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Getting Sucked Back In

On The Up Side, He Lasts Forever & Tastes GreatMMORPG designers are a crafty bunch.  The genre may be relatively new, but by using design philosophies from single player titles, mainly standard RPGs, the minds behind MMOGs learned to keep a players entranced quickly.  Blizzard has nearly perfected the art of retaining its player base by implementing the relatively ancient knowledge of past video games into World of Warcraft.  They don't even hide their lifting of another company's ideas, as evidenced by the blatant use of Achievements, which is their most recent addition.  In all fairness, damn near everyone from Sony to Valve is ripping that off due to Microsoft's highly praised implementation.

The massive flattery of the Achievement system is simply because it works.  The added goals, no matter how fleeting they may be, add to the longevity of any and all titles.  It was only a matter of time before MMOGs began implementing them in full force.  And what a powerful force they have become.  However, the age old catch - just gotta get this next mob/drop/quest/level - continues to drive my elongated playing sessions.

I spend most of my time during my journey to Exalted for my third Northrend faction completing the group's half dozen daily quests.  But I always queue up for various Heroic dungeons, especially those that may have some piece of gear for Solidsamm.  Being of the overpopulated DPS archetype, I often grind through the dailies, get annoyed at never finding a group in under an hour and log off for the night or afk to make dinner before the raid.  Well, that is what used to happen.  Lately, right as I go to log I get ninja invited or join this or that party/raid.

My original intention when I sign on these days is to complete an instance quickly.  Doing dailies is supposed to be the distraction during group formation.  After waiting so long, then getting ready to log, the late invites and formations can be hard to stick with.  In the end, it isn't any fault of Blizzard's that I hang around past my personal time limit.  Even after admitting that to myself, I can't shake that nagging feeling in the back of my brain that some designer in Anaheim is celebrating his small victory over my lack of willpower.  Bastard.

Anyone else have this problem?  Do you always get pulled back in when you are on your way out?  When was the last time a 20 minute session became two hours for you?  And to those of you with willpower, can I have some?  Please?  Sugar on top?

Reader Comments (14)

Yeah, I usually have this problem. I get dragged into the game for a quest chain or something. I remember when I was doing some quests in Dragonblight as horde and found out it was the quest chain for the Wrath Gate event. I literally spent a good few hours on that.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLuntiX

Same as me LuntiX! However, I did have the willpower to log off before the Undercity raid part. I had been playing for 5 hours (ran DTK and Gundrak in the first 3) >.<

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSathas

Since I truly have no social life outside of WoW, I play it ALL day. (Which is probably how I got a hunter from 1-70 in just two weeks.)

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

same thing as Xian :)

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

Well, I'm not in end-game so it's not really the same, but the essence is.
Nowadays it's really hard to find a group for instances like SM, Uldaman, ZF,... and I usely go into a queue right when I log in and don't get response for hours and then suddenly when I'm sick of questing four others guys instantly get the idea of doing that instance too.
Luckely I'm a tank, so once a group forms it's no big deal to get in.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAggrø

video game programmers have been at it for years, the games are just too much fun and it's too easy to turn 20min into 2 hours, but hey as long as you enjoyed yourself who cares eh?

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

I can quit anytime I want, man!

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

Yeah, I'm always worried that I will lose track of time, so I wear a watch while looking at both my computer clock and my wall clock (alternating) about every 30 seconds.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmmadon

This usually happens when I'm about to go to bed around midnight, and I then find myself on a 10minute flight path, I look up at the clock and it's after 4am. So yeah. =[

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I frequently find a stopping point in my quests, then spend another hour selling crap / AHing it up / leveling skills / looking for leather / etc! WoW is definitely highly addictive :)

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

I have a "winding down" session before I log off, which in theory lasts 5 minutes.

AH again.
Answering questions for guildmates.
Rounding up my usual 5-10 conversations with buddies.

I started at 9:55pm.

It is now 1:30am.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

Willpower and discipline don't come with sugar on top.
They are a salty and dusty bread.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBaro

I went on to check my mail once, just check my mail. And I ended up playing for about 12 hours (weekend)

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTenTonApe

i love people who play a lot then complain like it makes them different then the rest of us. quit or shut up and enjoy it

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZeb

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