements to tabards, title, etc. (like it is now.) Don't go making items that alter game play because someone has a lot of achievements.

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngel

Yes its growing on me too. Good way of saying it. Loot is nothing more than an achievement too - its all defined and given its meaning within the arbitrary context of the game anyone - which is defined by Blizzard too. It all means nothing outside of the game, so what has really changed? So I love it! Hardcore guilds like my own are warming up to the idea more & more. We've got good mojo every week as we work for our GOTR & HGOTR. The players who already have their drakes love it. Its a big motivation. It means something about your skill & your guild when you achieve these before other people in the community.

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

Keep it the same. Changeing it now would only cause mase panic and mabye other problems like loseing achevements you had already completed, such as early day duegons. When the achevement system first came out it said i didnt do WC and i was like... "what person has never ran WC??" And changeing it now mite cause problems like that, but mabye for even harder achevements! Besides its easy to read an easy to folo now so why change it?

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

I think blizz oughta throw in a vendor in Dalaran or something that allows you to buy special vanity items after achieving a certain amount of achievement points...nothing big like a mount but stuff that is fun to have and show off during those AH, and Mailbox trips turned party...though i do think the system now is pretty cool and makes it easier to show off your accomplishments XD

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZidius

To those who are saying there should be in-game rewards for accumulating achievement points, let me point out that there ARE rewards for many of the achievements. There are mounts, tabards, titles ... just not for the sheer point accumulation.

And yes, I'm a total achievement whore.

March 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwildcard

About the only thing I can see Achievement points being a decent currency for are to decorate in-game housing, as a way of visually displaying the fruits of your character's actions. If in-game housing is ever added and the player is able to customize it, of course.

Even then, I think it would be a better fit to just add cosmetic display items as reward for accomplishing the task in the first place.

March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBalius

I love the system the way it is.

I wish some of the more casual achievements dropped some form of goodies. Maybe an epic meat cleaver weapon for 450 cooking, or suchlike.

On the other hand, the system as it is has me chasing things I never bothered with before: I didn't do a single battleground until achievements dropped, now pvp is my favorite part of the game.

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteryakface

I think the acheivement points should be currency. But only for vanity items such as unique pets, decorative clothing, unusual tabards, etc

June 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWilliam

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